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((Y/N)'s POV)

Yesterday was very unsettling, when Brittney got back home she practically carried me around for the rest of the day and when I asked if I could go back outside they said.



(Flashback end)

Then I went to bed with Hannah for the night. Right now I was awake, but Hannah was still sleeping with her arms, legs, and tail wrapped around me. I tried to get up without waking her up, but when I moved around a bit her cat ears started to twitch and she started to slowly open her eyes. When she opened her eyes all the way she saw that I was out of place from where I was last night and she looked a little mad.

Hannah-(Y/N)...did you try to leave me before I woke up?

(Y/N)-I-I just wanted t-to-.

She suddenly pulled me back down to where my face was buried in her neck then she squeezed me so I couldn't move and we stayed that way for a while until she got up. When Brittney called everyone for breakfast Hannah carried me out of her room and went to the kitchen then put me on a chair then sat down next to me. Soon Jullie and Ashley came in and sat next to each other then Brittney put something in front of me that I wasn't sure what it was.

(Y/N)-What's this?

Brittney-It's an apple danish with cream cheese icing.

I picked it up then took a bite and it was really good. I enjoyed every last bit and when I was done everyone else was too and we put our plates in the sink and washed our hands to get the sticky icing off.

Brittney-Hannah I want you to take (Y/N) somewhere today, i'll give you the car and some money and you two go have some fun.


Jullie/Ashley-What, why can't we go?!

Brittney-Mommy needs your help and it's 'very' important.

Brittney gave Hannah the keys then we both started to get ready and I dressed myself into one of my few plain shirts, now we were ready to leave and when we were done we went to the car and I saw Hannah holding those things and I know she's gonna make me wear them.

(Brittney's POV)

Now that (Y/N) wasn't around I could finally get started on taking care of that brat for hurting my baby and his family also for letting him.

Brittney-Alright girls, we're gonna make some cupcakes, but they're gonna be 'special' except for 3 of them.


They went into the pantry to get the ingredients for the cupcake while I grabbed the rat poison from under the sink. While I was making the cupcakes I made a separate 'safer' batch for Jullie, Ashley, and I then poured the 'special' batter into the pan first then I poured our batch in the last 3 holes of the tray then put them in the oven. When they were done I took them out and let them cool down before I took the three 'safe' cupcakes out first and frosted them then put them on a seperate plate for us then I started to frost the 'special' cupcakes for 'them'. When I was done I heard a knock at the door and when I answered it I saw that little brat with who must've been his adoptive parents.

Man-Hello, we're here so Harry could apologize to (Y/N).


Woman-So may we come in?

Brittney-Sure, come in.

They came in and I closed the door then we all sat down in the living room then Jullie and Ashley came in.

Brittney-These are 2 of my daughters Jullie and Ashley.

Woman-Hey there.


Ashley-Nice to meet you.

Man-So where's (Y/N)?

Brittney-Oh, my oldest daughter took him and the car and said she was going out for the day. I was so mad at her, but i'm just gonna have a talk with her when she gets back.

Man-Well we'll just do this tomorrow then.

They all got up and started to leave, but I couldn't let them do that yet.

Brittney-Uh before you go, would you like a cupcake, I just baked some.

Woman-Yes, thank you.

We all went to the kitchen and they each got one of the special cupcakes then I gave the 'safe' cupcakes to my daughters and we ate them in front of them to trick them that the ones they have were safe. They left with their cupcakes and when I saw them drive away in their car I felt a smile curve onto my face.

Brittney-Enjoy~, you little brat!

I went back to the kitchen and threw the rest of the cupcakes in the trash then immediately took it out.

(Harry's POV)

Micheal-When we go back tomorrow you better drop the attitude.

Jennifer-Be lucky we're letting you have that cupcake right now.

They kept on nagging me since yesterday, it was so annoying and when this is all over i'm gonna give (Y/N) a real reason to cry to his mommy. We all unwrapped out cupcakes and quickly ate them. After a bit I started to feel sick then Michael started to turn the car side to side and Jennifer threw up and so did I.

Harry's mind-What was in that cupcake?

My vision started to get blurry then I saw Michael and Jennifer both pass out then I saw a huge truck coming straight for us and this when I blacked out.

(Timeskip to night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

All day Hannah took me to places like the movies, restaurants, and an arcade. Right now we were finally on our way home and I felt so tired, but on the way home I saw police cars, a firetruck, and a few ambulances in the road and through all of that I saw a huge truck with a big dent in the front of it and a smaller car that looked completely wrecked with 3 big black bags next to it. Hannah simply drove right past it and continued driving home.

(Y/N)'s mind-What happened?

When we got back home we went inside and saw the others in the living room watching the car crash. We just drove by on the news then they turned around and looked at us.

Brittney-How was your day, did you have fun?

(Y/N)-Yeah, it was fun. *Yawn*

Brittney-Awwww, are you tired?~


Brittney-Alright girls, time for bed.

We all started getting ready for bed and when we were all done Jullie and Ashley took me to their room.

Jullie-Come on (Y/N), you're sleeping in the middle.

They pushed me onto the bed then Ashley crawled over to the side I was facing and held me from one side while Jullie got the other. Soon Brittney came in and kissed us each a kiss goodnight then tucked us in and left the room turning the light off and closing the door. They both held onto me a little tighter and I quickly fell asleep.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-Goodbye and good riddance too, hope you enjoy hell you brat.

Hannah's mind-Today was so much fun (Y/N) and my favorite part about it was that you got to have you on that wrist leash the whole time.

Jullie's/Ashley's mind-Harry can't hurt you anymore now (Y/N), we made sure of that.~


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