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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to be met with Ashley's eyes looking at me very closely and I felt my face getting warmer and she giggled at me.

Ashley-Good morning (Y/N).~

I tried to move to get a bit further from her or at least get my hands to cover my face, but that just caused Hannah and Brittney to hold me tighter.

Hannah-Don't move.

Brittney-We're all so comfortable right now.~

Hannah-Just relax and snuggle with us for a while longer.~

At first I still tried to get out, but then they all started to look mad so I finally stayed still and we stayed like this until my stomach growled.

Brittney-You hungry baby?~

(Y/N)-Please d-d-don't c-call me b-baby.

They all laughed a little before they finally got off of me and we started taking down the fort we slept in and putting all the pillows, blankets, and chairs while Brittney went to the kitchen to make something for breakfast. When we were done I tried to leave the room, but then someone grabbed my shoulder and when I turned around I saw it was Jullie.

Jullie-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-To the b-bathroom.

Jullie-Ok, but come back here when you're done.

I went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower real fast since I felt all sweaty from all of them piling onto me and when I got out and got dressed I went back out to the living room and just then Brittney came in.

Brittney-Hey girls I was thinking and let's just go out to eat.

Hannah-Where are we going?

Brittney-There's this new cafe a couple of blocks away so all of you get ready.

They all went down the hall to get ready while I just stayed in the living room by myself and it was nice to finally have some time to myself since this was the first time I've been alone since I got here.

(Brittney's POV)

After I took a nice relaxing shower I got dressed and took (Y/N)'s wrist leash with me out to the living room, but then I saw he was wearing a plain gray shirt and I didn't like it.

Brittney-Sweetie, why are you wearing a plain shirt after I said we were going out?

(Y/N)-I th-thought that i-it would b-b-be ok.

Brittney-Well it not, come on (Y/N) it's obvious you need your mother to dress you.

I took his hand and brought him to my room so I could pick out something I wanted him to wear and after a while of going through the closet I found a shirt that I thought looked good.

I then showed it to him and he gave me the cutest little blush.

Brittney-Awwww, put it on honey.~

(Y/N)-C-Can I just pl-pl-please wear this sh-shirt i'm w-wearing?

Brittney-No (Y/N), now put this shirt on or am I gonna have to dress you?

Brittney's mind-Not that I don't have a problem with that.

(Y/N)-Ok, I'll p-put it on.

Brittney-Thanks sweetie.

I loved his submissive nature, if only he wouldn't show it to others that weren't us. He got dressed and we waited for a bit before the other girls to get ready then we all went to the car. When we arrived at the new cafe there was a sign when you walk in that says "Please seat yourself" so we went to a boothe and made sure that (Y/N) was sitting in the corner of it so nobody walking by would get close to him. We looked at the menus that were already at the table and I helped (Y/N) order as well and then a waitress came by.

Waitress-Hello, are you all ready to order.

We all told her our order then I saw her eyeballing my son and that made me feel mad.

Brittney-Is there something wrong?

Waitress-Oh sorry I just couldn't take my eyes off that shirt your boy is wearing, I think it's sweet.

Brittney-Well i'm sure you have a lot of work to do, so don't let us keep you.

She finally left and then (Y/N) tried to leave our table.

Hannah-(Y/N) what are you doing?

(Y/N)-I need t-to go to the b-b-bathroom.

Brittney-Ok, but I'm going with you to wait outside the door with you.


I took him with me to go to the bathroom and waited outside the door for him until he came out. I took his hand again and headed back to our table, but then we bumped into some lady and (Y/N) fell on the ground letting go of my hand.

Woman-Oh sorry little boy.

(Y/N) was already blushing and I quickly grabbed his hand when he stood up.

(Y/N)-I-it's ok.

Woman-Awww, you're blushing that's so cute.~

She reached into her purse and pulled out a small Reese's mini butter cup and gave it to him and he wasted no time unwrapping it and he ate it. I felt even more angry that my baby boy just accepted something that wasn't from me or my girls.

Woman-Enjoy kid.

She then knelt down and gave (Y/N) a kiss on the top of his head and now I felt beyond angry, but I just barely managed to let myself lash out.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt my face heat up even more from that lady kissing the top of my head then Brittney started walking back to the table and she was squeezing my hand a little tighter than she was before. We sat back down at our table and for some reason they all looked a little angry.

(Y/N)-Uh g-guys are y-you o-ok?

Hannah-We're. fine.

Just then the waitress lady came with our food.

Waitress-Hey you all go, enjoy.

She passed us all our food to us and she gave me my breakfast bowl last.

It looked so good so I grabbed my fork, but before I could take a bite Brittney slapped her credit card on the table.

Brittney-We would like to take our food to go actually.

Waitress-Ok then, i'll be right back with your card and some to-go boxes.

The waitress left and I took this time to get a few bites in before she came back and when she did Brittney and Hannah packed up all the food into the to-go boxes and Brittney got her card back then we left. I ate some more in the car on the way home and everyone was quiet except for the radio, but I just stayed silent as well while I ate. When we got home I just got done eating so I threw it away in the trash outside before I went inside and saw that everyone looked angry while just standing in the kitchen and I didn't want to get caught up in that so I'll just hide somewhere until they cool down. I quietly went down the hallway to try to think of a place to hide that wasn't their rooms or the bathroom, but that only left...

(Y/N)'s mind-The basement.

I went to where I remembered where the basement was and turned on a light which lit up the whole basement which made it less scary. I closed the door and tiptoed down the stairs and I saw a lot of things covered by sheets and I was curious to see what was under them so I lifted up a random sheet and I found a painting of that man that I found a small picture of when I first got here and Hannah threw it away.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who is this guy?

I searched through some other sheets and found more paintings of the same man until I saw a huge sheet and instead of lifting it up I pulled it off and I saw a painting of that man, but Brittney, Hannah, Jullie, and Ashley were in this one.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is this guy their dad or something, but where is he?

(Brittney's POV)

Brittney-Girls i'm going out tonight to 'solve' all of our 'problems', *sigh* just keep an eye on (Y/N) and make sure he doesn't go outside.



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