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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke slowly wanted to go back asleep and the bed just felt more comfy than I remembered and I felt something soft and fluffy next to me so I grabbed it and it just felt so good then I didn't remember anything like this in the motel room. My eyes opened up and I looked around to see this wasn't the motel room, but I did recognize this room, but it looked changed in some ways. I saw an old looking arcade machine like you would see in an arcade in my room and I saw all the big stuffed animals hanging from the ceiling.


there was also a few cool looking rugs and curtains that were new, but I was hoping that this was still a dream. I got up and went to the door, but it was locked and my heart was beating faster then I heard footsteps coming closer then the doorknob made a noise so I backed up. When the door opened I saw Ashley peak in then a huge smile was on her face.


She ran to me and hugged me then she kissed my cheek before she made me look at her while pushing my cheeks together.

Ashley-You're awake, thank god you're back, don't ever leave us again, you had us worried sick, we missed you so much!

She was talking very fast to me then she took my hand and took me out of my room then I Brittney in the hallway and she ran to me and snatched me up in her arms while covering my face with kisses then held me close.

Brittney-Oh my sweet little Kitten!~

(Y/N)-H-How did I g-g-get back here?!

Brittney-We'll have a family meeting about that. Jullie can you go get everyone?

Jullie-Ok mommy.

She ran off and Brittney was taking me somewhere and I tried to get down, but she wouldn't let me as we made it to the living room and I was shocked to see everyone here and Ellie was reaching for me while she was being held by Harper.

Eva-So do you have any questions?

(Y/N)-H-How d-d-did I g-get here? I was a-asleep in the m-motel room.

Taylor-The cop called us and said he thought we should have you and he already had a family to take care off so we picked you up while you were asleep.

(Y/N)-He c-called you?

Harper-I also said that we were bad so we promised that we would be good for now on.

Brittney-You still have to listen to us, but we found a way to let you walk around the house without having you run away again.

(Y/N)-S-So no punishment?

Taylor-No punishment.

Brittney-But we want to be sure you can't runaway the cop suggested these since they were harmless.

Madison got up and left the room and soon came back with Bracelet and a necklace with a key.


Brittney held out my hand then Madison put it on me and I heard a click then Brittney put on the necklace. I don't see how this was gonna keep me here.

Tulip-So can we play outside now?

Brittney-Of course, we need some bonding time with our Kitten after he was gone for so long.~

She rubbed my check a little and I pulled away and she let me down then we all went outside. I still remember them killing someone and the others trying to kill someone so I was about to leave, but everyone noticed this which made me terrified on what they were about to do.

Taylor-Awwwww, are you gonna try and run away.~

Carly-Remember what the cop told us that we were better now, but he still doesn't want you to run away again so you can have a loving family.

Rose-But if you want to run away, but be warned...~

Brittney-Deep down you really do want to stay with us and that bracelet will show the part of you that won't want to leave again.~

(Y/N)-N-No it w-won't.

Mya-Don't believe us huh.

Hannah-Go ahead, *giggle* leave if you want to.

I ran away from them, but suddenly my arm was being pulled back and I was so confused and I saw everyone smiling at me as they walked to me.

(Y/N)-Wh-What's happening, wh-wh-why c-c-can't I leave?!

I was trying so hard to get away, but my arm wouldn't budge then Heather picked me up like a baby and looked like she was trying to comfort me.

Heather-Don't you see 'honey bear', you're broken heart wants to stay with us and be loved.~

(Y/N)-B-But I don't wanna st-stay.

Harper-Oh yes you do.~

Brittney-You just saw it yourself, you really don't wanna leave rather if you know it or not.

Heather put me down then Tulip, Alice, Ashley, and Jullie grabbed my arms and pulled me with them.

Ashley-Come on Kitten, let's go get changed to go swimming and we'll show you everyone else's new rooms.

Alice-And some of us are even sharing now.

(Brittney's POV)

Everything was working so far and now with that cop out off the picture and with Kitten thinking he returned him to us and with extra pair of hands to help keep an eye on Kitten and help out around the house things are gonna be so easy now. We'll make it so nice here Kitten will want to-, no have to love us!

Tiffany-So what do we do if Thanatos tries to cause trouble for us.

Hannah-We bribe whoever we need to and if we have to, make some else silence him.

Brittney-That's my girl.

Ellie started crying and Harper tried to bounce and rock her to calm her down, but that wasn't working.

Harper-Awwwww, do you want big brother, well let's get you in a bathing suit first.~

Ellie kept on crying and Harper tried to calm her down as she walked into the house.

I thought while they swam I could make something for breakfast and when I brought that up Harper, Carly, Taylor, and Heather agreed top help me out while the girls got to play with Kitten.


While all the girls were out swimming with Kitten we made it clear to them that we get to feed him when the food was done and he just looked so nervous probably confused on why he couldn't leave.

Brittney's mind-Don't worry my little Kitten, so you won't need that bracelet to stay... because you'll want to stay after how much we're gonna spoil you.~

I snapped out of my trance from looking at Kitten swimming with the girls outside and focused on the food while the others were helping me.


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