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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in my own bed somewhat alone, but I couldn't sleep for some reason and to top it all off I was half expecting Ellie to cry in the middle of the night. Soon I heard footsteps coming down the hall and that was weird because Ellie didn't cry, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just hopped in my bed. The door slowly opened and someone's head peaked in and it wasn't 1 of the girls, but I did recognize him as that cop. Why is he here?

(Y/N)-What are y-y-you d-doing? *whisper*

Thanatos-Kid we gotta go. *whisper*

(Y/N)-B-But you g-gave me b-back and they're g-gonna be v-very mad. *whisper*

Thanatos-I didn't give you back and we're leaving. *whisper*

I got out of bed and when I did I saw Ellie peaking through the bars of her crib and when he took my hand and lead me to the door Ellie started to cry and Thanatos picked me up and started running. Then I realized something as he ran outside throwing the door open.

(Y/N)-Wait I c-can't leave!

Thanatos-What?! You can't stay here!

(Y/N)-No it's not l-like that!

Just then the bracelet pushed right against me and it kinda hurt and Thanatos feel on the ground then I saw Harper, Carly, Brittney, Taylor, and Heather running to us.


I was picked up from Thanatos by Brittney and Heather held him down. I was smothered by Brittney then she pressed against my chest and I winced in pain and she noticed it. She put me down and took off mt shirt and we all saw a bruise on my chest.

The girls all gasped before they looked very angry with Thanatos.

Brittney-I gave you a warning, I gave you some money, I let you go to live a life with your family and 'this' is what you do?!

Taylor-You hurt what was ours.

Thanatos-Let go of me!

Brittney-Oh were done giving you chances, now it's time for action.

They brought both of us inside and Brittney gave me to Harper and we went to my room as they took Thanatos to the basement. Ellie was crying as Harper took me to the bathroom and she took out some kind of paste and rubbed it on my bruise then took me to my closet to put a shirt on then when we got back in the room Ellie was about to get sick from crying. Harper picked me up and brought me to the crib and put me in with Ellie.

Harper-It's ok baby, see your Puppy is here now.~

She grabbed on to me and she slowly stopped crying as Harper forced me to lay down with her.

Harper-You 2 go back to sleep. Us mommies are gonna be 'busy' tonight.

She left the room and it was just the 2 of us now and it was so embarrassing to be in here.

(Harper's POV)

When I made it to the basement I saw that fucking cop who tried to take our Puppy was tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth.

Harper-Well look at you now.

Brittney-Just know you brought this on yourself.

She punched him in the face multiple times until she stopped on her own and he had a few bruises on his face and we all stood in front of him and I knocked his chair over so he fell on his back and he grunted in pain from that. Next I went to get a knife from the shelf down here and I stabbed 1 of his legs and he screamed in agony through his gag.

Harper-It's gonna be a long night for you!

I twisted the knife and he screamed in more pain and blood started gushing out of his leg.

Taylor-And it's gonna be your last.

Brittney-I gave you too many chances and each time I did you kept on pushing it until you finally pushed it over the limit. That will be your last mistake.

Heather walked up to him and stomped him in the stomach knocking all the air out of him making get it back only through his nose.

(Bella's POV)

After the incident our moms told us to stay out of last night I had a hard time sleeping and now it was morning so I got up and started getting ready and I went to my Puppy's room and I didn't see him in his bed and I panicked a bit before I saw that he was in the crib with Ellie cuddling him in her sleep. I was a little jealous of my baby sister since she gets to share a room with him. My thoughts were interrupted by Heather coming in and using a wet rag to clean the blood off her hands and I didn't care who's blood that was.

Heather-Let them sleep, we're gonna have a family meeting.

I followed her to the living room and the other moms were bringing out the others beside Ellie and (Y/N) and when everyone was out here Brittney stood in the middle of the room.

Brittney-Last night that cop Thanatos broke in and tried to run away with our Kitten, but thanks to the magnetic field around the house and the bracelet we put on him he was able to get far and we caught him.

Jullie-What did you do to him mommy?

Brittney-We got rid of the problem and buried it somewhere on the mountain, but lets move on.

Harper-And speaking of moving that's what this meeting is all about.

Hannah-We're moving again.

Brittney-It's not as safe as we hoped it would be here as we hoped. Moving to the mountains isn't enough so while we were taking care of a problem we tried to find a solution then Carly came up with a solution.

Carly-Grab your surf boards because we're moving to our own private island

We all stared at her wide eyed from the news and I was screaming and jumping on the inside since we were gonna have our own private island.

Heather-But with this comes some chores that need to be done. First off our Cub can't leave his room since we're gonna turn off the field and pull out the hidden poles since we're gonna be taking them with us and we're ordering a lot more to surround the island with them.

Carly-Second he can't know about this since we're saving his room for last and finally when we do get to doing his room we want him to be held at all times, we don't want him trying to run.

Rose-So what does the house look like?

Taylor-That's what were gonna look at now and when we find the 1 we'll show you girls and call the movers.

Brittney-That's all so go wake up Kitten and Ellie and have fun while we look for an island.

We did what she said and I made it to the room first and I took my little Puppy out and he was still half asleep in my arms while someone else got Ellie and we went to the living room to relax.

Bella's mind-Rest little Puppy because nobody is ever gonna so much as hear or see you except for us... like it should be.~


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