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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in my 'new room' I stretched a bit then I noticed Harper sleeping next to me and it made me jump a bit which woke her up and she smiled.


(Y/N)-Wh-Wh-What are you d-d-doing in h-here?!

Harper-Don't be so loud, you could wake up Ellie and I want her to sleep in so when my friends come over today she won't be cranky.


Harper-Yes and you get to meet Heather and her daughters too.


Harper-Oh you'll be fine, she won't bite.

She pulled me out of bed with her then we went downstairs and she sat me on the couch and gave my a big hug before she went to the kitchen. Soon Eva and Bella came downstairs and when they noticed me they ran to the couch and Bella hopped over and landed right next to me while Eva crawled over the arm and laid across both of us.

Bella-Morning (Y/N).

Eva-Mom's inviting friends over.

(Y/N)-I know.

Bella-But did she tell you about Heather?


Eva-Just don't bring up her husband because that's really touchy for her.

(Y/N)-Is sh-she mad at h-him?

Eva-No he's just... gone.

Bella-And she gets really possessive and caring about what or who she likes so just stay off that topic and were golden.


I delicious smell came into the room and we just sat down and watched T.V. while we waited then Harper came in with a baby bottle in her hand.

Harper-Breakfast is ready and i'm gonna go wake up Ellie and feed her, just save me some and enjoy.

She went upstairs and we got off the couch and went into the kitchen and we saw a tray of blueberry muffins.


We each took 2 and Bella pour us some milk the we sat at the table then Harper came in holding Ellie and she was crying for some reason.

Harper-Bella, Eva I think you baby sister wants you.

Bella-Let me see her.

Harper gave Ellie to Bella and she tried to give Ellie her bottle, but she wouldn't take it and only screamed so she tried with Eva, but it was the same thing.

Eva-What is it baby?~

They looked at me then Eva slowly passed Ellie to me and I got into position as she was put down then she slowly stopped crying then I put the bottle in her mouth and she took it while rubbing her hands on me and her tail wagged.

Harper-Awwwww, she likes you.~

I had my hands full and now I can't eat and I just stared at my muffins hungry and the girls noticed this.

Eva-Awwwww, you got both hands full on an empty stomach now.~

Bella-We'll take care of that.~

(Harper's POV)

I was captivated by the adorable sight of (Y/N) feeding my baby and my daughters were feeding him and there was not a tail in this room that wasn't wagging. I wanted to watch this all day, but then there was a knock on the door so I went to go answer it and when I did I saw Carly and Madison and right behind them were Heather, Rose, and Daisy.


Carly-Look who followed us here.

Heather-It's been a while.

Harper-Come in and there's extra muffins in the kitchen so help yourselves.

Heather-So where's the new guy?

Harper-Follow me.

I lead them to the kitchen and they were taken by surprise by this adorable scene still going on.

(Heather's POV)

Rose, Tulip and I were not expecting to see the new boy Harper told me about to be feeding Ellie while being fed by Eva and Bella and they looked fine considering that their dad just commited suicide a few days ago.

Tulip-Mom can we eat now?


We went to grab muffins and so did Harper then joined the others at the table and I still couldn't take my eyes off of this because it was cute yet kinda weird. They just looked so happy and I knew Garry wasn't the best, but you think they wouldn't be so happy especially when their just taking care of someone else now. The same goes for Carly when her husband was just brutally murdered the other day by some home invader.

Heather-So what's your name little boy?


He seemed shy... just like Mike was when we started dating.

Rose-I'm Rose and this is my little sister Tulip.


Heather-And i'm Heather.


Carly-He's a sweet shy guy Heather .

Heather-How are you guys so... happy?

Harper-What do you mean?

Heather-Your... 'you know what' just died, don't you feel anything?!

Carly-Heather, calm down.

Harper-Deep breaths.

I did what they said and slowly took in a few deep breaths in and out and now everyone was looking at me all concerned even my own daughters and I didn't want people to see me like this.

Heather-I'm gonna go for some fresh air.

I quickly got up and went outside then went into the woods and paced around with tears forming in my eyes.

Heather-Way to go Heather on getting yourself worked up on the first few minutes you got here after not seeing Harper in months! They weren't even your husbands, they weren't Mike so why are you acting like this?! *growl* HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU!?!?!

I picked up a huge rock and threw it as hard as I could and it passed a couple of trees before it hit another tree and smashed into pieces. I get my strength from my dad and in high school when all the boys found out how strong I was they all wanted some frail girl they looked cute so they didn't pick me... except for... Mike. I started bawling like a baby because now I was forcing myself to remember our first date, he took me on a hilltop and he shyly gave me flowers and called me 'his beautiful flower' while blushing. I felt so happy that day because someone loved me even if I was stronger than them,... but it didn't last forever... stupid cancer. As I kept crying into my knees for a while now I felt someone tap me and when I looked up I saw (Y/N) with a concerned look on his face.

Heather-Shouldn't you be with the others, *sniffle* I just wanna be alone right now.

(Y/N)-I t-told them I w-w-was going to the b-bathroom. I w-wanted to s-s-see if you're o-ok.

Heather-I'm fine.

(Y/N)-Th-Then why are you c-c-crying?

I only looked down then after a bit I felt him hug my curled up legs to my surprise and he was blushing like crazy. Everyone else did this before, but this time it felt... different.

Heather-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-I th-th-thought you c-c-could use a h-hug... and a g-g-gift.

Heather-... Gift?

I soon notice a flower right beside him and he picked it up and held it to me and I was shocked that it was a pink rose... it was 1 of the few kinds of flowers the Mike gave me that day.


He shyly smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat then I quickly wiped my tears and took the flower from him.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please don't b-be m-m-mad at your-yourself.

He hugged my legs again and he was so sweet and innocent for trying to make me feel better. He reminds me a lot of... Mike. I opened my legs and he fell on my chest and I wrapped my arms around his little body being careful not to hug him too hard.

(Rose's POV)

We were still waiting for our mom to cool down so to pass time we watched T.V. and Carly was on the phone answering questions to the police for a while before she hung up. We knew our mom would come back still crying because it was like that since dad died from cancer. After a while we heard the door open and we all got ready to comfort her, but when she walked in she was holding (Y/N) close to her with a pink rose in her hand and she was... smiling. He should've been in the bathroom and we told him to stay away from her right now and I would've been mad if not for making my mom happy.

Rose's mind-How did he get her so happy after her breakdown? We even heard her yelling at herself outside.

Tulip-Mom are you ok now?

Mom-I'm fine sweetie.

She sounded so sincere rather than sounding broken.

She sat on the couch while not letting go of (Y/N) and the 2 were still hugging so Tulip and I joined in to help out and for the first time in a long time we hugged each other without it being dreadful.

Rose's mind-This boy.

(Harper's POV)

I was amazed by how fast (Y/N) made Heather happy and I haven't seen her these happy in a long time and now they were having a nice family hug and I had an Idea. I mentioned everyone to join in on it and 1 by 1 this group hug built up and I could only use 1 arm since I was holding Ellie. Ever since (Y/N) came along our lives have been getting better and better.

Harper's mind-(Y/N) you're the light of all our lives and freed us from our suffering... you have to stay here with us and we'll take good care of you... forever.~


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