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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was getting a little dark out and it will be my first night away from home and I felt like I was going to get sick and wanted to go home. I had all my toys with me to help me feel better, but it didn't help a lot like when I was home. I got thirsty, so I just got out of the bed and when I did, I didn't see anyone out here and it was quiet. I just walked down the hall and went to the kitchen, but when I did I saw something in the living room and it was a teddy bear that was bigger than me.


I walked to it and I found a piece of paper on the table and it said "For (Y/N), Welcome To Our House". I guess this bear was for me and I looked around to see who left it here, but there was nobody or maybe they were about to jump out and yell surprise.

(Y/N)-Hello... Anyone here?

I looked behind the couch and walls before I gave up looking and just went back to the bear and leaned on it and it smelled like... cookies?

*Fast clicking*


I looked around, but didn't see what made the noise and just then the bear fell over and I was on top of it and when I squeezed it a little the cookie smell came out and smelled good and I heard the clicking sound again.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where is that sound coming from?

(Yuri's POV)

This was adorable and I didn't hold back on that bait for him when I put a bit of thought of what animal he might like and just a bit of sugar cookie scented spray and he was all over it, but was a little skeptical about it. I got a few more shots before I was about to called it, but I saw something too cute... He was dragging the giant bear I baited him with and was coming this way to take it to his room, so I made my way back upstairs and got more sneak pictures of him getting the bear in his room before he closed it and my observation was over for now.


Yuri's mind-You were like a puppy when you didn't see anyone... I want more pictures like this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I got the bear where I wanted it in my room and I did like the smell on it, but I forgot that I wanted to go get some water, so I left my room again and went straight to the kitchen, but when I did I saw Sumire getting a drink too then she turned to me.


I just walked in and got a cup then got some water, but she watched me the whole time and I was about to leave, but she got in the way.

(Y/N)-Um... Is something wrong?

Sumire-No. Act like i'm not even here.

She still sounded so bored and I was about to go back to my room, but she even followed me back to my room and I thought she would stop at my door,... but she came in. I was just drinking my water and she just watched me and looked around my room.

Sumire-I see you have Yuri's gift in here now.

(Y/N)-Yuri got the panda bear?

Sumire-Yes, I saw her go out and bring it home. Said it was for you.

I don't know why Yuri didn't just give it to me when she got home or maybe she had more things for a bigger surprise and I just ruined it. I just sat on my chair and Sumire sat on my bed and when I drank my water she did it too... I tried standing up and she did the same thing and I did the 3 things in different ways before I stopped when she stopped copying me.

Sumire-Your movements are very awkward. Are you always doing things like this?

(Y/N)-No. You're copying me.

Sumire-I'm observing you, but if me being around with you knowing won't work... I'm going to examine your room.

She looked around where my clothes are and I don't know what to do about this, but when she got my stuffed animals on my bed I was fine until she grabbed my doggy then I ran and took it from her.

(Sumire's POV)

I knew he loved the dog stuffed animal, but I didn't know he was so defensive of it and even held it close, so it must be special to him. I just put the other 3 down since he didn't seem to care much about them and was interested about this.

Sumire-This toy. It must be special to you.

(Y/N)-Yeah... I won this all by myself from a claw machine.

Sumire-What about the other ones?

(Y/N)-My mommy bought them.

Sumire-What about your dad?

(Y/N)-Well... my mommy doesn't like to talk about him. I never saw him,... but I heard my mommy talk to her friends while she was drinking some juice with her. She said he cheated, but I don't know why a test made her not want to talk about him.

It was not my place to tell him that it was that kind of cheating, but his innocence was intriguing alone. He got back on his bed and fixed his stuffed animals the way he liked before he laid back on then and sunk in a bit. I just looked at him and he was just looking at me with those eyes of his and I could tell he was nervous.

Sumire-Are you scared of being here or of us?

(Y/N)-Oh,... um... I-I don't hate you. I-I-.... I never slept without my mommy.

Sumire-Do you cuddle with her?

All he did was blush and held his stuffed dog again and the sight out this not only prove what I just said, but him being so shy, but cute about this... I felt my heart skip a beat from how cute this is then something happened that only thought the president could do... My nose started to bleed a little.

Sumire's mind-Wh-What?! Only the president can make me do this! What am I doing?!

Sumire-I-I got somewhere to be!

(Yuzu's POV)

I just got done brushing my teeth before bed in a few hours, but then I saw Sumire speed walk out from (Y/N)'s room before she went upstairs and I saw her blushing.


I wasn't going to let a pervert toy with of friend of mine, so I went to his room only to see him curled up on his bed holding that toy dog again and now he looked like he was ready to cry now.


Yuzu-What happened?

All that did was make him whimper and I saw a tear from where I was standing and I just walked in and sat on his bed and he looked at me like he thought he was in trouble and that just depends on what he did.

Yuzu-Hey, what happened.

(Y/N)-I- *hic* I d-d-didn't mean to.

Yuzu's mind-Didn't mean to do what?! Did he see anything?!

I just got a bit closer and looked at him in the eye and so many questions filled my mind and I was ready to be on high alert around him for the rest of the time he's here.

Yuzu-Did you touch her in a bad way?!

(Y/N)-N-No... I d-d-didn't mean *hic* to hur-hurt her fe-feelings. *whimper*

Yuzu-... That's it?

He only sniffled and nodded his head before he tried his best to explain to me what happened and I did have to break things down to understand and he was crying more and more through his story about what happened and him missing his home, but in the middle I heard someone come to the door and I turned to see Ayaka.


Ayaka-Awww, what's wrong?~

She only came in and sat on his side and pulled him into a hug that made his face go into the side of her boob. He tried to tell what happened again and it was even harder to understand this time because her boob was muffling him.

Ayaka-Poor baby boy. You're ok.~

I don't know if she really understood him or if she's trying to make him feel better, but either way I just wished he got his face out of her boob.

Ayaka-What are you doing in here Yuzu?

Yuzu-I saw Sumire rush out of here while blushing and had a bloody nose. I came here to see what happened.

Ayaka-I see. He's just so sensitive right now. Come on, you're sleeping with me tonight.~

She got up with him and he took his out out of her boob and buried it in his toy and it helped him calm down a little as they were leaving and he was looking at me with puppy eyes. Ayaka stopped when he reached for me and I was confused what he was doing, but then I felt him grab the little duck on my headband and he gave a few squeezes and it helped him calm down some more and he wasn't even looking at me while doing it. When they both left I was speechless that he didn't do anything perverted when he had golden opportunities to and I seen kids around town that would jump at the chances he got.

Yuzu's mind-He... just wanted to squeeze my duck plushie on my headband?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ayaka took me to her room and I was still crying just wanting my mommy still and she would just hold, but then she took my toy away from me and it it on her bed. I tried to get it back, but she left her room with me and was going to the sinks in the hallway.

Ayaka-You'll get your toy back, but we need to get you ready for bed first. We'll start with brushing those teeth of yours, so get ready to open wide.

She put me down and opened the mirror to get my toothbrush and some tooth paste and when she brought it to my mouth she grabbed my chin and opened it by squeezing a little and I just opened my mouth. My mommy makes me do it myself and when she does it, it feels weird, but this time... Ayaka made it feel normal or maybe even better. I didn't know brushing my teeth could feel like this and after she was done I just spitted in the sink a few times and rinsed the rest out with water then she wiped my mouth with a rag.

Ayaka-Much better. You're all ready for bed now. I even spoke to your mommy earlier and she said you like to have a cuddle buddy.~

She just picked me up and held me like a baby again before she took me back to her room and I felt more scared that I was about to sleep away from home for the first time. When she turned off the lights and got into bed with me she covered us both in the blanket and gave me my stuffed doggy.

Ayaka-I can see you're still scared. It must be scary for you right now... Come here.~

She held me closer and wrapped an arm and leg around me and she was just so soft and smelled good too. She was rubbing my head and back in a way that felt just right and I was actually getting tired.

Ayaka-There you go, good boy. You're nice and safe here with me.~

She kept on saying more things like that and when I was about to fall asleep I heard her say something and I thought she was talking about her,... but I think it made more sense if she was talking about my mommy.

Ayaka-Mommy loves you sweetie, she loves you very much.~

(Ayaka's POV)

I was giving him a few kisses and it might be a little selfish, but I enjoyed calling myself his mommy. It made me feel pride, happiness, and even thoughts about me taking care of him when he needs me the most. When I thought about the year coming to an end and I have to give him back... it didn't feel good.

Ayaka's mind-I know I have to give him back... I can still see him... When he goes back to America... Far away from here.

I just held him a little tighter and just stopped thinking like that. He's with me now and that should be enough, but when my mind slipped back to it I felt my heart ache. I just kept telling myself I still have all year.

(???'s POV)

Tomorrow was my day off and for my shop to be closed, so I thought I would pack up some drinks and go hang with Ayaka. I even heard a few days ago while we were drinking she was going to watch someone for a friend, so maybe they were there already... I'll so in the morning when I get there, but right now the drinks were packed and ready to go while my bed was calling to me, so I just started to get ready for bed.


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