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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was awake for what felt like an hour now and I think Hannah was asleep now because she was quiet. I tried to get free which was gonna be difficult because she wrapped both of her arms around me kinda tightly, but I slowly wiggle and that made her stir. Then I waited a little before I tried again and this repeated 3 times before I was finally free and I quietly left her room and closed the door. Then I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, but then I was suddenly picked up and when I turned to see who it was I saw Brittney.

Brittney-Aren't you supposed to be in bed with Hannah?

(Y/N)-I w-was just thirsty.

Brittney-Well then you're staying with me.

(Y/N)-C-Can y-y-you put me d-down please?


She grabbed a cup and filled it with water then gave it to me and we went to the living room. She sat down with me on her lap then wrapped her tail around me as I drank my water and she put on (F/C) (favorite cartoon) for me. After a few episodes I heard a door fly open from down the hall then Hannah ran into the living room and her tail and cat ears looked a little fluffy not only that she looked a little mad.

Hannah-Why did you leave?!

(Y/N)-I-I w-w-was j-just thirsty.

Brittney-Hannah, just calm down.

Hannah took a few deep breaths before her cat ears and tail weren't as fluffy anymore then she came and sat down on the couch with us then Jullie came in and saw me.

Jullie-Hey Ashley, (Y/N)'s out here!

She sat next to Brittney then laid her head on my lap then Ashley came in and sat down next to Hannah.

(Y/N)-Can I h-have some t-t-time to m-m-myself?


Jullie-Why do you want to be alone?

Ashley-Don't you love us?


(Y/N)'s mind-Where did that come from?

Brittney held on to me a little tighter and moved me into a position where she was cradling me for some reason.

(Brittney's POV)

I couldn't stop thinking about how my precious boy was holding hands with that mistake and it made me so mad, but holding (Y/N) like this did make me feel a little better. We all just sat there in the living room all day and had snacks then it started to get dark. Then I had an idea that should make (Y/N) love me more than some skank that just shows up at our doorstep. I passed (Y/N) to Hannah then headed to the kitchen.

Jullie-What are you getting this time mommy?

Brittney-It's a surprise honey.

(Hannah's POV)

Mom went to the kitchen and it felt nice to cradle (Y/N), it was like he really was my baby brother. We continued to (F/C) for a while and then I heard a loud whistling coming from the kitchen so I knew mom was boiling water for something. Later she came back in and put 2 cups of hot chocolate with a little plate on the table then went back to the kitchen and came back with 2 more cups and she didn't hold back because they all looked good and we each grabbed one.

I let (Y/N) down and we all sat down around the coffee table and we were all waiting for our hot chocolate to cool down, but we all ate our cookie sticks. Ashley suddenly got up and grabbed the remote off the couch.

Ashley-Mommy can I put on a movie?

Mom-As long as everyone agrees.


She went to our many downloaded movies and searched "The Polar Express".

Jullie-Oh yeah, let's watch that!

Hannah-Not the time of the year yet, but i'll watch it.

Mom-What about you (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-I n-ever w-watched this m-m-movie b-b-before.

Ashley-Well you are now!

Jullie-Trust me you'll love it!

Ashley played the movie and we started to take small sips of out hot chocolate and I saw that (Y/N) had some whip cream on his lip and he looked so cute. I took this moment to grab his napkin then turned his head towards me.

Hannah-(Y/N) you have some whip cream on your lip, here let me get that for you real fast.~

I whipped his face real fast and he went back to watching the movie and this repeated a few times during the movie and I enjoyed taking care of my little brother everytime.

Hannah's mind-I just wish he would realize that he only needs us and that everyone is just trying to TAKE HIM AWAY FROM OUR LOVING ARMS!!!

When the movie was over we were all finished with our hot chocolate and we all put them in the sink and mom and I washed them while we heard (Y/N) laughing for some reason in the living room. When we were done we went back out into the living room.

((Y/N)'s POV)


Jullie, Ashley and I were just listening to the music of the credits while they were holding onto both of my arms and leaning their heads on me. Their ears were against my neck and when one of them flicked them it kinda tickled and I let a small giggle slip out and they both looked at me. They smiled and went back to the way they were and they tickled me with their ears until I fell to the floor then they tickled me with their hands and I was bursting out with laughter.

Brittney-Alright kids time for bed.

Jullie-Oh oh, can we all sleep out here tonight!

Ashley-Yeah then we can sleep with (Y/N) at once!


Brittney and Hannah smiled at this as well as Ashley and Jullie.

Hannah-I'm in.

Brittney-It should be fun.

Before I could say a word they all left and came back with pillows and blankets.

(Y/N)-Can I j-just sleep a-alone t-t-tonight?


I already knew they were gonna say that, why did I even bring anything up? I helped out with making the fort we were gonna sleep in tonight and when we were done Jullie and Ashley dragged me inside with Brittney and Hannah following behind us. They threw me in the middle of the fort and Brittney and Hannah quickly took both sides of me then Ashley laid on top of me with her head on my chest and Jullie piled onto her sideways while throwing the blanket over us.

Ashley-G'night (Y/N).

Brittney-Sweet dreams baby.~

Jullie-Goodnight little brother.

Hannah-We love you (Y/N).~

(Y/N)-G-G-Goodnight, l-love you t-t-too.

I tried to get a bit more comfortable considering my 2 neko sisters were piled on top of me then when I was comfy enough I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but I did have one thought on my mind.

(Y/N)'s mind-I wish I could have just some time alone.


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