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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up from what must've been a nightmare, but then I realized that I wasn't in any of their rooms and I was wrapped in blankets so I couldn't move and I was all alone.

(Y/N)'s mind-That wasn't a dream, it was real?!

I tried to break free from the blankets then I heard a door open and I saw Hannah, Brittney, Ashley, and Jullie come down the stairs and Hannah was holding a small plate with a cinnamon bun while Brittney had a baby bottle full of milk in her hand.

Brittney-Morning baby.~

(Y/N)-L-Let me g-go, please!

Brittney-Awww, sorry baby, but we can't trust you to move around right now.~

They all sat on the bed I was on and they were all smiling at me and for some reason that just made them more creepy. Hannah came closer to me and used a fork to cut off a piece of the cinnamon bun and held it closer to me.

Hannah-Open wide (Y/N).~

I just stared at her frozen and had no idea what to do.

Hannah-I said open.

I just did what she said before she started to get mad and she fed me the cinnamon bun then this repeated until it was all gone then Brittney came up to me with the bottle.

(Y/N)-P-Please let m-me go, what d-d-did I d-do wrong?

Brittney-Exactly, you don't know what you did wrong and that's what we're gonna teach you, now open up.

(Y/N)-What a-are-?


I did what she said then she put the bottle in my mouth and I felt so embarrassed that I was being fed by a bottle and I could feel my face heating up.

(Brittney's POV)

I can't even describe how happy I am, with all those sluts gone, my baby is all ours again, and now i'm bottle feeding him and he just looks soooo cute!~ I started to run my fingers through his hair and then he was blushing even deeper now and we were all entranced by it, but then we heard our doorbell ring and I was mad that someone was ruining this moment.

Brittney-Jullie sweetie, feed your brother while I go handle this.


She took over then I went upstairs to the front door and when I opened it it was a police officer and when I looked at his name tag it said Thanatos.

Thanatos-Hello ma'am we got reports from a disappearance of a family in this neighborhood and me and 15 others are searching house to house for any leads, I need to come in and check.

I had to play it cool and think carefully because if I kill him and try to leave the other cops will surely stop me and take my baby and daughters away, but I just need some time to think.

Brittney-Ok, come on in.

He came in and started searching and I felt worried, but I was good at hiding it.

Thanatos-So have you noticed anyone acting strange or seen something that looked suspicious at all lately?

Brittney-Sorry, but i'm more focused on my daughters ever since my husband was murdered by a burglar 8 days ago.*Sniffle* They didn't catch whoever did it.

Thanatos-I'm sorry for your loss.

Brittney-It's not your fault, i'm Brittney by the way.

Thanatos-Nice to meet you, I'll be out of here soon.

Brittney's mind-But it would be nice if you left right now.

(Thanatos's POV)

(Short Timeskip)

I was almost done searching the house and so far there was nothing and this neko woman kept following me everywhere, all that was left was a room left at the end of the hall and when I opened it I saw a staircase leading down stairs and the lights were on.

Thanatos-Is anyone down here?

Brittney-It's just my basement full of junk officer, you can just skip this room.

Thanatos-I need to search this room as well ma'am.

I walked down the stairs and what I saw was what I couldn't believe. There was 1 teenage girl neko and 2 two little girl nekos on an air mattress with a little boy trapped in blankets and duct tape.

Thanatos-Nobody move!

???-Mommy who's that?!

I was about to report what I saw, but then the neko woman quickly ran right in front of me.

Brittney-Wait, please, I-I-I... I can pay you!

Thanatos-No deal lady!

Brittney-I'll give you a billion dollars!

I froze when she said that and I thought about my situation at home, we were over a million in debt from the hospital, school, bills, etc. and I still have to feed my family while rent is coming up and this could be the golden opportunity to solve all of my problems, but that would mean leaving this kid behind. Could I do that?

Brittney-Please, we're not hurting him, just take the money and keep this a secret!

???-P-Please g-g-get me out of h-here!

I looked at the boy and felt sorry for him. I had 2 choices, save the boy or stop my family's suffering and after a bit of thinking I made my decision.

Thanatos-Sorry kid, but I got my family to think about.

Just then I heard my radio go off.

Chief-All units I so far found nothing, what did you find?

Everyone checked in and reported they found nothing and I guess there's no turning back now.

Thanatos-All clear.

The look the boy was giving me was looking into my soul and I couldn't even look at him anymore.

Brittney-Thank you.

Thanatos-Just give me the money you promised!

She led me back up stairs and we went onto a computer and we both put our account info. in and when I saw what she had in her account she practically gave me pocket change from what she had, but she transferred the one billion dollars to my account and I left the house feeling ashamed from what I just did, but I can't tell anyone about this since I just helped them out.

(Brittney's POV)

I was relieved that it all went smoothly and I went back down to the basement and I wasn't too happy with (Y/N) because of what he said earlier.

Brittney-(Y/N), why did you want to leave?


Brittney-This is what we need to teach you, you need to learn that you don't need anybody else, but us and I helped you out by getting rid of all those distractions.


Brittney-Like that little tramp Lilly and all the others the touched you with their 'filthy' hands, but it's ok because they're all gone now and you made it clear that you needed to be taught how to behave.

(Y/N)-Wh-What d-d-d-did you d-do t-t-t-to them?

Hannah-Stop asking about those thots, all they ever did was corrupt you and tried to steal you from us!

Brittney-And it's clear it's not safe for you to move around freely so we're only letting you out only for you to use the bathroom or if we give you a bath.

Ashley-So now you don't have to lift a finger because we'll do everything for you.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so many emotions right now that I didn't know what to think or feel anymore.

(Y/N)-Why m-me?

Brittney-We wanted to adopt someone for a long time.

Jullie-But our daddy wouldn't let us.

When she said that I instantly realized that it had to be that man from those paintings and that picture that I found.

Ashley-He never cared about us, but we still looked around for someone.

Hannah-Then we found you, an innocent little boy suffering at the orphanage.

Brittney-When we got home so did my 'husband' and this time he crossed the line so-.

Jullie-Mommy got rid of him and then we all wanted you.

Brittney-But that's enough talk so now let's get this day going because you got a lot to learn young man.

I was speechless from what they all said and I also had a bad feeling in my stomach then Brittney picked me up then we all started heading upstairs and I had a feeling this was gonna be a long day.


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