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(Brittney's POV)

I woke up and I saw my little (Y/N) sleeping so peacefully next to me, I gave him a little kiss on his forehead and then he started to stir a little. I tried gently rocking him back to sleep, but he woke up anyway.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* M-M-Mommy?

I was squealing on the inside, he just called me 'mommy', that's better when he called me just 'mom'.

Brittney-Morning (Y/N), time to get up and  get ready, i'm gonna make some breakfast for that belly of yours.~

I tickled his belly a bit before he pushed away and started laughing a little.

Brittney's mind-You're just too precious to ever be let go.~

We both got out of bed and I let him take a shower first before I took one, when he got out of the shower I got in while he got dressed and when I got out and got dressed we left my room.

(Jullie's POV)

My sisters and I planned to spend time with our new little brother by playing video games and we waited until saw (Y/N) walk into the living room with mommy.

Jullie-(Y/N) come play with us!

Ashley-We have one more controller and we're playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!!

(Y/N)-B-But I never p-played video g-g-games before.

Hannah walked over to him and picked him up then sat back down on the couch with (Y/N) on her lap while mommy went to the kitchen.

Hannah-I'll teach you how to play (Y/N), it's easy.~

She handed him the spare controller and we put on the game while Hannah taught (Y/N) the controls. I started to set up a game then we picked our characters and created our karts. When we started racing I couldn't help but steal glances at (Y/N) and I felt a little angry.

Jullie's mind-I want (Y/N) to be that close to me!

We played a couple of races before mommy called into the kitchen for breakfast, we paused the game and went to the kitchen and took our seats. (Y/N) sat down in the middle of Ashley and my mommy and I brought us all plates of banana cinnamon pancakes with syrup on them.

She cut up mine, Ashley's, and (Y/N)'s pancakes than sat down in the chair at the end of the table. We all ate our breakfast in silence and when we were done we all put our plates in the sink then went back to the living room to continue our game, but only now mommy put (Y/N) on her lap.

Jullie's mind-When do I get a turn!?

After we finished up the races (Y/N) got up then went to the bathroom and when he came back he said he was going to the backyard.

Jullie-I'll come with you!

Ashley-Me too!

(Y/N)-I-I actually wa-wanted to b-be a-alone for a b-b-bit.

Ashley-But we're your sisters now.

Jullie-And that means we're going to come with you.

Ashley-We even have a playset in the backyard we can play on!


Before he could finish what he was saying I took his hand and we went outside to the backyard. When we got outside I dragged him to our playset that 'daddy' got us 2 years ago.

Ashley and I made (Y/N) climb up the rock wall and we were right behind him, when we all made it up we went into the small house where Jullie and I keep 2 bean bag chairs, crayons, coloring books, some of our toys, and our secret stash of candy.

Jullie-Do you like it (Y/N)?

(Y/N)-I-It's nice.

Ashley-Here, have a seat.

Ashley pushed (Y/N) on to a bean bag chair and sat down next to him wrapping her arms and tail around him, I joined them then we saw (Y/N) blushing and we couldn't help but giggle which made him blush even more.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trapped between 2 new neko sisters with their tails wrapped around me and I felt so nervous so I tried to get up, but they both pushed me back down and held on to me a little tighter.

Jullie-Why were you trying to leave us (Y/N)?


Ashley-Do you hate us?

(Y/N)-N-N-No, I-I just-.

Jullie-Then would you play with us?

(Y/N)-... Sure.


They finally got off of me then pulled me up and we left the playset.

Ashley-Oh lets play hide and seek.

Jullie-Ok, but let's do this, (Y/N) hides and if we find him before 30 minutes he has to sleep in our room tonight.

She said while setting a timer on her phone that she pulled out of her pocket.


Ashley-I like that, let's do it!

(Y/N)-C-Can I just s-say something?

Jullie-You can give up now and agree to pick us tonight.

I took a few steps back and they giggled.




I realized they were counting down so I ran inside to find a place to hide, I quickly found a door that had stairs going down. I closed the door and ran down the hall then I made it to a room I've never been in before so this must be Hannah's room then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Hannah.

Hannah-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-Trying t-to f-find a place to h-hide.


(Y/N)-J-Jullie, Ashley, and I are p-p-playing hide ann s-seek and if I l-lose I w-would have to p-pick to sl-sleep in their r-room t-tonight.


Hannah had a smile on her face and knelt down to me.

Hannah-I'll let you hide in my room and I'll keep them from finding you, but only if you pick me instead of them, deal?


I heard the backdoor open from down the hall.

Ashley-Ohhhh (YYYYY-NNNN)!~

(Y/N)-*sigh* Ok d-d-deal.

Hannah-Ok, go hide in my closet.

She pushed me towards her closet and I quickly went inside and left it cracked so it wouldn't be so dark.

(Hannah's POV)

(Y/N) was in my closet now then I went to bed and turned on my T.V., I put on "IT" since I know Jullie and Ashley can't handle horror movies and soon they came in.

Jullie-Hannah have you seen (Y/N)?

Hannah-Last time I saw him he was running around the house and said he was trying to find a hiding spot, but I don't know where he hid.

Ashley-Where's mommy?

Hannah-She took some of (Y/N)'s clothes and went shopping for him since he needed more clothes.

Jullie-Let us know if you see him.

Ashley-Wait, what if you're lying to us and he's hiding here!

Hannah-You're welcome to look, but i'm not pausing my movie.

Jullie-What are you watching?


They started to look scared and I managed to keep a straight face, but on the inside I was smiling that my plan was working. They can't even listen to a horror movie without flinching.


They closed my door and I went up to my door and locked it then I opened my closet door and saw (Y/N) curled up in the corner.

Hannah-They're gone. *Whisper*

He stepped out of my closet and he saw "IT" playing on my T.V. and Georgie just got his arm bitten off by Pennywise, I was about to turn it off until I got an idea and I was smiling on the inside again. I picked him up and held him against my waist.

Hannah-Does this scary movie scare you baby.~ *Whisper*

He looked down and started blushing.

(Y/N)-I-I'm not a b-baby. *Whisper*

Hannah-Oh then can you watch this scary movie like all the big kids do? *Whisper*

(Y/N)-Y-Y-Y-Yes. *Whisper*

I could tell he was already scared which meant he's gonna be my little cuddlier tonight.

Hannah-Ok then, let's get comfy. *Whisper*

We both got into my bed and he was already leaning against me, I felt so happy right now and this was only the beginning.

Hannah's mind-That's right (Y/N) just nuzzle into me to feel safer, it's just gonna be more cuddles for me tonight and for you to love me even more.


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