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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and saw that Brittney wasn't in bed with me, but there was a nice smell in the air so I left the room to see what it was. I went to the kitchen and saw Brittney cooking something and there were 2 other pans on the stove. She turned around and smiled at me.

Brittney-Morning honey.


Brittney-Like what you smell?

(Y/N)-It smells d-delicious.

Just then I was suddenly picked up and when I looked to see who it was I saw it was Hannah. She held me against her waist and brushed her tail against my leg.

Hannah-Morning (Y/N).


She sat down at the table with me in her lap and held me against her then soon Jullie and Ashley came in and sat down across from us. Just then Brittney started making plates and I knew that if I stayed on Hannah's lap she would want to feed me so I tried to get off, but then she held me tighter.

Hannah-What do you think you're doing (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-I was g-gonna s-sit in m-m-my own seat for br-breakfast.

Hannah-Why don't you want to sit with your big sister?

She started to sound sad and that made me feel a little guilty, but I still didn't want to be fed by her.

(Y/N)-I'll s-sit next to y-you, b-but I just w-want to f-fed myself.

She stopped looking sad then looked a little pouty.

Hannah-*Hmph*Fine, but you're making it up to me after breakfast.


She lifted me up and placed me on the chair next to her then Brittney came to the table and passed out breakfast burritos to everyone and also gave us all a glass of orange juice.

I started eating mine and I could feel that the bacon was nice and crispy, but the whole time we were eating Hannah was staring at me.

(Hannah's POV)

I felt so irritated that (Y/N) wouldn't let me feed him. Who wouldn't want to just relax and have someone hand fed them delicious food? I couldn't take my eyes off of him while I was eating my food because I want to make sure the second he's done he's coming with me. I have an idea that would make (Y/N) want to hold onto me and it will only be me and him. When I was done with my breakfast (Y/N) was just finishing up his orange juice and when he was done and put down his glass I wasted no time as I picked him up and walked out of the kitchen.

Hannah-Breakfast was delicious mom, thank you.

Brittney-Where are you taking (Y/N)?

Hannah-To my room for a while.

I walked quickly to my room, then I closed my door and sat down on my bed.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are we g-gonna do?

Hannah-We're gonna watch a movie and since you owe me I get to pick.


I went onto my VUDU account and went to my movies and I decided to put on "The Nun". When I started the movie I quickly closed my curtains so it would be dark in my room then I laid down and cuddled with (Y/N). The beginning of the movie already has (Y/N) shaken up and clinging to me.

(Y/N)-C-C-Can we pl-pl-please w-w-watch s-s-some-something else?

Hannah-I said I get to pick so this is what where watching, but don't worry baby, you're big sister will keep you safe.~

(Timeskip after the movie)

(Y/N) stopped watching the movie when it was only half way done and just kept his face buried into me. I didn't watch the movie after that point because he just looked so cute when he was scared and I couldn't take my eyes off him, but then I wondered if I could make him calm down.

Hannah-Hey (Y/N) the movies over, you can look now.

He slowly looked at me with a little fear in his eyes and I just couldn't get enough of it, but then I had an idea to make him calm down.

Hannah-How about we watch a funny movie, would you like that?

He nodded his head then I went through my movies again and chose "Night School". We watched the movie and just from the first scene he was already laughing and I found this absolutely adorable.

(Timeskip after the movie)

(Y/N) was completely calm now then I opened my curtains to let some light into my room.

Hannah-Do you feel better now (Y/N)?


Hannah-That's good to hear now go out and hangout with the others, I want some time to myself.

(Y/N)-Ok, b-bye.

He left the room and I just collapsed on my bed and felt so happy. I could use movies to get him to want to hold onto me out of fear and then calm him down afterwards whenever I want.

Hannah's mind-You're just so easy and fun to play with (Y/N) and now I know how to control your emotions.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I walked out into the living room and saw Jullie, Ashley, and Brittney playing "Super Mario Party" and they were just about done then Brittney turned around and noticed me.

Brittney-Well hello (Y/N), you and Hannah were in her room for a while, what were you two doing?

I didn't want to get Hannah in trouble by saying we watched a scary movie so I just said...

(Y/N)-We just watch some funny movies.

Jullie-(Y/N) come play with us!

Ashley-You're player 4.

She ran up to the Nintendo Switch and got another controller then gave it to me as she pulled me over to the couch. They started another game and we all picked our characters and went to pick a map then started the game, but before we even got to roll to see who goes first Brittney pulled me over to her then criss crossed her legs with me in the middle of her and wrapped her tail around my belly. I just leaned back into her then she kissed the top of my head and we started playing, but on the 6th turn we heard the doorbell ring and Brittney put me aside to check who was here and I decided to follow her. When she opened the door I saw Lilly standing on the other side of the front gate to the driveway.

Lilly-Hey can I come in and play with (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-Hey L-Lilly.

She waved at me and I gave her a little wave back.

(Brittney's POV)

I felt so angry and disgusted at what I was seeing and my good mood from before just died.



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