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(Carly's POV)

All of our daughters were keeping (Y/N) occupied while we were looking at private islands and I never thought in a million years that I would be doing this. Everything looked so good, but then it had dangerous plants and insects that were very poisonous and we wanted something very safe for our Puppy and daughters, it was just so hard to find 1 that was right for us. The 2 I thought looked nice had either poisonous insects and the others had a volcano and that was too dangerous for our families to be near so that was out.

Carly-What did you guys find so far?

Heather-Only 1 island I found was safe, but it was too close to the main land.

Brittany-High shark activity.


Harper-I found something that could be a little fixer upper. The only thing bad about it is that the housing isn't up to code

Brittney-We can pay for it to be repaired or demolished and rebuild, let us see the island. We went to Harper and she showed us the island she found and it looked beautiful.


We didn't bother looking at the house and I think it was settled now on where we were moving.

Brittney-I'll make a few calls about the house and i'll have plans for a new house made.

Taylor-When do you think that would be? I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Brittney-Sorry, but building a new house takes months to do so get comfy.

Heather-And as long as we have those poles up and (Y/N) is unaware that they're there, he'll be unable to run.

Harper-Do we tell the girls?

Carly-Later, but now let's keep this between us and get this island paid for and get this show on the road.

Brittney pulled out her phone and dialed the number we saw for the island and I was jumping up and down on the inside because we're gonna have our own private island with nobody anywhere near our Puppy. I left the room and joined the others in the living room as they were playing video games in the living room and I just wanted to shout the news to the top of my lungs, but I had to be patient.

(Alice's POV)

I was in 1st place in Mario kart 8 and Bunny was in 4th then I noticed Carly came in and I couldn't ask her if they found a place, but I think that smile said it all, that or she was enjoying Madison sitting Bunny on her lap. I quickly returned my attention back to the screen since there was a red shell heading straight for me and I got hit then ended up in 3rd by Mya and Rose.

Alice-I know that was you Mya!

Rose-Actually that was me.

Mya-I got in front of her when she threw it.

Soon the race was over and I was unable to get back in first and the rule was whoever got in fisrt doesn't have to give up the controller so the 3 of us passed our controllers to someone and I left to go to the bathroom, but on the way there I heard something thanks to my ears.

Brittney-About 15 rooms and for additional buildings we can talk about later on during construction after I get pictures of the island... No, no staff will be needed... Well can we just arrange something else for a S.O.S. beacon?... Done, i'll pay for it... I don't wanna sound rude, but that's none of your business why I don't want a staff quarters or staff... Yes I want them to drop of food and supplies at the docks and bring them to our house, but I think we can take care of the rest... Well that's why we have machines and I don't care how much it costs just make it so that I don't need staff living on that island... Bye.

I felt so happy that it was gonna happen and I was so telling Jullie, Ashley, and Madison since we get along so well, but i'll wait until we're alone.

(Timeskip 2 weeks)

(???'s POV)

I was just enjoying sometime in the sun at my favorite spot when I suddenly see a huge boat heading straight for the island and I just sat there as it got closer then it stopped only to let out smaller boats with lots of big machines on it.

???'s mind-What the hell?

The first thing I did was head out to go back to my daughters and kept us both hidden from these guys while I watch from the shadows on what they're doing.

???-Mom what's happening?

???-Just stay here sweetie, i'm gonna have a look around.

(Brittney's POV)

I gotten word that they started the demolition of the old house since I wanted to start from scratch and the plans for the house were almost done and I just wanted to add a few more ideas for them to add in then i'll tell the girls the news.

Jullie-Mommy can Kitten sleep in our room tonight?!

I heard my daughter yell from down the hallway and I think Ellie can be with her mother or some else tonight.

Brittney-Sure honey, just find someone to take in Ellie tonight!

Ashley-Thank you!

Everything was soon gonna be so easy and simple soon enough and so far there's be sightings of Thanatos on the news, but nothing leads to us so from here on out it's nothing, but smooth sailing.

(???'s POV)

Our dad wanted to take me and my twin brother to work with him to work on an island, but since both of us were 6 years old we wouldn't be allowed next to the work places. Right now we were on the boat on the way to the island and dad wouldn't stop trying to get us even more excited.

Dad-You boys are gonna love the few of this place and we're gonna be here for about a few months.

???-Is there gonna be other kids to play with?

Dad-Probably not, sorry. My boss just barely let me take you 3 since nobody would watch you for that long so you're gonna be on the camp grounds with people who aren't working.

???-But those are adults.

Dad-They're pretty fun. I should know even though the girls can have too much fun.

???-What kind of fun?

Dad-Oh uh... they... tell jokes.

???-What kind of jokes?

Dad-Stay away from my manager.

(No POV)

Events were unfolding as some people have no idea what they were getting into, but some might like it more than others... who's to say.



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