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(Hannah's POV)

Mom just left the house with the taser and a knife to take care of some 'business' with the girls that messed around with what was ours. Jullie, Ashley, and I were about to relax then we realized something.

Hannah-Where's (Y/N)?

Jullie-I think he's in the bathroom or something.

Hannah-I'm gonna go check, help me look.

We all got up and I started by searching both of the bathrooms, but (Y/N) wasn't in either one of them so I went on my phone and check on the cameras outside to see if he was out there, but still no sign of him, but just to make sure that he's not outside...

Hannah-Jullie, Ashley, go look around outside and see if you can find him.


They left and I continued to search around the house and I started to panic for my lost little brother. After I searched almost the whole house there was only the basement that I haven't checked and when I opened the door I saw that the lights were on down stairs.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on finding pictures of this man that was dressed fancy and some of the pictures had the others in them then I heard a door open. I turned to look who it was then I saw Hannah walking down the stairs and when she walked up in front of me she had her arms crossed and she didn't look happy.

Hannah-What are you doing down here (Y/N), you had us worried sick!

(Y/N)-S-Sorry Hannah, b-but who i-is this g-g-guy?

I pointed to the biggest painting in the room with that guy and all of them in it and she just gave me a blank look, but I had a feeling that she was angry.

Hannah-I told you this before, he's nothing special.

(Y/N)-B-But then why i-is there a lot o-of p-p-paintings o-of him with y-you guys?

She looked straight down and her arms fell straight down and just then Jullie and Ashley came down and saw what was happening and they didn't look happy either.

Ashley-What are you doing down here (Y/N)?

The way she said it was so cold and I was starting to get a little more nervous than usual.

Hannah-Come here now (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Am, am I i-in tr-trou-?

Hannah-Come. Here. Now.

I felt scared of her now, no not just her, Jullie and Ashley looked scary to and my body acted on it's own and backed away and that just made Hannah more angry.  She started walking towards me and I felt so scared of her now then I just ran behind more of the boxes to get around her and get out of here and it worked until when I got to the stairs Jullie and Ashley were blocking them then I felt Hannah grab me.

Hannah-Bad boy, you don't run away from your big sister, now you're going down for a nap!

She carried me upstairs and I tried to break free, but she wouldn't let go. She took me to Jullie and Ashley's room and threw me on the bed.

Hannah-You 2 hold him down, i'll be right back.

Jullie and Ashley did what she said and she left the room as I tried to get up, but they had me pinned down on the bed and Ashley covered my mouth with her hand. Soon Hannah came back and she had a pill in her hand along with a cup of water then she put the pill on the table and crushed it until it almost looked like powder and she swept it off the table and into her hand then picked the cup up again.

Hannah-Open his mouth.

Ashley let go of my mouth only to grab it again and forced it open then Hannah poured in the crushed pill into my mouth along with some water then they quickly closed my mouth.

Hannah-Swallow it.

I didn't listen to her as I tried to spit it out.

Hannah-I said swallow!

I felt tears going down my face then I accidentally swallowed then they all finally let go of my mouth.

(Y/N)-L-Let me go!

Hannah-You've been a bad boy.

Jullie-Just wait until mommy gets home.

Ashley-When she hears about this, she'll choose how to punish you.

I kept on trying to break free, but soon I started to feel tired and my eyes were hard to keep open until I couldn't keep them open anymore and everything went black.

(Brittney's POV)

(Timeskip to midnight)

I just got back home from taking care of 'business' and  I made sure to completely cover up my tracks. Now there was no one left to try to take away my son now, but when I finally walked in I saw the girls in the living room and they looked like something just happened.

Hannah-Mom, we have a problem.

Brittney-What is it?

Jullie-(Y/N) tried to run away!


Ashley-He went down to the basement and saw all daddy's old stuff we put down there.

Brittney-Where is he?

Jullie-In our room and we wrapped him up in a few blankets and used duct tape to hold it since we didn't have any rope.

I went to Jullie and Ashley's room and they all followed me then I saw (Y/N) asleep in a thick blanket burrito wrapped in some duct tape.

Ashley-So what's gonna be his punishment mommy?

I thought it over for a bit then I came up with an idea that I liked.

Brittney-No punishment, but will all just teach him how to behave.

Jullie-What are we gonna do?

Brittney-First thing we have to clear up a spot in the basement for him and make it a little cozy, but not too much.

We all then went down to the base and cleared out a corner by just crushing and cramming our pictures with my 'husband' into one part of the room then covered it all up with sheets. For the corner we just pumped up an air mattress with a pillow then we finally brought (Y/N) down and kept him wrapped up in the blankets so he couldn't move and feel completely helpless which is what we want and before we left for bed we all took one final look at him since he was gonna stay down here and he looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping. We all went up stairs and I took a shower to get this blood off me then turned off all the lights before we all finally got into bed.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-Now that all those bitches are in hell where they belong we just need to teach you how to be a good boy (Y/N).~

Hannah's mind-I can't wait until you wake up (Y/N) then you can learn how to behave and I can have the little brother we always wanted!~

Jullie's mind-No fair, (Y/N) should be sleeping with us tonight!

Ashley's mind-Jullie and I were the ones that tied him up, he should be in here!


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