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(Hannah's POV)

I woke up to the sound of crying and I could feel (Y/N) twisting and turning and when I got up and opened my curtains to let in a bit of light I woke him up, but that didn't stop him from crying when he woke up. I sat down criss crossed on my bed then picked him up then put him between my legs and held him close then slowly rocked back and forth.

Hannah-(Y/N) did you have a nightmare?~

He didn't say anything, but he nodded his head.

Hannah-Come on, let's go see the others.

I carried him out to the living room where I saw my mom and sisters sitting on the couch watching Despicable Me 3, (Y/N) was still sniffling and that caught their attention.

Mom-Why is (Y/N) crying?

Hannah-He just had a nightmare.

Mom-Let me see him.

I walked up to mom and put (Y/N) down on her lap the she wrapped her arms and tail around him while I sat on the arm of the couch next to her. Mom kept on rocking back and forth, shushing him, and giving him kisses until he finally stopped crying.

Mom-Are you ok now?


Mom-It's almost dinner, are you hungry?

(Y/N)-A l-little.

Mom-You want me to order a pizza?

(Y/N)-Yes please.

Mom put him down next to her and pulled out her phone then went on her pizza hut app to order a pizza.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was watching Despicable Me 3 to try and get that clown out of my head then Jullie and Ashley piled on to me.

Jullie-Hey (Y/N) come play with us in our room.

Ashley-We have a PS4 in our room.

Before I could say anything they started pulling me to their room and when we got there they closed the door and turned on the PS4. We each grabbed a controller then sat down on 1 of the 2 beds in the room and played minecraft. We were on creative mode and they were teaching me the controls which did take a while, but after a while I was starting to get used to the controls and they started to build a statue. I was going around the map then I saw a huge pink, white, and purple house.

Jullie-Hey that's our dream house.

(Y/N)-How l-long did it t-take y-you 2 to b-build it?

Ashley-It took all day to build that.

I went inside and took a look around until I found the basement, but this part of the house was made of stone and when I made it to the bottom of the stairs I saw a villager in a cage that had a sign on it that said "daddy jail".

(Y/N)-W-Why did y-you make th-this?

Jullie-Uh (Y/N), can I see your controller for a sec?

(Y/N)-Uh sure.

I gave Jullie my controller then she destroyed the whole cage, killed the villager, then left the basement.

Jullie-Just pretend you never saw that.


That was weird and that also reminded me when I showed that picture to Hannah when I first got here.

(Y/N)'s mind-Was that man in the picture their dad, where is he?

Brittney-Kids pizza's here!

We paused the game and left the room to go eat, when we got to the kitchen Brittney was getting plates and Hannah just opened up the box. We went to them and I got a look at what kind of pizza Brittney got.

Brittney gave us each a slice a pizza then we sat down at the table and started eating. Hannah was the first to finish then she came over to me and picked me up then sat on my chair with me in her lap.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you d-doing?

Hannah-I thought I could feed you like you let mom did.

(Y/N)-But I d-don't w-want to make you f-f-feel like-.

Hannah-Don't you love your big sister (Y/N)?

She started to look sad and I could see a tear coming out of one of her eyes and I started to feel bad that might have hurt her feelings so I opened my mouth. She immediately had a smile on her then she picked up what was left of my pizza and fed it to me.

Ashley-Hey since (Y/N) took a nap with you he should sleep with us tonight instead.




When we all finished eating dinner Brittney went in the freezer and pulled out some cookie ice cream sandwiches and gave us each one.

We all went out to the living to eat then when we were done we all took turns getting into the shower to get ready for bed. Brittney gave me some pajamas to wear for bed then I followed Jullie and Ashley to their room.

Brittney-Girls bedtime is in an hour!

Jullie/Ashley-Ok mom!

They closed the do the Jullie picked up her controller and went to the home menu then went on Netflix.

(Y/N)-What are we gonna watch?

Jullie/Ashley-Fairy Tail.

Jullie-But since you never watched it before we'll have to start over to catch you up.


We watched 3 full episodes and I was starting to like this show then the door opened and Brittney came in.

Brittney-Alright you 3 it's time for bed.

(Y/N)/Jullie/Ashley-Ok mom.

She turned on the PS4 and the T.V. then Ashley joined us on Jullie's bed and they both snuggled with me from each side. Brittney threw the blanket over us, gave us each a kiss goodnight on our heads then walked over to the door and turned off the light.



She closed the door then I started forced myself to think about Fairy Tail instead of the clown while wrapping myself around Jullie and I continued to do it until I fell asleep.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-Rest now (Y/N) because I got plans for you tomorrow and you're gonna love them so much you'll forget about that little tramp.

Hannah's mind-I love your submissive nature (Y/N) and i'm gonna have some more fun with it.

Ashley's mind-Oh (Y/N) your just so warm and soft like a teddy bear and i'm never gonna let go.~

Jullie's mind-I knew you loved me the most (Y/N), why else would you want to cuddle with me?!