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((Y/N)'s POV)

The movie just ended and I can't get that clown out of my head and I was holding on to Hannah tightly while she was rubbing up and down my back.

Hannah-You wanna watch another movie with me?


Hannah-*Giggles* Now remember our deal, you're picking me tonight.


I got up and left Hannah's room then almost immediately ran into Jullie and Ashley who looked very angry at me.

Jullie-Where were you, we have been calling out for you for an hour and half!

Ashley-You were with Hannah were you!


They looked even more angry now then suddenly the front door opened and Brittney came in with a lot of bags which must've been for me since Hannah said she went shopping for me.

Brittney-(Y/N) come with me, I got lots of clothes for you to try on.

She wrapped her tail around my arm then gently started pulling and I followed her to her room and I could feel Jullie and Ashley glaring at me. When we got to her room she put all the bags on the bed then closed the door and locked it. She pulled out all the clothes and sorted them out into outfits while I stood next to the big mirror in her room.

Brittney-(Y/N) come over here and put these on.

I walked up to her and she held out some clothes for me, but just as I was about to grab them she pulled them away a bit.

Brittney-Actually I think i'll dress you.

(Y/N)-B-But I can-

Brittney-Uh uh uh, no buts mister, mommy's gonna dress you.

She knelt down then started to take off my clothes until I was in my underwear then she put on the clothes she got me, after she was done I looked in the mirror to see what I look like. The pants were pretty normal, but I felt a little embarrassed of the shirt.

Brittney-Oh you just look adorable~

(Y/N)-C-Can I try on s-something else n-now?

Brittney-Of course, I got lots of clothes for you to try on.~

She took off the shirt I had on then she put me in a new one while also changing hers and when I saw what we looked like in the mirror I could see my cheeks getting red.

Brittney had a smile on her face then knelt down and whispered something into my ear.

Brittney-Do you like it honey because I do.~

I felt tingles going down my spine and she giggled.


She changed me into another shirt and this shirt was even more embarrassing than the last one.

(Y/N)-C-C-C-Can w-w-we t-t-t-take a b-break.

Brittney-No baby, I want to see you wear all the shirts I got just for you.

(Y/N)-H-How m-m-many d-did you g-g-get?

Brittney-Around 30 outfits or so.

For the next hour i've been changed into one embarrassing outfit after another, but a few of them were plain shirts. When we were done we left her room and she made me wear this shirt.

(Y/N)-C-Can I pl-please wear s-something else?

Brittney-But you look so adorable and besides when you go outside people will know you belong to me.~


Brittney-Alright sweetie go play with your sisters, i'm gonna start making lunch.

She went to the kitchen and I sat down on the couch in the living room then Jullie and Ashley came in and sat down next to me. They still looked a little mad from earlier and that made me remember the movie Hannah and I watched.

Jullie-We talked to Hannah and she told us your little deal with her.

(Y/N)-I-I just-.

Ashley-No, not another word. You might be sleeping with her tonight, but now you're spending the rest of the day with us!

Jullie and Ashley both grabbed me and dragged me out in the front yard. I saw lots of toys out here which were ok to keep out since there was a huge bar fence.

(Ashley's POV)

We brought our little brother outside and Jullie and I decided to play catch with him. We threw the ball at each other for a bit before we got bored then Jullie and I decided to get our bikes from the garage and (Y/N) will just ride on one of our pegs, but when we got back we saw (Y/N) talking to another girl on the other side of the fence and he gave her something and I felt very mad and my tail puffed up. Jullie and I dropped our bikes then walked up behind (Y/N) and just then that girl left and when he turned around he jumped a little.

Jullie-(Y/N), who was that?

(Y/N)-J-Just some girl who dr-dropped s-something a-and it r-rolled into our y-yard.

Ashley-She just 'dropped' something and what did she 'drop'.

(Y/N)-H-Her r-rubber b-b-bouncy ball and she t-t-talked about m-my shirt f-for a b-bit.

Jullie-Inside now.

(Y/N)-What d-did I do?

Ashley-She said get inside!

He ran inside the house and we went to the kitchen and told mommy what happened then we went to Hannah's room and told her. They both looked just as mad as we were and when mom called us all for lunch and when we all sat down mommy gave us chicken stripes and french fries.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I started eating I saw that everyone was staring at me and they didn't look happy, sad, or mad they just looked blank and they weren't eating.

Brittney-So (Y/N) Jullie and Ashley told me that you talked to a 'girl' today.


Brittney-So what exactly did you 2 talk about?

(Y/N)-She t-talked a-about my shirt.

Brittney-And what did she say about it?

(Y/N)-Sh-She said th-that it looked f-funny and she t-told me her n-name was L-Lilly and sh-she lives d-down the street.

Brittney-Anything else?

(Y/N)-She a-asked me if I w-wanted to b-be her fri-friend.

Brittney-And 'what' did you say sweetie?


I started to eat my food to try and stop them from talking to me and thankfully they started to eat too, but they were looking at each other and would still look at me from time to time then when I was done I was about to leave, but then Hannah finished hers and walked to me.

Hannah-(Y/N), I think you're very tired, we should go to bed.

(Y/N)-But it's o-only 1:00 and I don't feel tired.

Hannah picked me up and held me like a baby.

Hannah-I said we should go to bed and you remember the deal right?

(Y/N)-Yeah, b-but-.

Brittney-I think you should go down for a nap, you obviously can't even think straight right now because you're so tired.

(Y/N)-I can-.

Hannah-You heard mom (Y/N), it's naptime.

She took me to her room and closed her curtains and they were so thick that it was almost pitch black now and I was starting to feel scared because of that clown. Hannah got in bed with me and I wrapped myself around her to feel safe then she wrapped her arms and tail around me.

Hannah-Goodnight (Y/N).~

I didn't resist since I didn't want to get up and walk in the dark so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-So a little tramp thinks she can take my new son away from us, I'LL MAKE HER SEE HOW WRONG SHE IS!!!

Hannah's mind-Nobody is going to take my baby brother away from us and I don't care what I'll have to do to keep him.

Jullie's mind-This 'Lilly' is gonna learn to stay away from my brother one way or another.

Ashley's mind-I'm not gonna lose my new baby brother to anyone, he's ours and ours alone!


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