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((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was just like any other day: wake up, avoid Harry and his friends, eat breakfast, avoid Harry and his friends, and find a place to hide from Harry and his friends. I went to the library since Harry and his friends already searched there for me so it was safe for a while. I was reading one of the books in the corner of the library until Mrs. Grammer walked up to me.

(Y/N)-Hello Mrs. Grammer.

Mrs. Grammer-Hey (Y/N) go pack up your things, a nice family just adopted you.


Mrs. Grammer-Yep, now go pack up they’re waiting for you.

I left the library and quickly went to the boys room and paced up what little I had then quickly left before Harry and his friends showed up, but while I was walking to the office I saw Harry in the hallway.

Harry-Where do you think you're going?

(Y/N)-T-To the off-office.

Harry-Oh no you're not, you're coming with me.

(Y/N)-J-Just l-l-leave me a-alone.

Harry-You think a wimp like you deserves a family!

???-Hey boys.

We both looked at where the voice came from and I saw that neko girl from yesterday... Jullie.

Harry-Who are you, get lost this is none of your business.

Jullie-I think me and my sisters think it is our business.


???-She's talking about us.

I turned around behind me and I saw the other 2 neko girls from yesterday Hannah and Ashley.

Hannah-That's our adoptive brother that you're bullying and unless you want to deal with us you better leave.

Harry started to back off until he ran off then Jullie, Hannah, and Ashley took me with them to the office. When we got there I saw the final neko Brittney.

Ashley-We found him mommy.

Brittney-That's great, well (Y/N) are you ready to go?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes ma'am.

Brittney-You don't need to be shy, we're your family now.


Brittney-Well let's go home.

(Brittney's POV)

I felt so happy that we finally adopted a child, we all wanted this for a long time and now it's finally happening. I could tell the others were happy about this too.

Jullie-So (Y/N) what do you want to do when we get back home?

(Y/N)-I d-don't know.

Brittney-What he needs to do is get settled in first.

We got into the car and drove home and when we made it home I pushed the gates button and the gates slowly opened, (Y/N) looked at our house and he couldn't take his eyes off of it.

Hannah-You like your new home already?

(Y/N)-Your h-house is v-very n-nice.

We all giggled at him a little because of how his reaction was. I parked the car in the driveway and the gate automatically closed behind us when we got out of the car.

Brittney-Well now it's your home too (Y/N).

Ashley-And you still haven't seen the inside yet, come on!

(Ashley's POV)

I dragged my new little brother inside the house and brought him to my and Jullie's room. He looked amazed at how big my room was and I dragged him on to my bed then sat down next to him.

Ashley-Do you like my room, I share with Jullie.

(Y/N)-It's a-amazing, b-but I h-have a question.

Ashley-What is it?

(Y/N)-Wh-Where am I g-going to sl-sleep at night?

Just then everyone else walked in and sat on the bed with us.

Mommy-Ashley you can't run off with your brother like that, you need to share.

Ashley-Sorry mommy.

Brittney-And to answer your question (Y/N) we don't have any other spare rooms so you'll have to sleep with one of us tonight.

My sisters and I perked up at what mommy said and smiled.

Jullie-He can sleep with me!

Ashley-No me!

Hannah-No he's sleeping with his big sister!

Brittney-Now girls, I think it's fair if (Y/N) decides at the end of the day, until then let him look around his house and get to know us.

Mommy took (Y/N) out of the room and I felt a little annoyed because I want my new little brother to sleep with me and they're ruining it, but I'll make sure I'm gonna be his favorite by the end of the day.

(No POV)

Brittney's mind-I'm gonna make you want to choose me my little baby boy, I just can't wait to wrap my arms around you and for you to call me mommy.~

Hannah-I'm gonna be your favorite (Y/N), you'll see that you'll love your new oldest sister the most.~

Jullie-My new baby brother will love me so much more than the others even if you do belong to all of us now.~

Ashley-You will love us (Y/N) and you'll love to be with me more than them everyday, i'll make sure of it.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Brittney let go of my hand and told me to "have a look around the house", I walked around for a bit and when I found the kitchen I saw Brittney making something.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are y-you making B-Brittney?

Brittney-I'm just making some cookies for everyone to celebrate you being here now.

(Y/N)-Thank you.

Brittney-Well you're welcome, oh and feel free to call me mom now sweetie.

(Y/N)-Uh... ok m-m-mom.

I walked out of the kitchen then I heard squealing coming from the kitchen, I shrugged it off and went inside the living room and while I was looking around I found a picture of a man that looked fancy under the couch. My thoughts were interrupted by someone suddenly picking me up and held me high in the air, when I was turned around I saw Hannah.

Hannah-Hey (Y/N), what are you doing?~

I held up the picture I found to her.

(Y/N)-Who's this Hannah?

Hannah had a scary look on her face until it suddenly went away and she put me against her waist then took the picture from me. She went to the kitchen and threw it in the trash then went back to the living room and sat on the couch with me in her lap and her tail wrapped around my tummy.

Hannah-Just forget about that picture, it was nothing special.

Hannah turned on the T.V. and put on a cartoon for me then Jullie and Hannah came and joined us by dog piling on me and wrapping their tails around my legs. I could feel my face start to heat up, but thankfully they didn't notice.

(Brittney's POV)

I still couldn't believe (Y/N) called me mom so soon, he's so submissive and I love it. The cookies were done and I made sure to grab the two biggest ones and put them on a seperate plate for my little (Y/N) and went out to the living room. The girls were cuddling (Y/N) on the couch, but now it's my turn.

Brittney-Who wants cookies!?

Jullie and Ashley got off the (Y/N) and ran to me to get some cookies. I put one plate on the coffee table for everyone but (Y/N) then I sat down on the couch with the other plate in my hand. I took (Y/N) from Hannah which she didn't look happy about and put him on my lap and wrapped my tail around his waist. I took one of the cookies off the plate and held it up to him, when he tried to grab it I pushed his hand away.

Brittney-Open up and say ahh.~

He didn't say anything, but I saw his cheeks blushing and it looked so cute.

Brittney-Please baby, let mommy feed you, i'm only trying to help.

I put on a sad face and I could see he started to feel guilty, what made him break was that I managed to make a fake tear and he took a bit out of the cookie.

Brittney-Thanks sweetie.~

I fed him the rest of his cookies and held him against me while we all watched T.V. until it was time for bed and we all had one question now.

Brittney-So (Y/N) who do you want to sleep with tonight?

He thought about it for a minute then he finally answered.

(Y/N)-I'll sl-sleep with y-you.

I felt my heart flutter and I carried him to my room so we could get ready for bed. When we got to my room I took him to the bathroom and gave him a towel and told him to wash up and he did what he was told, while he was taking a shower I walked in and took his clothes and left him some clean ones. After a bit he got out then I went in to take a quick shower and when I got out I got dressed where he couldn't see me. I crawled into bed with him then wrapped my arms, legs, and tail around him and the best part is when I kissed his cheek he didn't struggle one bit.

(Y/N)-G-G-Goodnight... m-mom.

Brittney-Goodnight (Y/N), I love you.

Brittney's mind-And I will never EVER let you go, you're ours now and only ours and i'll kill anyone who tries to take you away.


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