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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was starting to get dark now and I was still being held close by Brittney and I couldn't feel any pain from the shock collar anymore then as I was watching T.V. I felt some brush against my foot and when I looked to see what it was I saw Ashley looking at me while she was purposely touching my feet with her tail and she was smiling at me.

Ashley-Mommy can I have (Y/N)?

Brittney didn't say anything as she passed me to Ashley and I was now on her lap as she was cuddling with me then Jullie quickly joined us and they both laid me down so now my head was on Jullie's lap then she started to pet my head. I was too scared to try to get back up because Brittney might zap me again. Soon, Brittney got up and left the room and went into the kitchen and that made me hungry because a lot of things sounded good right now.

Jullie-Hey (Y/N) it's almost dinner time.

Ashley-And since Hannah fed you last and mommy had you for a long time we get to feed you now.

Jullie-Isn't that nice?

I was scared of what might happen if I said no.


They seemed happy with my answer and they sat me up and they both hugged me from each side, even their tails were wrapped around me. After a while there was a delicious smell in the air and that just made me even more hungry than I already was and I just groaned.

Jullie-What's wrong (Y/N)?~

(Y/N)-I'm so hungry.

Ashley-Awww, well your big sisters are gonna take care of that.~

Just then Brittney walked into the room then picked me up and held me in her arms.

Brittney-Alright dinner's ready.

Ashley-Mommy we want to feed (Y/N).

Brittney-Alright then just go sit down and I'll put him in the middle of the 2 of you.


They both got up and ran to the kitchen and Hannah was walking in as Brittney and I were. I was put in the chair between Jullie and Ashley then Brittney went to the counter to get us plates and what she put in front of us just looked so good.

Brittney-Now what do you say 'kitten'.~

(Y/N)-Th-Thanks mommy.

I was suddenly hit with a realization right now.

(Y/N)'s mind-What did she just call me?

(Y/N)-Wait, k-k-kitten?

Brittney-Oh I just thought it would be a cute little nickname for you.

She said while cutting up my, Jullie's, and Ashley's steak then she walked to her seat with a plate for herself then they all started eating, but I couldn't since I couldn't move my arms. After everyone had a few bites in Ashley picked up my fork and got a piece of steak and held it in front of me.

Ashley-Open up kitten.~

I just looked at her and she giggled, but I was too hungry to bring it up so I took the bite and it just tasted so good. After a few bites she gave the fork to Jullie and she scooped up some of my potatoes and they held it in front of me.

Jullie-What's the magic word kitten?~


I opened my mouth and she fed the potatoes to me and the cheese, bacon, and whatever those green things are called tasted really good with the potatoes. This was so embarrassing I could feel my face getting warmer, but it was better than getting shocked. Jullie and Ashley kept on switching off after they fed me a few bites so they could eat their food and when everyone was done with dinner Brittney took all the plates.

Brittney-Alright time to get ready for bed.

Ashley-So (Y/N)'s sleeping with us tonight?

Brittney-No baby he has to go back down to the basement.

Jullie-But can we sleep with him then?

Brittney-That all depends on how he acts during bath time because he did get in trouble today.

(Brittney's POV)

I went up to (Y/N) and picked him up then I was about to take him with me to get him ready for bed, but then Jullie and Ashley walked with me.

Ashley-Can we help mommy?

Brittney-Sorry sweetie, but i'm doing this alone now go get ready for bed.

They did as I said and I made it to the bathroom in my room and I took off all the blankets and clothes on him then the shock collar and turned on the water and motioned him to get in and he did so without resisting even though I took the collar off. I started to wash him and I enjoyed every second of it and it was so cute when he was blushing.

Brittney-Don't be shy kitten, mommy is just taking care of you so there's nothing to be ashamed of.~

(Y/N)-Y-Yes mommy.

I was never gonna get tired of him calling me that and when his bath was over I let him go to the bathroom then I brushed his teeth for him and when he tried to grab something all I had to do was smack his hand. After I was satisfied with how clean he was I dressed him in some clothes then I wrapped him back up and put the collar back on him then I headed to the basement and when the other girls saw me they followed me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We all went to the basement and Brittney put me on the air mattress then I saw how creepy the basement could get, I didn't want to be alone down here.

Brittney-So kitten 1 of us can sleep down here with you, but first let's go over how you did today. You did break 1 of the rules and that was to show us love and that really hurts that you don't want to show us love in return.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please, I d-d-don't wanna b-be d-down here al-alone.

Brittney-Say you're sorry for not wanting to love us.

(Y/N)-I'm s-sorry for n-n-not w-wanting t-t-to lo-love you.

Brittney leaned closer to more until she was right in front of me.

Brittney-How sorry are you?

I did the only thing I could think of and I was desperate not to sleep in the basement alone so I gave her a kiss on the lips like before and I felt my face get warmer.

Brittney-Good boy.

Ashley/Jullie-So can we sleep with him!?

Just then Hannah crouched down and whispered something into their ears then they suddenly looked nervous.


Hannah-I'll sleep down here with kitten.~

The others left and Hannah got into bed with me and threw a blanket over us and she held me close like I was some teddy bear to her and she gave me a kiss. I felt my face get warmer then after a bit she looked mad.

Hannah-Where's my kiss?

I felt scared that she would get Brittney to shock me again so I gave her a kiss on the lips too and then she looked happy again.

Hannah-That's much better, goodnight kitten.~

She closed her eyes and held me closer and I closed my eyes too and went to sleep.

(Hannah's POV)

I felt so happy that our little kitten is finally learning and I get to sleep with him alone tonight and all of this was possible because I told Jullie and Ashley that Georgie from "IT" likes to haunt basements and bring Pennywise with him to eat children alone in the basement unless there was an adult with them and that made them too afraid to stay down here.

Hannah's mind-Suckers.


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