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((Y/N)'s POV)

Brittney was taking me out to the living room and I saw Jullie and Ashley run up to us or rather me.

Ashley-Mommy can we have (Y/N), can we, can we pleeeease?

Jullie-We want a turn!

Brittney-Ok girls, but I don't think you 2 carry him yet so just sit on the couch with him.


Brittney walked over to the couch and set me down on the couch and Jullie and Ashley wasted no time and jumped on the couch and wrapped themselves around me then Brittney left us smiling. Jullie started playing with my hair for some reason while Ashley just kissed my cheek.

Jullie-Does this feel good (Y/N)?~

I was afraid of what might happen if I said no because of this collar I have on so I just did what I thought was safe and got punished already.


Ashley-See, is it much better for us to love and take care of you?~

Jullie-And speaking of love, where's ours (Y/N)?

They both got up in my face and just gave them both a kiss on the cheek and my face got warmer with each kiss.

Ashley-Not where was I hoping, but it works for now.

They went back to snuggling up to me and they both played with my hair for a while then Hannah came in eating something while holding a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich on it.

My mouth water a bit when I saw the food and I was a little hungry, but the only problem I had is that I knew she was gonna want to feed it to me.

Hannah-You hungry little bro?~

(Y/N)-A l-little.

Hannah-*Giggle* Well you heard him girls off, it's my turn now.~


They got off of me then Hannah picked me up in one of her arms and sat on the couch with me in her lap and grabbed one of the grilled cheese slices and held it up to me.

Hannah-Ok (Y/N) open up and say ahh.~

I opened my mouth so she could put it in my mouth, but she wasn't giving it to me.

Hannah-I'm not hearing anything.


She put it in my mouth and I took a bite out of it and every time I wanted to take another bite she would make me do the same thing again. The whole time I was completely embarrassed while she looked happy and I finally finished both slices.

Hannah-Did you like (Y/N)?


Hannah-So then where is my little thank you present for cooking for you and feeding you.~

She held me closer to her face and I just gave her a quick kiss on the cheek like I did with Ashley and Jullie, but she didn't seem happy with it.

Hannah-That's all I get? I slave over a hot stove for you and all I get is a little peck!

I kissed her on the cheek again, but this time I did it longer and my face got even warmer and when I was done she still didn't look that happy.

Hannah-Better, but for future reference I don't want it on the cheek.

(Brittney's POV)

I just heard what Hannah said out in the living while I was making something for myself and he's a work in progress right now so he doesn't need to be punished right now, but if he doesn't improve then I'll have to. I finished making my grilled cheese for lunch with a pitcher of freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade and I poured some into my cup and I also poured one for my baby boy and put the pitcher in the fridge.

I grabbed my cup and plate and I put the other cup on the plate and carefully balanced it so it wouldn't ruin my grilled cheese. When I got out there I put the cup down first then grabbed the cup that was on the plate before I finally put my grilled cheese and while I was eating and watching my show criminal minds I caught (Y/N) looking at the second cup of strawberry lemonade while being cuddled by Hannah and I thought of ways I could milk this.

Brittney-Awww, you want some strawberry lemonade baby?~

(Y/N)-Y-Y-Yes please.

I quickly finished what was left of my grilled cheese then took a sip out of my strawberry lemonade.

Brittney-You want to snuggle with me to get?~

I saw his cheeks turn red and I smiled at this.

Brittney-Hannah sweetie let me borrow (Y/N) for a moment, i'm gonna teach him something.

I said while pulling out the shock collars remote out of my pocket and placed it on the table and (Y/N) looked a little shaken up which is what I wanted. Hannah got up and placed (Y/N) on my lap and I propped him while holding his glass of strawberry lemonade in front of him.

Brittney-Now (Y/N) don't you think it was a little unfair that you only gave Hannah a small kiss on her cheek after she put in effort to make you a good grilled cheese sandwich?

(Y/N)-But I-I c-can't do a l-lot like th-this.

Brittney-You still could've done more, but you didn't and now I want you to show me the kind of love you're gonna show for now on and if it's good you get a treat.

He seemed hesitant at first, but he leaned forward to me and just when he was about to give me a kiss he froze just an inch away and I was not happy with this.

Brittney-(Y/N) you just broke a rule, bad boy.

I put down his glass on the table and grabbed the remote and he (Y/N) looked at me with pleading eyes, but I can't stop now or he'll never learn.

Brittney-Are you scared (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-Pl-Pl-Please i'm s-s-s-sorry, i'll d-d-do it this t-t-time I swear!

Brittney-Begging won't stop it baby, but remember this hurts me more than it hurts you and you have to learn your lesson.

I pressed the button and held it for 3 seconds and (Y/N) closed his eyes in pain, but it was that high up on voltage to what I set it to so instead of screaming he started...


Brittney-Are you ready to be a good boy now?

He nodded yes as he tried to stop crying.

Brittney-So what are you gonna do now to be a good boy again?

He came up to me again and this time he kissed me on the lips like I wanted him to and I could still hear his sniffles as he pulled away.

Brittney-Good boy, now go back with your big sister.

I passed him back to Hannah and she gladly took him then I gave her the glass of strawberry lemonade and she held the glass against his lips.

Hannah-Here's you treat baby.~

He looked at me and I think he was still hesitant so I waved the remote a bit to 'encourage' him and he started drinking it and I was now enjoying this adorable site. My oldest daughter was giving our new baby a drink and he just looked so dependent right now. When she was done she gave (Y/N) to me and went to the kitchen and came back with some strawberry lemonade for herself then Jullie and Ashley came back from playing outside and saw the drink in Hannah's hand. They then went to the kitchen to probably look for the strawberry lemonade and soon they came in with a glass of their own and I just put on (F/C) (favorite cartoon) on for the kids and we all just sat on the couch together and watched T.V. while I got some time to snuggle with my baby, I thought of a new nickname for him.

Brittney's mind-My precious little 'kitten'.~


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