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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were walking around the park playing games and going on rides all day then it started to get dark and cold. I started to shiver a bit then I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw it was Brittney.

Brittney-Are you cold honey?~

(Y/N)-A little.

She took off the wrist leash of me then she took off her sweater and put it on me then she put the wrist leash back on.

Brittney-Is that better sweetie?~

(Y/N)-Yes, th-thank you.

Brittney-Thank you what?

(Y/N)-Thank you m-mommy.

Brittney-Anything for you sweetie.~

She squealed a little bit when I said that. I know she loves it, but to me it just makes me feel a little weird whenever I call her that, but at least this sweater was covering up this embarrassing shirt. We went to one of the small restaurants to get some food since it was around dinner time for us and we sat down in a booth and Brittney took off the leash. We all looked at the menu then when we decided what we were gonna get and I ordered a chile cheese dog with french fries while everyone else got something else, but Brittney let us get milk shakes so I got the s'mores milkshake and the others got something else then the waiter took the menus and left.

(Jullie's POV)

This was mostly a good day, other than that mistake that tried to put her hands all over my brother this day was the best day ever. 'Daddy' never took us to places like this unless the media was watching him and even then we didn't feel comfortable with all those cameras watching us.

Brittney-Alright, since it's getting late, after dinner we're going home.

Hannah-Ok, i'm getting tired anyway.

(Y/N)-Me too.


Just then I saw something in the corner of my eye and it was 'Lilly'. That thot and her parents sat down at a booth 2 down from where we were sitting then for some reason she walked over here then when she saw us she stopped in front of our table.

Lilly-Hey guys!


Lilly-So is this you mom and other sister (Y/N)?

Mommy-(Y/N), who is this?

(Y/N)-This is L-L-Lilly, remember the g-girl that l-lives d-down the street.


Mommy-Uh... hello.

Just then we saw the waiter come with what looked like our food then stopped over at our table.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The waiter just came to our table and Lilly stepped out of his way.

Hannah-Well it was nice meeting you, but we're about to eat so this is goodbye.

Lilly-Ok, bye.

Before Lilly left she pulled me into a hug then left waving me goodbye and I could feel my face heat up. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my food being set down in front of me and it looked so good then it made me feel more hungry and I could feel my mouth water.

I instantly started eating my chile cheese dog and it tasted so good and before I was done with it I had a few of my french fries, but then I saw the others eating their food a little slow and they would look at me for a second then back to their food, but I just shrugged it off and grabbed the tooth pick and ate the marshmallow from my milkshake then started drinking it.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-That brat has got some nerve touching MY SON!!!

Hannah's mind-How dare that mistake TOUCH!!! MY!!! LITTLE!!! BROTHER!!!

Jullie's mind-That schanck is gonna pay for putting her filthy hands on my brother!

Ashley's mind-I thought I told that tramp to stay away from my brother, next time i'll be more thorough with her!

(Ashley's POV)

We all ate what we could then we took the rest to go and when we were leaving the restaurant I saw (Y/N) smiling at something and when I looked to see what it was I saw that it was 'Lilly' waving goodbye to him and what I saw next made my tail puff up, he was waving back and blushing at her! The others saw this too and mommy didn't put the leash back on (Y/N) and just grabbed his hand and we started walking faster. We left the park and went to the car then Hannah took (Y/N) to the front seat with her and put him on her lap then mommy started driving home. I felt so angry and so did everyone else besides (Y/N), the whole ride so far was just silence until (Y/N) decided to break it.


Mommy-What is it honey?

(Y/N)-If w-we're n-not doing anything t-t-tomorrow, can I g-go over t-to Lilly's house t-to play?

When he said that I felt my blood boil and Jullie had the expression I had, but I also felt a little hurt.

Ashley's mind-Why would (Y/N) say such a thing?!

Mommy-No baby.

(Y/N)-B-But why?

Hannah-Because tomorrow we're all gonna stay home and relax.

Mommy-Yeah, that.

(Y/N)-Then c-c-can L-Lilly come o-over and p-play?


He flinched a little then Hannah pulled him closer to her and the silence in the car came back until we got home. I felt a little tired when we got out of the car and we all went into the house and put our leftovers in the fridge then started getting ready for bed.

(Brittney's POV)

I took (Y/N) with me to my room to get ready for bed since tonight it was my turn to sleep with him and I took a shower first while he just rested on my bed until I got out and while I was getting dressed he got in the shower and when I was done getting dressed I just waited on my bed for (Y/N) to come out. When he came out of the bathroom he was already dressed for bed then crawled in with me and closed his eyes, but I felt worried after what he said on the way home so I just had to ask him something.

Brittney-(Y/N), sweetie.


Brittney-You love me and your sisters right?


Brittney-Say it to me please.

(Y/N)-I-I l-love you.

Brittney-Thank you honey, night.

That made me feel a little better so I finally managed to close my eyes peacefully.

Brittney's mind-You have to love me more than some thot that just should up on our doorstep one day (Y/N), she didn't take you away from that awful orphanage, it was me, ME!!!


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