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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up with Ashley and Jullie wrapped around me from both sides and when I tried to move Ashley opened her eyes and looked at me still half asleep.

Ashley-*Groan*(Y/N) go back to sleep.

She moved her arms up to my neck and pulled me closer to her where I could feel her warm breath hitting me. I struggled to get free, but then another set of arms squeezed me from behind and I knew that it was Jullie.

Jullie-She said go back to sleep (Y/N), well get up when breakfast is ready.

She didn't sound tired so she might have been up for a bit now. They both held me tight and I gave up then after a while the door opened and Hannah came in.

Hannah-Hey, mom got doughnuts, time to get out of bed.

They finally let go of me then we went to the kitchen and sat down at the table with me in the middle of them. Brittney walked over to us holding a big pink box of doughnuts and opened it.

Brittney-Pick 2, I only got 10.

She came up to me first and gave me the first pick and I took 2 doughnuts that I liked out of the box.

Everyone else picked the doughnuts they wanted and we started eating. I started with my powdered doughnut and when I was finished with that I moved onto my chocolate doughnut. When I took my first bite it had a filling in it and it tasted really good, when I was done so was everyone else and Brittney walked up to me.

Brittney-(Y/N) we're all gonna go to an amusement park today.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are we s-seeing?

Brittney-We'll decide when we get there, now let's all get ready.

We all left the kitchen and the first thing I did to get ready was take a shower.

(Brittney's POV)

Last night I figured since I now own my 'husbands' money and the company literally gives me billions of dollars a month without me doing anything I thought to go somewhere and have fun, i'll just have to keep (Y/N) on his leash and make sure no one else besides us even touches him. When (Y/N) got out of the shower in my room he was about to grab one of his plain shirts and I would hate it when he wore those, I decided to dress him myself and when he turned around and saw me I walked up to him then took the clothes he had and put them back.

(Y/N)-Why d-did you d-do th-that?

Brittney-I thought that I should dress you in something warm since it is gonna be cloudy today and you were about to dress yourself in a t-shirt.

(Y/N)-I was g-gonna put on a j-j-jacket too.

Brittney-No, not another word, I'm dressing you.

I reached into the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans, some socks, and a long sleeved shirt that I liked.

After he got dressed in the clothes I gave him he came out of the bathroom then I saw that his cheeks were a little red and he just looked so adorable!

Brittney-Oh (Y/N), you just look so precious!~

(Y/N)-C-Can I also wear a j-jacket pl-please?

Brittney-Sorry baby, but if you get cold i'll give you my jacket.~

I was already ready so now we're just waiting on the girls and to pass the time I sat (Y/N) on my lap and gently rocked him back and forth then after a while the door opened and Jullie peaked her head in.

Jullie-Mommy we're all ready to go and Ashley and Hannah are waiting by the car

Brittney-Alright, let's go then.

We went to the car and got in then I started to drive to the amusement park.

(Ashley's POV)

I knew that this was gonna be a long drive so I brought the nintendo switch with us. I set it down on the small table between the front seats then passed a controller to Jullie and (Y/N) and we played super smash bros ultimate until we got there. When mom finally parked the car we got out and it felt so good to stretch my legs again. We walked up to the front entrance of the park and mom got the tickets then we went into the park. We talked for a bit about what ride to go on first then we found a ride that (Y/N) was tall enough to go on by himself, but we just decided to go on with him. Mom took (Y/N)'s leash off of him then we waited in line and there were a few other kids, specifically 'girls' in line with us. There was this one girl that just wouldn't stop talking so we just ignored her, but then she did something that we just couldn't ignore, she tapped on (Y/N)'s shoulder and started talking to him and the worst part was he was paying attention to 'her' rather than us!

???-It's really nice to see you here, is this your first time coming here?


Jullie-(Y/N), who is this?

(Y/N)-Th-This is L-Lilly, the g-girl that l-lives d-down the street from u-us.

Ashley's mind-So this is the thot that my brother talked to.

Lilly-Hi i'm Lilly, what's your name?

She held out her hand to me, but I wasn't gonna touch something so disgusting. Eventually she put her hand down then made a nervous smile.

(Y/N)-These are my s-sis-sisters, Ashley is the o-one with b-b-brown hair a-and J-Jullie is the one with wh-white h-hair.

Lilly-Well I like your cat ears, my mommy said that a person with cat ears and tail is a neko.

Jullie and I just turned away from her then it was our turn to get on the ride and I was forced to ride with 'her' while Jullie went on with (Y/N) since the cart could only hold 2 people. When I got in the cart with 'her' the ride started and for the whole ride she would try to talk to me from time to time and I would ignore her, but then I heard her say something that made my ears and tail fluff and my blood boil.

Lilly-I love (Y/N), he's my best friend.


(Lilly's POV)

The ride was over now and we all got off and I was about to go back to my mom and dad, but then Ashley got right in front of me and she looked like she had no emotions.

Lilly-Hey, are you ok?

Ashley-I want you to listen to me and listen carefully.

Lilly-What is it?

She pulled me into a hug then she moved her mouth up to my ear and I could feel her breath hitting my ear.

Ashley-*Whisper* Stay away from my brother or else.

I felt a shiver go down my spine then she pushed away from me and left with Jullie and (Y/N). I just shrugged it off and went back to my mom and dad then we walked to the next ride, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about what Ashley said and also thought of why she would say it.

Lilly's mind-What was that for, was it something I said?


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