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((Y/N)'s POV)

Madison and Carly were holding me in between them and I could feel their tails brush my legs and I tried to get up, but they pinned me back to the couch.

Carly-What is it?

(Y/N)-I j-just wanna st-st-stretch my l-legs.

Madison-You can stretch them without getting up or... How about this?

She started to massage 1 of my legs and soon Carly got the other 1 and my face was burning. I tried to get up, but they still pinned me to the couch.

Madison-Just relax.~

Everyone was watching us with smiles on their faces and Ellie was reaching for me until there was a knock on the door.


Heather-I'll get it.

(Thanatos's POV)

I was waiting for someone to answer the door and soon the door opened and a woman with Bear ears was standing there.

Thanatos-Evening ma'am. Is Carly here?

???-Yes, she's in the living room with everyone else.

She walked off and I walked in closing the door behind me and followed her to the living room.

???-Carly the cop is here.

When I walked in I saw wolf girls and a baby wolf girl, fox girls, and more bear girls, but 1 person caught my eye and I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing... it was the kid I was looking for.

Carly-Take a seat and we'll get started.

Harper-Heather can you take the kids outside?


She took the wolf baby girl and the kids and teenagers went outside and (Y/N) was looking at me on his way out. I shrugged it off for now and I'll tell them after the questions have been answered.

(Heather's POV)

Rose, Bella, and Eva sat down next to me while (Y/N), Madison, and Tulip started to run around and play and I mostly kept my eyes on (Y/N).

Bella-So how long do you think it's gonna take?

Rose-Maybe an half hour give or take.

As we kept on watching the kids (Y/N) tripped and fell and I quickly passed Ellie to Eva before I ran to him.

Heather-Are you ok?!

I checked him and he scraped his knee and it was bleeding a little so I picked him up.

Heather-You poor thing!

(Y/N)-I'm f-fine, it b-ba-.

Heather-No, not another word.

I cleaned of his scrap with the hose outside then I took him to the porch with me and the others followed me so now we were all on the porch and I had (Y/N) cradled in my arms and he had a cute little blush on his face.

Heather-So cute, so delicate... he needs to be protected... by me.~

(Short timeskip)

(Thanatos's POV)

I was now done with the questions for the murder case and now I just have 1 more thing to do.

Thanatos-Thank you for your time and I know it was hard for you, but I got 1 more thing to say before I leave.

Carly-What is it?

Thanatos-That boy outside is a missing kid i've been looking for a friend who's his adopted mother so i'll be taking him back with me.

Harper-... What?

Thanatos-He has a family that misses him and i'm sure you know that it's the right thing to do.


Thanatos-While I'm just gonna go get him and take him back home.

I got and I was about to leave the room, but Harper ran in front of me and Carly put her hand on my shoulder.



Harper-You're not taking him, he's ours.

Thanatos-You can't keep him, he's someone's son.

Harper-Yeah, HE'S MY SON!!!

Carly grabbed me with both hands so I quickly shook her off and went for my stun gun, but Harper tried to tackle me and I kinda dodged her, but my stun gun fell to the ground. I ran outside and I saw everyone on the porch and the bear girl was holding the kid.

Heather-What's going on?

Just then Carly and Harper came out.

Thanatos-Give me the boy.

Harper-He's trying to take away (Y/N)!

The girls went wide eyed before they looked angry and held onto (Y/N) tighter then I pulled out my gun.

Thanatos-Everybody freeze!

I was surrounded on both sides so I had to do quick turns.

Thanatos-I'm taking the boy with me back to his family and you-.

I was suddenly tackled from behind and when I hit the ground my gun fell out of my hands and Carly quickly picked it up and pointed it at me, but she was having trouble and I realized I never turned the safety off.

I threw Harper off me then made a run for it since I was out numbered.

Heather-Shoot him!

Carly-It won't, the trigger's stuck!

Harper-Give me that!

I turned back as I was running to my car and she turned the safety off, but I quickly got into my car and started to drive off.


A hole appeared in my back window and and quickly turned so I was out of the line off fire. That was a fucking disaster and just then I got a call and when I checked to see who it was it said 'Brittney'. I was scrambling in my mind thinking on what I'm gonna say to her.


(Harper's POV)

The cop was gone and Ellie was crying from the loud gunshot and i'll admit that I didn't think that through, but at least (Y/N) is still here with us. I took Ellie from Eva and tried to calm her down and when I did I saw that (Y/N) was started to struggle in Heather's arms.

Heather-Stop that. What's wrong?

(Y/N)-I w-wanna leave!

My heart felt wounded from what he just said and after I just showed him how much we loved him.

Harper-Why do you wanna leave?

Carly-Did you run away from home because you didn't want to be there?

Heather-You can be happier with us!

(Y/N)-Let me go!

Heather-No, please you were so sweet to me.

(Y/N)-Let me go!

Bella-You have nowhere else to go.

Eva-You're staying here.

(Y/N)-Let me-!


There was silence for a moment and I felt my blood boil.

Harper-'You' are staying here and 'you' are gonna let us love you.

Bella-None of us can stay here because it's only a matter of time before that cop comes back with backup.

I thought about something for a moment and since they'll just come here first and go to Carly's next there was only 1 option.

Harper-Girls pack up what you can carry quickly and Heather we're going to your place.

The girls ran inside to go pack up and so did I while the others made sure (Y/N) doesn't go anywhere.


(Thanatos's POV)

I made it to Brittney's and I told her I had news for her which I didn't say yet, but I know they're gonna be pissed of. I went up to the door and knocked then soon it opened and it was Taylor and she lead me inside into the living room where everyone else was.

Brittney-You said you had news.


Taylor-Well spit it out.

Thanatos-I... found (Y/N).

Everyone suddenly perked up when I said that and their ears were up and their eyes were wide then Brittney walked up to me and she looked mad.

Brittney-So why isn't he with you?

Thanatos-I-I was gonna bring him back, but there was a bunch of other animal girls and they took my stun gun and pistol so I ran!

Taylor-We don't care if they tried to shoot you, we want our Bunny back!

Hannah-Where are they?!

Thanatos-Just let me gear up and we can go in the morning.

Brittney grabbed me by the balls and pulled me very close to where she was practically staring into my soul and this hurt more ways than 1.

Brittney-Right. Now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a van with everyone and my hands and feet were tied together and my mouth was taped shut with a washcloth in it and Rose was holding me. Ellie was whimper while trying to reach for me in her car seat and Rose noticed this.

Rose-Do you want your big brother?~

She readjusted me and laid my head on Ellie's lap and she put her little hands on my face while I felt her little tail hit the back of my head.

Rose-We live about an hour away so why don't you take a nap with your baby sister.~

I just looked at her and I felt extremely uncomfortable then soon she gave me a more serious look.

Rose-Close those eyes.

I shook my head no which made her mad then a hand came out of nowhere and when I looked it was Tulip.

Tulip-Didn't you hear your big sister? Close them.

She looked made too so I did what they said and Ellie was cuddling with my head and I could also feel everyone was looking at me.

Everyone except Ellie and (Y/N)-Awwwww.~

I ran away from this once so I just need to do wait for another time to run which I really hope was soon.


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