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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all still watching T.V. and they still let me get up from the  couch unless I had to go to the bathroom, but one of them would come with me and wait outside of the door until I came back out. While we were watching T.V. the door opened and Brittney came in carrying a few bags.

Brittney-Turn off the T.V., family meeting.

Hannah paused the movie we were watching and turned off the T.V. then Brittney put down the bags in the middle of the room then sat down next to me on the couch.

Britney-I got a couple of things for the house and (Y/N), but before I get into any of that I have a few new rules for everyone. Rule #1 is (Y/N) is not allowed to go outside at all unless one of us is with him and has a close eye on him, rule #2 is for (Y/N).


Brittney-You're not allowed to talk to anyone without any of our permission, especially 'girls'. rule #3 is that we will all now take turns to sleep with (Y/N) at night and it goes Me, Hannah, then Jullie and Ashley so (Y/N) is sleeping with me tonight and finally rule #4 is that if a 'girl' tries to talk to (Y/N) you are to get him out of there as soon as possible and tell us what happened. Any questions?

(Y/N)-Why d-do all of these n-new rules involve me?

Brittney-Because they are meant to keep you safe from the dangerous outside world. Now let me show what I got for the house, the first thing I got is a set of cameras that later on today someone is coming to hook them up and I can download an app to stream off of them and so can all of you.

Brittney-The next thing I got is a wrist leash for when we take (Y/N) somewhere and this will make sure that we don't lose him.

Brittney-And finally I got this.

What she pulled out of the bag made my heart sink a little.

(Y/N)-Wh-What's with the t-t-taser?

Brittney-It's just in case if someone tries to hurt us, you don't anyone to hurt us do you?


Brittney-Good and that's all I needed to say, you can turn back on the T.V. and for lunch we'll just snack on what you want then wait until dinner.

Hannah turned the T.V. back on and grabbed the remote then played the movie again. We watched movies while snacking on things like chips, grapes, and orange slices until we heard a knock on the door. Brittney answered it and it was the guy who was gonna hook up the cameras. They took the cameras then Brittney went outside with them.

(Brittney's POV)

I was outside walking around the house with the technician so I could tell him where I wanted the cameras set up and I thought about it for a bit until I finally decided where I wanted them.

Technician-So do you know where you want the cameras yet?

Brittney-Yes, I want one of them on the pillar by the gate facing the front door, the next one I want in the backyard facing the playset, the 3rd one I want at the corner of the backyard so it can see the whole backyard and one side of the house, and the last one above the front door facing down so it can see who's there.

Technician-Ok, I try to be done as soon as possible.

He started hooking up the cameras one by one in the places where I wanted them and while he was doing that I downloaded the app then waited until he was done so I could link the cameras up to my phone. He came up to me and gave me a clipboard for me to sign so I just signed it then gave it back to him.

Technician-Hope you'll feel safer and have a nice day.

Brittney's mind-Oh I will.~

He left my house then I linked up the cameras to the app on my phone by typing in a code and now I could see the cameras point of view. I went back inside and started to cook spaghetti and meatballs dinner since it was almost dark out now. When I was done making dinner I made everyone plates then set them on the table and when I was done I called everyone in to come eat and they all came in then sat down at the table and saw the food.

Hannah-So are all the cameras hooked up yet?


Hannah-When are you gonna show us how to link up to them?

Brittney-After we're done eating dinner and (Y/N) after you're done eating I want you to go to my room and take a shower before bed.


We all started eating our dinner and when we were done (Y/N) went to go take a shower in my room while I got all the girls linked up to the cameras outside then I went to my room to get ready for bed. When I got into my room (Y/N) was still taking a shower so I waited until he got out then I took a set of pajamas then got in and took a quick shower then got dressed in my pajamas and got into bed with (Y/N).

Brittney-Do you want some T.V. before bed sweetie?

(Y/N)-Yes p-please.

Brittney-Yes please what?

(Y/N)-Yes please m-mommy.

It always feels satisfying when he calls me that. I turned on my T.V. and put on a cartoon for him while I cuddled with him. After a few episode I saw it was 11:05p.m. so I turned off the T.V..

Brittney-Alright honey, it's time for bed.


Brittney-Does mommy get a goodnight kiss?

He looked at me for a bit and I put on the warmest smile I could then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and it just felt so good. I gave him a kiss back then we lied down and I pulled him into me to cuddle with him then we both fell asleep.

Brittney's mind-(Y/N) you have no idea how good it feels when you call me mommy and give me kisses and the best part is they're all just for me and my girls and if anyone tries to take them i'll just have to make sure they don't do it ever again.~


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