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((Y/N)'s POV)

Brittney was taking me somewhere while the others were following behind her then went into Brittney's room then I saw some kind of collar on her bed and I realized that it was meant for me since we didn't have a pet.

She put me on the bed then she grabbed the collar and put it around my neck and I could feel 2 metal pieces pressing against the side of my neck and I felt nervous and confused.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are y-y-you d-doing?

Brittney-This is gonna help you learn honey. Whenever you're a bad boy and break the rules or say something you're not supposed to, we're just gonna give you a little 'encouragement' to be a good boy again.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please t-take th-this off!

Brittney-Baby just calm down, we don't want to hurt you, but if you're not gonna follow the rules then you have to learn.

Hannah-You just have to be a good boy and we'll take it off the collar and blankets when we know you won't try to leave or replace us.

Ashley-Just relax and don't resist us and everything will be fine.

(Brittney's POV)

My baby looked so cute when they were a little scared, but as much as I wanted to admire him like this all day I wanted to start teaching him.

Brittney-Ok sweetie here are the rules: no trying to escape, no talking to anyone, but us for any reason, no yelling at us, and no resisting our love in any way and that involves you not letting us feed you or giving you a bath, etc. or you get punished. Understand?


Brittny-Yes what?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes m-m-mommy.

I felt the same good feeling I always do when he calls me that and since we're here I might as well make that a rule.

Brittney-Good and I want you to start calling me mommy more often now.~


I gave him a look that showed that I was not happy with him to hopefully correct him.


I went back to having a smile on my face.

Brittney-Next is that until we can trust you enough to not scream for help you'll be sleeping down stairs at night and if you want one of us to stay with you then you're gonna have to ask and see what we have to say and eventually you'll only have to sleep down there if you've been extra bad.

Hannah-Every once in a while you'll show us some affection after we worked so hard to take care of you.


Brittney-You know gives us a kiss, a hug, you can snuggle up to us or whatever you come up with as long as it's cute, but if you go too long without showing any us affection that counts as being bad.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't believe what was happening. They put me in a collar, tell me that I can't talk to anyone, but them and act cute or I get punished and there's still more than that. I suddenly thought of myself doing something that was embarrassing, but they would think it was cute then my face started to get warm and they all giggled at me.

Brittney-What are you blushing for cutie pie?~


They all giggled again then Brittney rubbed her tail on one of my cheeks and made my face even hotter. I felt so embarrassed and helpless. I couldn't even hide my face even though I really wanted to because my arms are trapped in the blanket.

Brittney-I think it's time I gave you your morning bath.

When she said that the temperature of my face just went up higher. I had an idea and right now I was desperate.

(Y/N)-D-D-D-Do I-I-I g-get to t-t-take it b-b-b-by my-my-myself?

Brittney-Well of course not baby, we said we'll be doing everything for you and we meant it.


She suddenly held up the remote to the shock collar with a mad look on her face and I just froze.

Brittney-No buts except yours in the bath.


She was still holding the remote with that look on her face then I knew what she wanted.


She finally put the remote, then she stood up with me in her arms.

Brittney-Alright girls, leave while I give your brother a bath.

Jullie/Ashley-But we wanted to help.

Brittney-You 2 can feed him something later for lunch.


They all finally left then Brittney took me to her bathroom and started to fill the tub up with water then she peeled the duct tape off the blanket then unwrapped me.

Brittney-Just so you know i'm taking the shock collar off, but when your bath is done it's going back on.

(Y/N)-Y-Y-Yes mommy.

She then started to take off all my clothes and she took off the collar for last and I never felt so embarrassed in my life. I was standing in front of someone with no clothes on! She pointed in the bath then I got in and sat down then she left the bathroom then quickly came back with a cup. She got some water while it was coming down from that pipe then poured it on my head and she did that a couple of times and when I was completely wet I reached for some soap, but then she slapped my hands from it and she looked mad again.

Brittney-What do you think you're doing?

(Y/N)-I w-was ju-just getting-.

Brittney-'We' do 'everything' for 'you' so that also means you don't wash yourself because that's my job.

I just looked down in defeat and closed my eyes and waited for her to wash me.

(Brittney's POV)

(Y/N)'s still having trouble with the rules, but he'll learn to follow them. I just felt so happy right then I put some shampoo in my hands then started scrubbing his head and I forgot how good this felt. I haven't done this since when Jullie and Ashley were babies and it was even more cute because he's blushing right now.

Brittney-Alright baby lean back a little.

He did what I said and I got the cup and filled it up with water from the faucet then poured it on his head and I did it again and again until all the soap was out of his hair. Now that his hair was washed it was time to move onto his body so I grabbed the body scrub sponge and put some soap on it and he was gonna smell like flowers since he was using my soap now. I started to scrub his body and sometimes I would feel him shiver a bit as I scrubbed him throughout his 'entire' body.

Brittney-Just relax honey it's almost over now.~

When I was done I poured more water on him until all the soap was off then I took him him and dried him off myself and he smelled soooo good.~ Then I got him dressed into some plain clothes then I wrapped him back up in the blankets and secured it with a few buckle straps that I have left over from putting things up in storage instead so we wouldn't have to keep on using duct tape.

Then I brushed his hair until I found a way I like it the most and finally put the shock collar back on. I looked at (Y/N) to admire him and my work.

Brittney-Alright (Y/N), let's go see the others and remember to be a good boy and follow the rules we told you ok.

(Y/N)-O-Ok mom-mommy.

Brittney's mind-Oh (Y/N) you have no idea how happy this makes me right now, you just look so cute wrapped up like that right now and the best part is that now there's nobody else that can admire you, but us!~


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