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(Brittney's POV)

The girls and I have been wanting another member into our family, but my husband Jeremy keeps on saying no and since he is the only one who is financially stable enough we can't do it without him. He's mostly at work anyways, he owns a huge multi-billion dollar company and he practically lives at his office, the only times he comes home is when he wants a home cooked meal or when he wants to use us to make a better reputation for himself. Right now we were at the orphanage just looking at all the children here.

Hannah-How come we can't use the money that dad sends us to adopt someone.

Brittney-Because your dad pays all the bills and sends us enough money for food.

Jullie-That's not fair!

Ashley-Daddy doesn't care about us anyway.

We continued to walk around until we saw a group of boys around the age of 12 picking on another boy that was smaller than them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Harry and his friends were bullying me right now like they do everyday. I used to try to tell someone, but they wouldn't believe me or they would give them a little punishment then they do it again so I just gave up.

???-Hey leave him alone!

They stopped and we all looked to where that voice came from and we saw 4 nekos.

Harry-We're just horsing around.

???-No you weren't, you were bullying him!

One of the younger nekos came up to me then took my hand and pulled me towards the others, after that we left and they went to one of the caretakers at the office.

Caretaker-Hello ma'am how may I help you?

???-Are you aware that boy was being bullied by another group of boys here?

Caretaker-We have more priorities here so we can't always keep an eye on the kids here 24/7.

???-That's your job to keep an eye on all the kids here!

Caretaker-Ma'am we are doing the best we can here.

The neko lady got mad and took me out of the room with her and the others followed us. When we left the room we went to the front lobby and they stopped and all of them were looking at me.

???-Hey little boy what's your name?


???-I'm Brittney.


???-I'm Jullie.

???-And i'm Ashley

Brittney-So how long have those boys been bullying you?

(Y/N)-Since th-the d-day I g-got here.

Brittney-Did you tell anyone?

(Y/N)-Yes, b-but they n-never st-stopped.

(Brittney's POV)

I can't believe that the orphanage is practically doing nothing while this boy is suffering. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around then saw a caretaker here.

Caretaker-Excuse me ma'am, but visiting hours are over so you need to leave.

Brittney-Fine, come on girls.

We left the orphanage and went back home. When we got back home we saw that Jeremy was here and he never comes home unless he brings us a present then asks us for something in return. We went inside and saw 4 presents on the couch in the living room with Jeremy standing right by them.

Jeremy-How was your day?


Jeremy-You want to tell me what the 4 of you did?

Hannah-Just went out to go see a movie.

Jeremy-For 4 hours?

Jullie-We saw more than one movie.

Jeremy-Whatever, just come and see what daddy got for all of you.

We all grabbed our presents and opened them. I got another diamond necklace.

Brittney-It's beautiful, I'll put it with the others.

I went to my room and threw the necklace in the jewelry box with the other 57 diamond necklaces, well 58 now.

(Hannah's POV)

I opened my gift from dad and it was a new phone case for my phone.

Hannah-Thanks dad, i'll just replace the case on my phone... again.

This is the 5th case this month and they just don't satisfy me anymore.

(Jullie's POV)

Ashley and I opened our present from daddy and saw that we both got the new tablets that came out last month.

Jullie-Thanks dad.

Ashley-They're nice.

We both put on fake smiles for him, but we didn't want these, we wanted another sister or brother.

Daddy-I'm glad you both like them.

He didn't even smile when he said that so we knew that he didn't care. Mommy came back in the living room and daddy clapped his hands twice to get our attention.

(Brittney's POV)

Jeremy-Alright girls I have a certain group on my back that claims that I don't pay them enough for the hours they work so I need your help to help me look good in front of the media.

Hannah-Or you can just pay them a fair amount since they're working more hours.

Jeremy-I believe I didn't ask for any of your opinions, I just asked for you to come with me to help me with the media!

Brittney-Don't yell at her!

Jeremy-I give you all gifts and this is the thanks I get, you're all really are animals!

Hannah-You're barely even here, you're always at work and come home for things like this, you don't even care about us, you just use us so people think you're a good guy!

He got mad and started to walk over to Hannah.

Jeremy-That is it, I will not be disrespected! *SMACK*

Jullie and Ashley were starting to get scared, Hannah was now on the floor crying and I felt anger boil up inside me.


I charged at him and tackled him to the ground, knocking over a table and stuff fell to the floor.

Jeremy-Get off of me now you filthy feline!

I grabbed a broken glass shard from one of the things that broke and stabbed him in the chest. He screamed in pain and I stabbed him again and again until he stopped screaming and moving.


I turned around and saw the shocked faces on all of my daughters faces. I dropped the glass shard and saw my hands covered in blood. I looked back at my daughters and stood up.

Brittney-Girls you know he didn't care about us right?

Jullie-He hurt Hannah.

Brittney-Yeah he did and he was a bad man, but it's better now, he can't bother us anymore.

Hannah-What do we do now?

Brittney-Just let me handle this all of go wait in the car, I got an idea.

They went to the car like I told them and I threw my clothes in the washer and took a quick shower to get all of the blood off me then I dried off and got dressed. I threw my clothes in the dryer and waited until they were dry then took them out and hung them up. I went back to the living room and picked up the glass sharf and washed off the blood and rubbed off the fingerprints with a washcloth and placed it in the pile of broken glass. After I was done I went to the car with the girls and called the police, I told them someone broke into the house and killed my husband and now they were on their way and I hung up the phone.

Brittney-Now girls remember if they ask you questions you say we just got home from the movies and daddy was dead when we walked in.

They all nodded then the police arrived, after they were done cleaning up the mess they left and according to Jeremy's will I now own the company and his fortune and since the company can pretty much run itself I can still stay home. I joined the girls in the living room and I had some news for them.

Brittney-Hey girls, you remember that boy earlier today?


Brittney-Well I have more than enough money now so how about let's do what we wanted to do for a long time now and adopt (Y/N).

They all had smiles on their faces now and so did I.

Brittney-We'll go first thing in the morning so go get some sleep.

We all went to our rooms and went to bed and I had this one thought on my mind now.

Brittney's mind-We're gonna take good care of you (Y/N) and nobody will take you from us after we waited so long for this day.


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