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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were at a Mexican restaurant and I was having a bean and cheese burrito with a side of rice and beans while Thanatos had a huge burrito, but barely even touched it.


It was silence between us as we kept on eating and he would sometimes groan while rubbing his head. I had a lot on my mind too and when we were both full we got the rest in to go boxes then went to our motel room across the street since it was getting late and when we got in I got on my bed.

Thanatos-Get some sleep kid, we're leaving first thing in the morning.


I crawled under the blankets and closed my eyes and it took a while, but I went to sleep and when I did I heard someone humming a song and everything looked kinda burry form what little I could see when I opened my eyes and everything looked black, white, and gray. I got up and looked around and it looked like I was in a small house that I never recognized before so I decided to take a look around then I heard the humming again so I went to go see it in 1 of the back rooms. Before I could enter the room something wouldn't let me, like an invisible wall so I just looked inside and I saw a crib and in the crib I heard a baby, but when I looked on the bed I saw a woman with her messy hair covering most of her face and she had a knife in her hands.


Through her humming I saw tears fall from her face and then she... cut herself on her arms while mumbling something to herself that I couldn't hear, but I couldn't focused on that as I saw red blood falling of her. I felt so scared and I tried to talk to her, but when I tried to talk there was no sound then suddenly I heard something break and when I turned around I saw lots of men run right through me then tackled the woman on the bed as she screamed and 1 of the men reached into the crib and grabbed the baby as they all mumbled something, but I did hear this.

???-10 56 a.

I tried to follow them outside, but when I got to the broken front door there was another invisible wall and I tried to scream for them to come back, but there was no sound until I heard laughing behind me and when I turned around I saw a shadow with lights for eyes laughing at me then he slowly started to fly to me and reached his hand out to grab me and I couldn't move my legs.


When he grabbed me everything was dark.

(Thanatos's POV)

I was still trying to think on what do and I couldn't take him to my family because that would just put them in danger, but if I just brought him back to the orphanage they'll just call Brittney to clarify and tell her that I brought him back and the only one who would get in trouble is me. Brittney has dirt on me and more than enough money to buy her way out and then some leaving my family and I to suffer. As I was still thinking I was interrupted by a knock on the door and it was weird since we didn't order room service and we had the 'do not disturb' sign up, but I went to go answer the door and when I did I was horrified at the sight of angry animal woman.


Before I could say anything Heather covered my mouth and they all came in closing the door and noticed (Y/N) on the bed sleeping and stirring around a bit and Heather threw me on my bed and they motioned me to stay quiet as Brittney pulled out a knife while glaring intensely at me.

Thanatos-How did you find us? *whisper*

Brittney-Remember when you gave me you bank account info when I first paid you off? Carly said when you did that I was able to keep track of what you buy and when you got this motel room all we had to do was look up this place to find you. *whisper*

Harper-As for finding your room I just caught (Y/N)'s scent behind the door. *whisper*

I was amazed yet terrified at the time and I tried to get up, but Heather quickly pinned me back down and looked very mad.

Heather-Don't move. *whisper*

Taylor got the kid out of bed without even waking him up then left with him which left me alone with these 4.

Brittney-I am grateful for all the help you gave, but you ran off with my Kitten so I think it's fair that you get a 'slap on the wrist' then i'll give you a 'quarter' of what I promised you then you'll do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut or you 'and' your family are on the chopping block.

Carly came up to me and stuffed a washcloth in my mouth while Heather held down my chest and arm down and Carly did the same thing to my other arm then Brittney came over to me with the knife and held it over my wrist. I was terrified and Heather had me pinned down good then Brittney slit my wrist with a smile on her face while I was screaming in agony then she walked to the other side and did the same thing to my other wrist then waited until I was done screaming before she took my gag out and used it to wipe her fingerprints off the knife then put it in my hand giving it my fingerprints while hers were protected by the washcloth then the others finally got off me. They started to leave, but as Brittney was about to she turned back to me with no emotion.

Brittney-You know in a way... you really did do this to yourself.

(Taylor's POV)

I was in the way back seats holding my sleeping little Bunny happy to have him back in my arms then the others came back and carefully shut the doors as to not wake him and make the drive more difficult. They all took looks at him and the girls were waiting at our house and we all still had plenty of room and since they helped us get him back after that 'backstabbing pig' ran off with him we decided that they'll be able to even help us keep him in check even though we already have stuff for that. I just couldn't wait to show him what we did while he was gone and he's sure to love it just like we love him and after a while of driving we finally made it back.

Taylor's mind-Welcome back to your new and improved home little Bunny.~


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