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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and the stuff somehow got here, so that must be what they mean by getting lost in videogames and Erelah was acting kinda weird too, but I wonder if it was just an angel thing because she was cleaning things that were already clean, kinda freaked out when I was sitting on the table it it was kinda wiggly a little and she put me on the couch saying "Don't scare me like that again". Right now she was looking at stuff online and put sticky notes and some of them were really hard to read and I was trying to read one right now.


Erelah-That says "caution" honey and it's dangerous, so please don't stand so close to that corner on the table until I get a pad for it. I don't want you bumping and cracking that little head of yours.

I just took a step back and she just smiled before she saw the time and put my mom's laptop down and looked at me.

Erelah-I'm gonna get your mom ready for bed and she's just gonna be mad and grumpy about what happened after dinner, but can you do me a big favor and go to our room?

I remember after dinner when my mommy would not eat all her food, so she didn't get the home made cookies Erelah made. It was just the vegetables again and something called asparagus, but she said she gave it salt and pepper and wrapped it in bacon. I don't get why I have to go to our room when I can play out here.

(Y/N)-Why? I wanna play my games some more.

Erelah-If you do go to our room you can... Oh, i'll let you pick a movie and you can stay up after bedtime until it ends... It just has to be rated G.


I just turned off my game and went to our room while Erelah went to my mommy's room and stared at her door for a bit before she went in. I just went on Erelah's bed and it was so comfy and awesome we had the big T.V. in our room. I looked at the movies to see what sounds good, but then I heard something else.

Mommy-PUT ME DOWN!!!

Erelah-You're getting a bath even if I have to do for you during a tantrum.


My mommy really hates being told what to do and when the door closed I could still hear the fighting for a bit before it got quiet, so I guess it was all better now and I found the movie I wanted and it had a G on it, so I can watch it.

(Erelah's POV)

It was sad that a grown adult acts like a baby so much I have to force her to take a bath while she was screaming at me. It was getting on my nerves and by the time her bath was over I just got her to her room and she would not stop, so she can dress herself. I don't want to be cruel to anyone, but it's like she wants me to be because most would be fed up and leave her on the spot at her age.  I just tried to calm down and remember the vow I took for both of them before I went to go check on my son and he was watching his movie, but I paused it to get him to his bath.


I already loved the he wasn't putting up a fuss other than putting on a little pouty face when I paused his movie. The floor was soaked in water no thanks to the mother, so I wiped it with a dirty towel under my foot before I put him down and got him stripped and I felt disgusting from the last bath, so I might do a shower with him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Erelah put my clothes where my mommy's dirty clothes were, in a basket before she got her clothes off too and turned on the water and put away her wings.

Erelah-We can soak in a bath in a bit, but we're just going to do a shower first.


She picked me up and took me in the bath with her before she closed the curtain and turned the bath into a shower. She put me down and I sat at the end of the bath while she washed herself first and some of the warm water was getting on me. I just looked at her back thinking about her wings and soon she took them out to wash them. When I saw them get wet, it was almost like seeing tiny balls of water just rolling off them and when I touched her wing a bit she turned to look at me.

Erelah-*Chuckles* If you want to touch my wings, you just have to ask.

She finished cleaning them then held one out before she pulled me to her with it and put me in front of her, so all the water was getting on me, but she kept a wing in front of me and I looked to see her smiling down at me. Her wing moved a little like it was flapping and I just started to pet it.

(Erelah's POV)

This was so nice and easy. All I need to do is distract him with one of my wings and let him enjoy me massaging his head with shampoo and conditioner. He already loves it and leaned into my hands sometimes, so I tried giving his head a little scratch then...


Erelah's mind-So cute!~

I kept on going until I was sure his hair was clean then when I moved to his body I while I was scrubbing him when I got to his back I felt him lean back a bit into the scrub brush, so I tried finding places to scratch and it was behind his shoulders, the middle and lower, but when I got in between those last 2 parts.

(Y/N)-*Light gasp*.

Erelah-On no, did I hurt you?!

(Y/N)-No... Can you do that again?

I just did what he asked and he jolted a bit again before he leaned into it and I could tell how much he liked it, like he was in heaven. I kept on scrubbing him down, but soon he was getting really groggy and had moments where he slumped over himself a bout, so I just leaned him on me before I just rinsed him off. He just looked so sleepy and at bless while he was leaning back into me and I know I promised he could finish his movie, but I don't think he'll be staying up past bedtime tonight if I keep this... which I am.

Erelah-Don't you just love cuddle. Are you tired?~

(Y/N)-... No.

I could hear it in his voice that he was tired and I just sat in the water with him to let it pour down on us before I took us both out and dried us off. I carried him back to the room in a towel and my wings to keep him warm and he almost closed his eyes for a second there. While I was dressing him first he played his movie to watch it some more before I started to get dressed. I also remembered that out of his whole body, I forgot something and I was not going to let it slide, so I went into the bathroom and got something and when I found it I went back to the room.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying really hard to stay up for my movie and I think I was starting to wake up a little again. Soon Erelah came in with a washcloth and something in her hand before she got on the bed, but sat on her knees and patted her lap.


Erelah-Lay down honey. I'm gonna get those ears of yours.

(Y/N)-But I wanna watch my movie.

Erelah-You can still watch it and... you can touch my wings some more.


I just put my head on her lap and her wing got right in front of me to lay on the bed, so I can still watch my movie, but just then it stopped because of the internet, so it was quiet until I felt that thing in my ear.

(Erelah's POV)

He's been asleep for a while now, but I was just making sure his ears were in great shape before I carefully tucked him in bed with me and wrapped him in my wings to keep him close and safe. This house will be nice and safe for him in a few days, but then I thought about his mother... Reckless, irresponsible, inappropriate, irrational, and arrogant... I can't let him be exposed to her if she's not safe.

Erelah's mind-I can't just get rid of her and containing her will be just getting her more riled up and difficult.

I tried thinking of ways to make it safe around her for (Y/N) because I saw her make a disgusting and dangerous environment for (Y/N) for years. I tried to think of ways to make this work, but it was very hard.

Erelah's mind-Until I can figure something else,... she just won't be allowed near him.

She was practically grounded already, so she can come out for breakfast while I have my baby close and protected from her before she goes back in room until the next meal time. With all that figured out I just turned off the T.V. and got comfy before I went to sleep.

(No POV)

While Erelah was somewhat satisfied with her temporary plan and was cuddling and sleeping for what she practically feels like is her son, the real mom was still up and locked in her room. She was getting something ready for the moment Erelah comes to get her in the morning to get payback for "treating her like a child".

(M/N)'s mind-Let's see how you like this in the morning you chicken shit eating bitch!


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