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((Y/N)'s POV)

We just got done eating and everyone was taking turns feeding me while I was feeding Ellie since she would scream and cry otherwise. Tulip even came up with a game of catch, but I was the ball and only Ellie, Alice, Jullie, and Ashley couldn't play since they weren't strong enough to throw me and Tulip could barely throw me. Soon they stopped and we just watched a show they put on for Ellie while I was being smothered by everyone.

(Y/N)-Can you g-g-get off m-me pl-pl-please?

Hannah-Hmmmm... nope.

Mya-Don't you like being surrounded and cuddled by lots of girls?~

Rose-A lot of guys would be jealous.

Heather-And why would we let go of someone so cute?~

She kissed both of my cheeks and I rubbed them while blushing, but she stopped me and kissed me again and wouldn't let me rub them off.



Just then Ashley kissed me to and 1 thing lead to another everyone got in on it until Ellie started crying while reaching for me.

Harper-Oh (Y/N) your baby sister wants a kiss from you.~

I hesitated as she kept on crying which made Harper glare at me so I gave Ellie a kiss, but she just wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and made me take her with me.

Everyone, but (Y/N) and Ellie-Awwwww.~

Eva-She loves you.~

Ellie started to babble again until she started to sound like she was trying to say something.

Bella-I think she's trying to say something!

Harper-*Gasp* Her first word!

Ellie-P-P... Pu-... Puppy.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled it down and touched my chest and everyone awed while I was just embarrassed. Even if it was probably just a random word, what if...

(Y/N)'s mind-Did she mean me?

(Harper's POV)

I felt so happy my baby girl said her first word, but I wish it was mommy, but what she said... 'puppy'... I like that.

Harper's mind-My little Puppy.~

(No POV)

Bella and Eva's mind-Come to think of it, he really is like a little puppy.

Carly's mind-I like that nickname Ellie practically just gave him. Maybe i'll use it for now on.~

Madison's mind-Since Brittney and Taylor's family call him 'Kitten' and 'Bunny' I guess I can call him Puppy,... I like that.~

Heather's mind-Calling him Puppy doesn't exactly suit me as it does to Carly and Harper,... but I could call him my little 'Cub'.~

Heather leaned in and whispered her idea for (Y/N)'s nickname to her daughters and they both smiled.

Rose and Tulip's mind-Our little Cub huh.~

(Tiffany's POV)

It looked so cute that Bunny was taking care of a baby wolf girl and how lovable he could be back, but it also bothered me... Where's our love? Just then I got an idea on how to get a kiss from Bunny of his own free will... either that or plan B.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still holding Ellie while everyone was just looking at us then all the sudden Tiffany started crying and there were even tears and her ears went down to the back of her head.

Tiffany-Bunny you love us too right?


Tiffany-It's just that we do a lot for you and you made us very sad when you ran away and now you show love to a baby... Can I have a kiss to make me feel better?~

(Y/N)-Y-You locked m-m-me in the b-base-basement.

Tiffany-We were just mad and didn't think, we're sorry. Can I get a kiss now?~

She started to cry harder and I still didn't do it then Taylor made me look at her, but gently.

Taylor-Now Bunny she did say she was sorry and since you're a big brother now you have to be a role-model for Ellie since she looks up to you.

Harper-That's right so... accept her apology.

Tiffany leaned in so I just gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Harper-Better than that.

I tried to give her another kiss, but at the last second she turned her head and I accidentally kissed her on the lips and this surprised me and everyone else as she had a smirk on her face.

Tiffany-All better.

Ashley-Hey we're sorry too! Where's our kiss?!

They all made made give them a kiss and I did it since I couldn't run as long as I had this stupid bracelet on then Ellie started crying so I gave her another kiss to make her stop. We all kept on going about the day as normal as it gets until finally it was time for bed so we all got ready and I went to my room and the door was closed and locked behind me. I got into bed and I was relaxing until the door opened and 'everyone' came in and they had a few sleeping bags with them.

(Y/N)-What are you d-d-doing?

Brittney-We thought it would be nice if we slept in here tonight.

Madison-And since we all won't fit on the bed we brought a few sleeping bags.

Harper-And guess who want's to have a cuddle buddy.~


Before I could say anything most of them got on my bed and only Carly, Harper, Taylor, Brittney, and Heather were sleeping on the ground in sleeping bags then they started giving almost all of us kisses goodnight until they all made it to me at the same time.

Brittney-You know what you have now Kitten?~


Brittney-You have 5 loving mothers and 12 equaling loving sisters.~

She rubbed my cheek and Ellie tried to copy her until she stopped and gave me and kiss on my fore head.

Brittney-Goodnight Kitten.~

Next to give me a kiss was Taylor.

Taylor-Night Bunny.~

Then Harper.

Harper-Goodnight little Puppy.~

I was caught off guard by that then Carly gave me a kiss next.

Carly-Goodnight Puppy.~

Then finally Heather kissed my forehead.

Heather-Sweet dreams my little Cub.~

Another weird name was given to me before they got off the bed then everyone started to give me kisses and called me Kitten, Bunny, Puppy, or Cub before they laid back down, but Ellie was doing something and whimpering for some reason.

Harper-What's wrong with Ellie?

Alice-We don't know.

Tulip-Wait I think I know, pull Cub down a bit.

They pulled me deeper into the blanket and Ellie grabbed my head then Tulip gently pushed me into Ellie's chest then she stopped being fussy and I was beyond embarrassed that I was being forced to sleep like this.

Everyone, but (Y/N) and Ellie-Awwwww.~

Harper-See Puppy, she loves you.~

Carly-I'm taking a picture and this is gonna be my wallpaper.

I tried to move before they could, but then Ellie started to cry louder and louder.

Ellie-Puppy! *sobbing and screaming*

Soon I was pushed back into her chest by someone and Ellie's little arms wrapped around my head as she was starting to calm down slowly.

Eva-Don't be mean to your baby sister, you belong to her just as much as you belong to us.

Bella-And she just wants to cuddle with you too so don't be mean to her.

I felt so embarrassed and I just closed my eyes and saw flashes of the phones taking pictures of me like this and everyone wanted those pictures sent to them and they kept on taking pictures for I think 5 minutes before they stopped and we all went to sleep and with everything quiet now I could hear Ellie's heartbeat as I fell asleep.


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