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(Tulip's POV)

I haven't seen mom this happy since dad died and now she was like this all day and now all the moms were talking and Carly just let go of (Y/N) and he left the room so I followed him and he went outside and the sun was almost down. I followed him then he noticed me and we made direct eye contact.


Tulip-Why are you out here alone?

(Y/N)-I j-just wanted t-t-time to my-myself.

Tulip-Can I be with you?


I went up to him and we both sat down on the porch couch and I pulled out my phone and played a game and I do this a lot since Rose usually watches scary movies so I don't play with her much and it does get lonely.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are y-you pl-pl-playing?

I looked at him and he was looking at my phone.

Tulip-Just a game of chess. I play it to kill time and I... usually play alone... You wanna play?


I put my phone between us and set it to 2 players. It felt kinda nice to have someone to play with.

(Brittney's POV)

We had everything set up in the house so when Kitten comes back he won't be able to leave, but when have a problem... THIS STUPID DUMBASS CAN'T FIND HIM IF HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT AND IT DOES!!! We're restless, sometimes we even cry and I just want our little kitten back! Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it since everyone was in their rooms and when I opened the door it was 'him'.

Thanatos- Brittney I kinda need a few days... off the search.

I felt my blood boil when he said that.

Brittney-... What?

Thanatos-I'm on a murder case and I just need to question a woman and a few witnesses, but someone else can look for him and bring him in then I'll take him and bring him to you!

He looked scared of me and he should be, but maybe I need to remind him Way he should be worried.

Brittney-Maybe you need to be reminded that I have a lot of dirt on you and it would be a shame if your boss knew what happened and I'll be able to buy my way out, but after your money is taken as evidence and you go to jail... what might happen to your family?

I brought my tail around and twirled my finger around it.

Thanatos-... You. Bitch.

Brittney-So we understand each other now? I don't get my Kitten back and you get no money, no job, and no family. Question people all you like, but if you think you can stop searching for what's mine... you're so mistaken.

Thanatos-Ffffffine, I'll look for him in my free time.

Brittney-And just to make sure you aren't slacking off... you have 5 days left to find him!

Before he could respond I slammed the door in his face.

Brittney's mind-I'm so sick of this shit!

(Carly's POV)

Harper went into the kitchen a while ago to make something for all of us and (Y/N) was getting along well with everyone and Ellie seems to like him and i'm sure we did too. Everything was going good until I got a call and when I looked at my phone I recognized that number... it was that cop so I stepped outside before I answered it.


Thanatos-Hello ma'am. I understand if this is hard for you and you might need more time, but could I come over to where you're staying until your house is 'disinfected'?

Carly-I guess, but just give me 2 days to recover some more.

Thanatos-... Understandable, ok see you in 2 days.


I hung up and I just wanted this all to go away so I could enjoy myself, but that will only cause suspicions. I went back inside the house and Rose, Bella, and Eva were sitting in a circle around (Y/N) and they were adoring him while they were watching a cartoon and Heather was starting a fire in the fireplace.

Carly-Why the fire?

Heather-Harper wanted me to start 1 and me and my girls are staying the night here to.

Carly-Alright, here i'll light it.

I grabbed the lighter from the top shelf on the fireplace and lit the paper below the wood on fire then she blew on it gently to get the fire going and soon the wood was on fire filling the room with light and warmth then Harper came in the room holding a big root beer float.


Harper-There's more in the kitchen so help yourselves.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We all got up and headed to the kitchen, but Harper stopped me while she let everyone else past while she was smiling and wagging her tail.

(Y/N)-What are you d-d-doing?

Harper-I have yours with me silly and I thought since everyone likes you I would give you a good welcome to the family.

(Y/N)-C-Can I have my r-root beer fl-float now?

Harper-Of course... i'm just gonna feed it to you.~


Harper-I mean i'm just doing this as a thank you for being the sweetest boy we know and everyone really likes you.

(Y/N)-B-But what about y-your r-r-root beer float?

Harper-I'll make mine after i'm done with you.

Everyone started to come out of the kitchen with there own root beer float and Harper took my hand and brought me to the couch with her. She sat down and patted her so I just sat on her lap feeling my face getting warm and when I saw everyone staring at me it made it even warmer. Harper scooped up a bit of the ice cream and held it to me and this reminded me of Brittney and the others.

Harper-Open up little man.~

I did what she said since I did want the root beer float and when I took the bite everyone's smile got a little bigger and Bella, Eva, and Ellie's tails were wagging now as Carly and madison's tails brushed side to side slowly and Harper brought the mug to my lips and tipped the it a little and I could taste the delicious root beer and the foam hitting my tongue and sliding down my throat.

Harper-Do you like it?~

I nodded my head yes much to my embarrassment, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings and this kept up until I was done then Harper put me down and left to go make her own. Bella giggled at me while she was feeding Ellie a bottle of milk with 1 hand then out of nowhere I was picked up and I could feel something 'soft' pressed against my back and my face must be very red from the heat I could feel.

Rose-You're cute when you blush.~

Rose lifted me up high like I was very light to her and my face couldn't get any warmer than it was right now.

(Y/N)-Y-You're strong.

Rose-Thank you~, Tulip and I get it from our mom.

Harper came back in to see me dangling in the air as Rose still held me up high and she giggled as she sat down then Rose sat on the floor and Tulip piled on top of me and we all watched T.V. and after a few hours it was night and I was starting to get tired.

Harper-Alright I think it's time to turn in.

Madison-Can (Y/N) sleep out here with us.

(Y/N)-I actually w-wanted t-to sleep alo-.

Carly-Why don't we all just sleep out here.

Tulip-Like a big sleepover!

Before I could say anything Eva ran up to me and snatched me up and held me really tight.

Eva-You here that you get to sleep with so many girls, lucky you!~

My face heated up and the girls left and came back with blankets and laid them out on the floor while Eva was holding me on the couch and soon the bed was done and I was put in the middle before Harper came holding Ellie.

Harper-Guess who wants to be extra close with you tonight.~

She placed Ellie next to me and she babbled as she grabbed my hand that I had on my chest and hugged it close to her then I was being surround and buried by girls until it was to the point that I didn't need a blanket and there was 1 girl that had her head in my neck.

Tulip-You're so soft.~

My face heated up and even giggled at me and Harper turned off the lights and T.V. so now the only lights we had was the fire and the moonlight pouring through the window.

All girls except Ellie-Goodnight (Y/N).~

They all closed there eyes and I did the same, but before I fell asleep I sweat I could hear their tails brushing up against the blanket.


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