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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up between Brittney and Taylor and I was squished between them with their arms wrapped around each other like we were a sandwich or something. I wanted to get up, but I knew they would too so I wasn't even gonna try to sneak away.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why would that cop take me from them just to give me back?

(Y/N)-Brittney, T-Taylor.

That woke them up and they immediately looked upset with me.

Taylor-You wanna try that again?

(Y/N)-... Mama, mommy.

Brittney-That's better.~

Taylor-So what is it?

(Y/N)-Can I g-get up?

Brittney-I guess we could give you a bath.

(Y/N)-But I d-didn't s-say that.

Brittney-But I did so let's get you cleaned up that after you it's our turn to get in.

They took me out of bed and we went to the bathroom and Taylor started stripping me while Brittney was getting the bath ready. When I was naked they put me in the tub and the water was warm and Taylor poured water on my head a couple of times to get me wet while Brittney put soap on her hands then scrubbed my hair and I closed my eyes so soap wouldn't get in them. I was already used to this even before I met Taylor and her family so I just sat there until they were done then I heard someone come in and when I looked I saw Alice.

Alice-How much longer is Bunny's bath gonna last? Ellie won't stop crying.

Taylor-He's almost done.

Alice-And Harper also wants to talk about the rooms when you come out.

She left then I got out then they dried me off and got me dressed in some regular clothes thankfully and we went out to the living room where I heard crying. I saw Harper trying to calm down Ellie with some of the girls out here, but it wasn't working then she noticed me.

Harper-There he is baby. Here.~

She came over to me and took me to the couch to sit down then gave me Ellie and she slowly stopped crying then wagged her tail.

Harper-Awwwww, you wanted your puppy didn't you Ellie.~

Brittney-Hey you wanted to talk about the rooms, but I said Ellie could have my old 1.

Harper-Actually since Ellie cries a lot when he isn't around I thought that they could just share that room.


Ashley-Hey, how come she gets to share a room with Kitten?

Harper-Last night she woke up crying twice and it was really hard to put her back down.

Taylor-I mean... if it helps her sleep.

Harper-Thank you. I'll just put her crib and changing table in there with some of her toys.

Brittney-You hear that Kitten? You get a roommate.~

Jullie/Ashley/Alice-No fair!

Harper, Brittney, and Taylor left the room just as Heather and Carly walked in and looked at the girls confused while I wasn't happy either.

Carly-Why the long faces?

Alice-Ellie gets to share a room with Bunny. *Hmph*


Ashley-She keeps on crying at night so Harper asked if they could share a room then they said yes!

Carly-Ok just calm down, you can still go and sleep in there if you want to. You're not kicked out.

That just reminded me on how unfair that was to me and now I'm forced to share a room with a baby.


(Harper's POV)

We just moved the crib and changing table into Puppy's and Ellie's room while they were having breakfast and we decided to use 1 of the empty rooms for a time out room with the box in the middle of the room for when Puppy is being bad. We went to the kitchen to get something to eat then when we were done we joined the others in the living room and the little ones weren't very happy, except for Ellie.

Brittney-Are you girls mad about the new arrangements?

Taylor-You can still go in there.

(Y/N)-Why c-c-can't I j-just sleep by my-myself?

Carly-Eh, eh, eh, you have to help keep your baby sister happy for us.

Brittney-You got only 1 job and that's to let us love you while following our rules.

Rose-Speaking of which.

Eva-Bella, Rose, Tiffany, Mya, Hannah, and I wanna borrow Puppy for a few hours to watch some movies.

Harper-Just let Ellie have him for a bit longer please.

They waited for about after an episode of Ellie's favorite show before they took him and I gave Ellie a teething pacifier to stop her crying.

(Hannah's POV)

We went to my room and closed the door, the curtains, and turned off the lights. When I told them earlier that Kitten gets clingy to you when he's scared they really wanted to do this and we had to take turns, but let's be honest we might be here for hours.

Rose-Let's start be watching 'The Ring'.

(Y/N)-Wh-What's that?

Rose-You'll see.


During the movie when we switched after our 10 minute turn rule Kitten would try to hold onto you then immediately cling to the next 1 while the rest of us would pet and adore him. We made it through The Ring, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Annabel and sometimes we would say 'Try to be a brave boy' then it would last for a few minutes before he clung to us again.

Hannah's mind-Our little cuddly Kitten.~

(No POV)

After 2 more movies the moms came in and told them it was time to give (Y/N) up since they missed lunch and it's almost dinner so the little girls get to spend time with him before bed. They played games on the ps4 for the rest off the day while forcing (Y/N) to cuddle with them and they even had pizza for dinner while they were still with him. The day finally came to an end so it was time for everyone to get ready for bed and (Y/N) and Ellie were given a bath together while the moms were all helping then they put a baby monitor in the room for Ellie and put her in her crib while (Y/N) got into bed and each of them got a kiss goodnight.

Harper-If Ellie cries tonight she'll be sleeping with you, but since we don't want her to possibly wake up before you and fall off it might not be in your bed.


Harper-I know it's embarrassing, but would you want your baby sister to get hurt?

Brittney-If that does happen we'll make it up to you in the morning. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-H-How are y-y-you gonna-?

Carly-We'll let you decide, but there's a limit to it.


They left the room and soon everyone in the house was in bed ready to go to sleep, but they were unaware of that someone was hiding in the front yard of the house waiting for the right moment to sneak in.

???'s mind-I'm coming.


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