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(Brittney's POV)

I woke to my alarm and quickly got ready for today, then I went to wake everyone up and while they were getting ready I made some bacon, sausage, eggs, and cheesy potatoes for breakfast burritos. When they all came in the food was done then I made everyone a burrito and set them on the table then everyone started eating.

Brittney-Hey everyone when we're done eating we're going somewhere.

Hannah-Where are we going?

Brittney-The river.

While we continued to eat Ashley and Jullie kept on having a tug of war with (Y/N)'s chair until we were finished eating and started getting ready to leave. When we were all ready we got in the car and I started driving. Ashley and Jullie brought the Nintendo Switch with them and played with (Y/N) in the back while Hannah was listening to music up front with me, after a while we finally made it to the river. We all carried something out of the car to the river and we found a spot where nobody was around. I liked it since it was covered in shade and nobody would be around (Y/N), but us so he'll be forced to spend time with us.

(Hannah's POV)

We quickly laid out the blanket and put the ice chest next to it, then I went out in the water. It was cold at first, but I soon got used to it. Everyone else was in the water except (Y/N).

Jullie-Hey (Y/N) aren't you coming in?



(Y/N)-I-I said, I d-don't know how t-t-to swim.

An idea immediately popped in my head and I walked up to (Y/N), picked him up, then brought him out with me.

(Y/N)-It's so cold!

Hannah-You just need to get used to it, just hold on to me.

I went out a little further and he started to hold me tighter and I couldn't help, but smile at this. The moment didn't last long because a huge raft showed up with a few girls on it and they looked like they were drunk. One of them noticed us then got the attention of the other girls.

Girl#1-Look at that little boy!

Girl#2-Oh my god, he's such a cutie pie, *hic* *giggles*

Girl#3-Hey little boy, you want to come and play with us?!

Girl#4-We can be your new *hic* mommies!

(Y/N) was blushing at them now and I was furious from that.

(No POV)


Brittney's mind-Those drunks dare call themselves his 'mommies', I'M HIS MOMMY!!!

Jullie's mind-These scanks will pay for what they said to MY LITTLE BROTHER!!!


(Brittney's POV)

The raft and the girls drifted off and I wasn't just gonna sit here and let them get from trying to take MY son away from me.

Brittney-Hey I forgot something in the car, i'll be back.

I walked away until I was out of sight, then I quickly ran to another part of the river where I saw the raft with those drunk girls on it and suddenly I had a plan. I picked a big rock then I smashed it and it broke off into smaller pointy pieces. I picked up one of the pieces then threw it as hard as I could at the raft and it ripped a hole at the side of it and it started losing air and sinking. They looked at the side of the raft then saw the hole and started panicking a bit. They started to paddle with their hands to get back to shore, but the wind from the hole was pushing them away and the current was too strong. They all kept on paddling until they sunk into the water and tried to call for help as the current was starting to pull them under until one time they went under the water again, but this time they didn't come back up.

Brittney's mind-Good riddance.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Hannah, Jullie, and Ashley all sat down on the blanket with me in the middle of them and they looked very mad.

(Y/N)-Uh g-guys why are y-y-you mad?

They all looked at me with a different look on their faces that I didn't know what it meant.

Hannah-(Y/N) did you think those girls were... 'pretty'?

(Y/N)-N-Not really, why?

Hannah-You blushed at them when they talked to you... why did you blush at them?

(Y/N)-I d-don't know.

Ashley-Did you think about going with them?

(Y/N)-N-No, I mean I-I d-don't know... maybe.


(Y/N)-I-I mean uhhh... can I g-go walk around for a b-bit?

I got up and started walking away.


They all grabbed me and pulled me back down to them then Brittney came back.

Brittney-Pack up we're leaving.

(Y/N)-But w-we just g-got here.

Brittney-No arguing young man, we're going back home now.

I just kept quiet and helped bring the things back to the car then we all started to head back home. The ride home was nothing, but listening to the radio until Brittney turned it all the way down.

Brittney-(Y/N) honey, did you 'like' those girls at all?

Everyone in the car looked at me waiting for an answer and I felt nervous then my mind started to panic a little.

(Y/N)-I d-don't know... kinda.

When I said that everyone, but Brittney looked at me like I just did something wrong.

Brittney-(Y/N) those girls were bad people that would've hurt you, like those boys did back at the orphanage before we got you.

(Y/N)-They d-didn't seem m-mean.

Hannah-That's what they want you to think!

Jullie-Mommy says to stay away from strangers.

Brittney-That's right and since you don't seem to understand that (Y/N) maybe we need to add a few more rules when we get home.

(Y/N)-I p-promise I'll st-stay away from strangers.

Brittney-I know you will, but these new rules are going to keep you safe baby.

I just stopped talking until we got home then we got out of the car, but Brittney stayed inside.

Brittney-Girls I need to go shopping and Hannah you're in charge, just make sure everyone stays inside until I get back and then i'll explain the new rules.

Hannah-Ok mom.

Brittney left to go shopping and we went inside the house and sat in the living room and watched T.V.. I tried to get up and get some water, but Jullie grabbed my arm.

Jullie-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-To g-get some w-water.

Hannah got up and went to the kitchen then came back with 4 water bottles and gave Ashley, Jullie, and I each 1 before sitting back down in her spot.

Hannah-There, now you don't need to get up.

We all opened our water bottles and started to drink them. I couldn't even watch T.V. because I kept on remembering about how mad I made Brittney, Hannah, Jullie, and Ashley today. I also kept having this one question repeat in my head over and over again.

(Y/N)'s mind-What are the new rules gonna be?


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