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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to a weird feeling on my fingers and it felt wet, gummy, yet hard and when I opened my eyes I looked at my hand and I saw Ellie was awake and she was chewing on my fingers. It felt weird so I pulled away and Ellie tried to kept my fingers, but I made her let go then she whimpered a little before so cried loud enough to wake up everyone else.

Harper-*Yawn* Why is she crying?

(Y/N)-Sh-She was chewing on my f-f-fingers and I p-pulled them away.

She sat up and took Ellie and tried to calm her down then I was suddenly pulled from behind and when I looked I saw it was Madison.

Madison-You feel so soft and warm.~

She nuzzled into me and I blushed and tried to pull away, but she held me tighter and Harper put Ellie next to me then she grabbed my shirt and slowly stopped crying.

Harper-Much better.~

Eva-So what's for breakfast?

Harper-I'll see what we have.

Carly-I'll help.

Heather-Me too.

They went into the kitchen and the rest of the girls piled onto me and I felt Maison breathing down my neck. This felt comfortable yet extremely uncomfortable at the same time and from the Madison was early I don't think they were gonna let me go until breakfast was ready.

(Jullie's POV)

I woke up in my bed and I just slowly got out of bed to go see what mommy was doing for breakfast. Ashley stayed in bed while I left and we haven't been leaving our room a lot since Kitten ran away and Taylor was in his new modified room. I didn't understand, we took out everything harmful to him now so even if he did get in trouble it wouldn't hurt so why does this world keep him away from us? I made it to the kitchen and mommy was just pouring bowls of cereal... again. She stopped cooking since Kitten left and none of us have been happy since then.


Mommy-Yes sweetie?

Jullie-Did that policeman find anything yet?

Mommy-No baby.

I took my bowl of cereal and it was Trix then I left the kitchen to g back to my room and tell Ashley dinner was ready, but on the way back I heard crying coming from Kitten's room and I knew it was Taylor so I moved on to my room.

(Taylor's POV)

I was crying for our now missing Bunny and it just hurt so much that he was gone and the cop Brittney hired was a fucking moron. After a while of crying I heard the door open and when I looked to see who it was it was my daughters.

Taylor-*Sniffle* What?

Mya-Mom you haven't left this room since 2:00 yesterday.

Tiffany-It's time to come out.

Taylor-What's the point? We have an idiot out there looking for Bunny AND SO FAR WE GAVE HIM A PICTURE OF HIM TO PUT UP POSTERS AND HE DIDN'T FIND SO MUCH AS A FUCKING TRACE!!!

Alice started crying along with my girls then they came in and joined me on the bed and as we cried Brittney came in then she left closing the door.

(Brittney's POV)

Everyone including myself was a mess since Kitten left us and my guy was almost completely useless and what if Kitten is hurt or worse... dead. No he can't be dead, he needs to be here with his mommy, he loves us deep down I just know it! I made it to Hannah's room to see how she was doing and she barely leaves her room and just curls up in bed all day and that's what she's still doing. I was the only one still going, but only out of anger that i'm paying a fucking idiot when he finds Kitten and he was taking his sweet time doing it.

Brittney-Hannah honey. How you holding up baby?

Hannah-I miss him... I miss him so much. *sobbing*

Brittney-*Shhhhh* I now honey honey. We do too.~

I gave her a hug through the blankets and as I felt sorry for my family my patience was getting very thin with Thanatos and I don't know how much longer it will be before I snap.

Brittney's mind-You better find him soon or the next person on a missing poster is gonna be you.

(Thanatos's POV)

I was still out looking after I just got yelled at by the chief for neglecting the case I was on so I was about to call Carly again to ask her we we could talk early than I said. I had to come up with a lie as to not seem insensitive and make her mad and if I play my cards right i'll be able to use more of my time to find the kid.

(Carly's POV)


We made banana butter pecan pancakes for breakfast ad it was very nice until I got a call and when I looked it was that cop again.

Carly's mind-Now what does he want?

I stepped outside before I answered the phone and I tried my best to not sound irritated from him testing my patience.


Thanatos-Hello ma'am, i'm sorry, but is there any chance we could talk about your husband today? Something came up and we need to see if it links up to something we discovered.

I was still irritated, but id there's another murder out there I guess it wouldn't hurt seeing as I don't plan to kill anyone else.

Carly-Oh uh ok. Do you still have my friends address from when you talked us at my house the night we were being questioned?

Thanatos-Yes and i'll see you soon, i'm on my way.

Carly-Ok. I hung  the phone then went back inside to tell everyone the news.

Harper-So who was it?

Carly-It was that cop again and he's coming right now to ask questions.

Tulip-Why does a cop need to ask you questions?

Heather-Don't worry about it and just eat your pancakes.

Harper-When he gets here you kids and Heather will go outside while Carly and I talk to him.

They all agreed and I sat back down to enjoy my pancakes while we waited for the cop to get here, answer his questions, and finally be done with all this and enjoy our time with (Y/N). As long as we stick to the story everything should be fine and even my daughter Madison was on board with all this.

Carly's mind-What could go wrong?


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