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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up by myself and Brittney was still holding me close and when I tried to get up I was pushed back down.

Brittney-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-Uhhh...to the b-bathroom.

Brittney-Ok, but hurry back.

She let me go and I went to the bathroom since I really did have to go. When I was done I still didn't want to go back to bed, but I knew Brittney wouldn't let me leave her room yet so I started brushing my teeth and washing my hands to stall for time. When I was done I opened the door and Brittney was standing right in front of me with her arms crossed.

Brittney-What took you so long?

(Y/N)-I uh b-brushed my t-teeth and washed my h-hands after I was d-d-done going to the b-bathroom.

She picked me up without saying another word and sat me down on the bed then went into her huge closet. Soon she came back out with one of the many embarrassing shirts she bought me.

(Y/N)-C-Can I wear s-something else p-p-please?

Brittney-You don't like it, but I picked it out for you.

She started to look sad and hurt by what I said then I saw tears coming out of her eyes. I felt bad that I made her cry so I just put on the shirt she wanted me to wear even though I was still embarrassed by it and she immediately had a smile on her face.

Brittney-Thank you honey, go to the living room while I great ready then i'll start making breakfast.

I left her room and went to the living room like she said and when I got out there I saw Hannah sitting on the couch on her phone. I walked to the side of the couch then she noticed me and I sat down at the opposite side of the couch.

Hannah-Morning (Y/N).


Hannah-What are you doing way over there?


Hannah-Come sit next to me.

She patted the spot next to her and I just scooted over to her then she wrapped one of her arms and tail around me. Soon everyone else came into the living room and Brittney went to the kitchen to start making breakfast and Jullie and Ashley sat down next to Hannah and I.

Ashley-Wanna play a game?

(Y/N)-Which g-game?

Jullie-How about Super Mario Party.


Hannah got up and put the game into the nintendo switch then gave us each a controller. We each picked our character and started the game. Since the controls were simple and it should show you the controls before each game I was able to figure it out on my own. We made it to turn 6 when Brittney called us in the kitchen for breakfast so we paused the game and went to the table to sit down then she put down some french toast in front of us.

Before I could eat Jullie and Ashley came to both of my sides then pushed my arms down to my sides.

(Y/N)-What was th-that f-for?

Jullie-Hannah and mommy gotta feed you.

Ashley-We want a turn now!

Before I could say anything Jullie picked up my fork, cut off a piece of the french toast then fed it to me and passed the fork and she did the same thing while Brittney and Hannah didn't do anything to stop them. They continued this until they fed me all of my french toast then they went back to their seat and started eating theirs. I just sat there completely embarrassed at the thought that each of them fed me like a baby one time since I got here and it hasn't even been a week yet. When they all finished their food we all put our dishes in the sink then went back out to the living room to finish our game of Mario party while Brittney held me on her lap. When the game was finished I wanted to go outside and Jullie and Ashley followed me outside.

Jullie-What do you guys want to play?

Ashley-Let's play hide n seek again!

(Y/N)-Is there n-no d-d-deals?

Ashley-Nope, just a friendly game of hide n seek.

(Y/N)-O-Ok, who's it?

Jullie-1 2 3 not it!

(Y/N)-Not it!

Ashley-Not it!


Ashley went back inside to start counting while Jullie and I ran off to find our hiding spots, I decided to hide behind a potted plant right next to the front gate then I saw Ashley come out the front door.

Ashley-Ready or not here I come!

She started looking around a bit in the front yard before she went to the backyard and I stayed where I was since it was working for me so far. While I was still hiding I saw no sign of Jullie or Ashley then I heard something hit the gate and when I turned towards it I saw Harry holding a stick.


Harry-So this is your new home now, nice shirt pansy ass!


Harry-Shut up!

I flinched a little and took a step back.

Harry-Get over here!

I slowly walked back from fear of what he would do to me if I did walk over to him then he got mad and threw the stick at me and it hit me in the face. It was so hard I fell to the ground and started to cry, just then Jullie and Ashley came running to me from the side of the house and Hannah swung open the front door and ran to me.


Harry took off running and Hannah quickly hopped the fence.

Hannah-You 2 get (Y/N) inside now!

She took off running in the same direction as Harry while Jullie and Ashley brought me inside. They took me to the living room then Jullie ran off and came back with Brittney and she was holding a medkit.

Brittney-*Gasp* Who did this to you?!

(Y/N)-Harry f-from the *hic* orphanage threw a *sniffle* st-stick at me.

She put peroxide on a cotton ball then tapped my forehead with it and it stung which made me cry in pain a little more. When I saw the cotton ball again it had a little bit of blood on it then she grabbed a band-aid from the medkit and put it on my cut then kissed it.

(Hannah's POV)

I made that brat think he lost me and I was following him home and I saw him go into an apartment room labeled A-23 then I went back home to tell the others.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-That little brat hurt MY baby boy!

Ashley's mind-I'll make Harry wish he never came here!

Jullie's mind-When I get my hands on him I'll make sure he suffers for a long, long time!

Hannah's mind-I know where you live now you little brat, now you can't hide from us!

(Short timeskip)

(Brittney's POV)

I was cuddling with (Y/N) on the couch and I could feel my blood boil everytime I looked at what the brat did to my baby. I snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and Hannah walked in and motioned me to follow her, I left (Y/N) on the couch and followed Hannah to her room then I closed the door behind me so (Y/N) wouldn't hear us.

Brittney-What is it?

Hannah-I found out where that boy lives.


Hannah-At the Paradise apartments in room A-23.

I suddenly had an idea on how to get rid of that brat and make it look like an accident along with the ones who let him do it. I pulled my car keys out of my pocket.

Brittney-I'm going out for a while, you're in charge until I get back.

I quickly left the house and started to drive to Paradise apartments and when I got there I parked the car and went to room A-23 then knocked on the door and I waited for a bit until a man opened the door.


Brittney-Hey I came to tell you that your boy came by my house and threw a stick at my son.


He opened up the door all the way and I saw that brat standing at the end of the hall, it took a lot of willpower to not strangle him right here and now.

Man-This woman said you threw a stick at her son, is that true?!


Brittney-I thought you all could come over tomorrow and he could apologize.

Man-Thank you and he will come over and apologize.


Man-I'm gonna have a talk with him, we will be over tomorrow around 12.

Brittney-Sounds good, see you then.

Man-And thank you for inviting us over.

Brittney-No problem.

Brittney's mind-Because it's really my pleasure.~

He closed the door and I got back in my car and started driving back home.


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