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((Y/N)'s POV)

Ever since I woke up it's been me being smothered by everyone and them giving kisses and Ellie wanting me to hold her while she calls me a...


I hated all these nicknames that makes me sound like i'm there baby. We were all just having cereal for breakfast since Brittney, Taylor, Harper, Carly, and Heather wanted to the kitchen clean for a 'special lunch' they wanted to make. I was feeding Ellie some baby food then Harper wagged her tail like Ellie was with a smile on her face while deeding me.

Harper-Look at you being a loving big brother.~


Harper-That's right Ellie, that's our Puppy.~

Tulip-Hey Cub you wanna play outside when were done eating?

Ashley-Jullie and I are coming too.

Brittney-You should all go outside while we cook.

We continued eating until we were all done then it smelled bad so Harper took Ellie to go change her while the rest of us went outside and soon Harper brought Ellie out and gave her to Eva. While we were playing I was suddenly pulled by the bracelet unable to go any further than here and I wondered why I couldn't go any further so I decided to have a look around while pretending I was still playing.

Jullie-Let's play tag!

Ashley-I'll be it!

She immediately started chasing me so I ran along this invisible wall, but just as I was about to reach the bushes...


I stopped from the way she yelled at me then she ran to me and pushed me the other way away from the bushes then Ashley tagged me and ran off. Hannah took me away from the bushes and I looked at them.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why can't I go to the bushes now?

(Hannah's POV)

I managed to stop him just in time before he found out because our plan needs to be kept hidden from him. If he never finds out the secret that's really keeping him her, he will never be able to find a way to escape.

Hannah-Go back to playing Kitten.

He did what I said and I felt relieved.

Hannah's mind-Because even if you did find out you still won't leave... so don't worry about leaving...~ you can't.

(Brittney's POV)

We were all cooking a special lunch together and having small talk then Heather brought up her old husband and how Kitten reminds her of him.

Harper-Yeah I remember Mike. You 2 dated since when?

Heather-In the middle of Junior year.

Carly-Well at least your husband wasn't a cheater.

Harper-Or a lazy drunk slob that lies to everyone.

Carly-What about you 2?

Taylor-Our husband cheated on us with each other.

Brittney-And he was barely around me.

Harper-So that makes your daughters step sisters.

I felt something kinda bother me when she said that.

Brittney-Yep... I gotta go to the bathroom.

I left the kitchen and I went to my room and I didn't have to use the bathroom, but I felt something that i've been ignoring for long because Kitten kept me occupied, but the memories of having sex with 'Jeremy' filled my head so I took my mind on something else to suppress that. I was interrupted by Taylor opening and closing the door behind her.


Brittney-Take a wild guess.


Brittney-*Sigh* I love Kitten with all my heart, but I still get irritated with the memories with Jeremy and how they were all a lie.

Taylor-I feel the same way you do, but you killed him so it's not like we can do anything to him to make him suffer.

Brittney-I just want to get rid of this feeling for good instead of it coming back the moment Kitten is out of my sight.

Taylor-... You know,... there might be a way.

Brittney-How? Should I go get Kitten?

Taylor-Bunny is playing with his sisters so...

She came up to me and whispered into my her making it flicker.

Taylor-Let's keep this between us.~

(Lemon start)

I felt her rub her fingers between my legs and it caught me be surprise, but at the same time it felt good, like a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. This was a different kind of good feeling and I accidentally let out a moan of pleasure.

Taylor-Jeremy was always good with sweet words, but I bet he never made you feel like this.~ *whisper*

She slipped her hand into my pants and panties then I let this feeling take over and kissed Taylor using my tongue to explore her mouth. I let her play with me while I pushed her onto my bed then got on top of her then I took off my shirt which made here smirk and move her hand up my waist until she she sat up and reached behind me to undo my bra then let it drop. While she was playing with my boobs I started to strip her and soon all of our clothes were off then I pushed Taylor down and traveled between her legs.


(Taylor's POV)

I started to feel her tongue slid around in me while playing with my tail for a bit before she started fingering my ass and she was so good I gripped on to the blanket and my breathing became faster and faster until I came in her mouth and she stopped then came up to my face and kissed my cheek while rubbing my ears. That felt nice, but now it was my turn.

Taylor-I see why Jeremy also had you around. You're pretty good.


Taylor-But now... it's my turn.~

I quickly got on top of her pinning her down then I licked her hard nipples and nibble on them making her moan while I traveled down her smooth and curvy body. I did the same to her what she did to me and she was so wet and her cat tail puffed up while I played with it and I was going as fast as I could with my tongue and she arched her back from the pleasure.

Brittney-Ohhhh fuck!~

I kept this up until she came and she tasted sweet as I even cleaned her inside and out. I went back up and laid on top off her with our boobs pressed against each other as we kissed again and she was too tired to put up a fight for dominance so it was my turn to explore her until we separated for air and I gotta say... this was better than when I did it with Jeremy.

Taylor-You taste sweet.~

Brittney-You do too.~

Taylor-You're better than Jeremy in more ways than 1.

Brittney-Then why stop here?~ *chuckles*

(Lemon end)

(Timeskip 1 hour)

(Heather's POV)

We were almost done cooking everyone and those 2 just unloaded everything on us and just then they walked in and they looked like they just got out of the shower since they had what hair and smiling at each other.

Carly-Took you 2 long enough.

Harper-Food almost got over cooked.

Taylor-Sorry girls.

Brittney-We just had a little time to ourselves.

It took a bit for us to catch on before we looked at them.

Heather-Did you 2...?

Brittney-We have a first real couple in this house... Oh and Harper feel free to give Ellie my old room or whatever.

Harper-You 2 did it did you?

They kissed each other right in front of us before they helped us with the finishing touches on the food before the kids came in and Bella was holding my little Cub in her arms then Brittney went up to her and took him.

Brittney-Oh my sweet little Kitten.~

She was in a really good mood so I let her be, but if she thinks she could leave us with all the work and get to feed Cub she is wrong.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Brittney was covering my face in kisses then Taylor joined in before they both looked at each other then back to me.

Taylor-Hey Bunny guess what.


Brittney-2 of your mommies are gonna share a room now.~

Taylor-You wanna sleep with us tonight?~

(Y/N)-C-Can I sleep b-b-by myself?

Brittney-Awwwww, of course not silly Kitten.~

I looked away from them then noticed the food on the counter and it looked good and just then Heather took me out of there arms.


Carly come in with more meat on a stick and Heather pushed my head against his chest.

Heather-He'll sleep with you 2 tonight, but since you 2 'had your fun' while we were cooking we get to feed him.


Harper-Ok everyone, come and get it.

Carly-And we got chocolate pudding for desert later.

They all got a plate while some made a plate for my Cub that I was holding then we all went out to the dining room and Carly, Harper, and I took turns feeding him since those 2 didn't help much and the others got to play with him outside.

Heather-Open up honey.~

He did what I said and I loved this feeling that I got to feed and protect someone as delicate and cute as him... my little baby Cub.~


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