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(Rose's POV)

I woke up to having this little guy right where I left him, next to me in my bed. He looked so peaceful in his sleep and last night he wanted me to untie and I did, but then I made sure to hold on to him every second. I kissed his forehead which made him stir a little before he woke up with cute little sleepy eyes.

Rose-Morning sweetie.~

(Y/N)-C-Can I g-go to the b-b-bathroom.

Rose-Ok, but do I get a kiss first?~

He hesitated for a bit until he kissed my cheek and I wanted more, but I guess it will do for now.

Rose-Ok you can go, but I'll be waiting out the door.

I took him to the bathroom down the hall and I waited outside the door for him and more people started to wake up and walk past me. When Harper came by she looked worried while holding Ellie.

Harper-Where's (Y/N)?

Rose-In the bathroom.

Harper-Oh ok.

She immediately calmed down then went about getting Ellie ready for the day.

(Brittney's POV)

Last night Thanatos took us to where he last saw Kitten, but they were gone then we ent to get the friends house, but still found nothing. We were all crushed while Thanatos was probably not caring. He failed us so many times so I stopped crying and grabbed him by the shirt really pissed off.

Brittney-You better give me a good reason not to sell you out to your boss!

Thanatos-No wait! They all had to be friends or something so maybe someone around here might know where they might be.

Taylor-They better or it's your ass!

I pushed him away towards the front door and he stumbled a bit before he got his balance back.

Brittney-NOW GO!!!

He left then we went out to the cars and when we got in Hannah was pulling herself together, but Jullie and Ashley were a mess so I went to the back and tried to comfort them and I bet Taylor was having the same issue in her car too. I saw 'him' go door to door until he finally looked like he was holding a conversation with someone and I just hope it was about where our little Kitten would be.

(Thanatos's POV)

I was speaking to a man who said that Carly took him and his family with him to a Christmas party at her friend Heather's house and she goes there sometimes still.

Thanatos-What does Heather look like?

Man-She has bear ears and she a a teenage daughter and a little girl, both with bear ears and tails.

That matched the description of who I saw and it would make sense if they were at her house.

Thanatos-Can you give me an address?

Man-Yeah sure, hold on a sec.

He went on his phone then showed me what address he typed so I put it on my GPS and entered it so I had directions on how to get there.

Thanatos-Thank you sir.

Man- No problem have a good day.

I made my way back to the car and signaled the others I got directions and they looked like a kid getting dessert. I got into my police car and started to drive and I was almost done with all this, but then that got me thinking... Am I really gonna leave this kid with them... again?

(Carly's POV)

I was feeding (Y/N) an omelette we made and I was also brushing my tail against his legs and it felt like he was gently stroking it.


Carly-You're being so good without being tied up.

He didn't answer so I just gave him another bite and this was an adorable site. The only catch was I had to give him up after breakfast to Harper. Madison would give him bites too and soon breakfast was over and Eva came and got him then brought him to the others.

Eva-Look Ellie it's big brother.~

Ellie babbled out stuff while reaching for him and it looked cute. We all went out to the living room and Harper and her girls all cuddled with him. Tulip was just looking out the window while we were watching T.V. and we watched an episode before all the sudden she looked tense.

Tulip-Mommy a police car and 2 other cars just pulled up!

A few of us got up including me and looked out the window and it was that cop from before along with 2 families of cat and rabbit girls.

Carly's mind-How the fuck did he find us?!

(Taylor's POV)

We just arrived to house of the slut who took our Bunny from us and we weren't leaving without our Bunny.

Thanatos-Just wait here and-.

Mya-We're done waiting!

We went up to the house and Brittney pounded on the door.

Brittney-Give me back my son!

There was no answer then suddenly someone threw a rock through the window and when I turned around I saw that it was Jullie. I broke the rest of the window before I hopped through it.

Thanatos-What the hell are you doing?!

Brittney-Shut up or I'll tell your chief what you did!

I looked around and I saw the room was empty, but the T.V. was still on so I unlocked the door for the others to come in.

Taylor-The T.V. was on so they might be here or were here.

Brittney-Thanatos you help us search.

He listened to us and followed us inside while some of us covered the exits.

(Hannah's POV)

I went to check the back rooms and I saw what looked like a teenage girl's room then all the sudden as I slowly walked in I felt someone grabbed me from behind.

Hannah-GET OFF-!!!

They covered up my mouth and nose and who ever they were the felt around my height and were strong.

???-Shut your fucking mouth.

I felt her get pulled off me and when I turned around I saw Tiffany and mom holding on to a girl with bear ears around my age then more girls came out from the room behind them.

Hannah-Behind you!

The woman with a wolf tail tackled Tiffany and another bear woman grabbed my mom then I saw Kitten run out of the room behind them.

???-You picked the wrong wolf girl to fuck with!

Everyone else soon joined in and and not he hallway was crowded and you could barely hear anyone with all this yelling and screaming. I managed to slip through the fight and I was gonna grab Kitten and make a run for it and my family made sure that the others didn't follow behind me.

Hannah-Kitten come out!

No answer so I quickly searched the house for hiding spots and I still didn't find him and soon the others started to rush in and I was tackled down by a wolf girl with white hair.

???-You think you can come and take (Y/N) away?! You can't, he's ours!

She started choking me, but I managed to get her off by kicking her and Mya got on top of her and I leaned on the window while I catched my breath, but then I noticed the cop car was gone and I couldn't find Kitten earlier...

Hannah's mind-He wouldn't.

I felt so angry I just screamed to the top of my lungs and that got everyone's attention along with hurting their ears and I heard what sounded like a baby cry in the back.

Tiffany-Hannah why aren't you helping us?!

Hannah-That fucking cop took (Y/N)!

Everyone except Hannah and Ellie-What?!

Mom got up and looked outside with me and saw that the cop car was gone too and the look on here face was beyond angry and there was even a vein popping out of her head.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everything just happened so fast. We went to back room and Harper told me to stay hidden in the closet, everything was chaos so I ran out then next thing I know that policeman that left me behind that 1 time snatched me up and ran outside to his car with me and put me in the back then got in front and drove off. Right now we were just leaving the neighborhood.

(Y/N)-Wh-Wh-Where are y-y-y-you t-t-taking me?

Cop-Right now the plan is to get away from here then we're gonna go from there.

(Y/N)-Are w-we g-g-going to th-the p-police st-st-station?

Cop-It's... complicated right now kid so uhhh... i'll take you somewhere to eat while I think ok.


(Thanatos's POV)

I didn't know what the fuck I should do because the girls are gonna realize he's gone soon if not already and Brittney just has to make a call to my office then they'll investigate me and when they look at my bank account and see how much I have then see how it got there i'm screwed and Brittney will easily be able to buy herself out. I started to regret this decision bit by bit seeing as those girls would kill me or do something worse and they're rich and crazy enough to do it. This might be the right thing to do, but i'm really starting to hate myself for getting into this mess.

Thanatos's mind-Way to fuck yourself over idiot.


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