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(Garry's POV)

I was just laying in bed while the girls and the new boy was downstairs just hanging out while I was just watching my show. After a few episodes I heard the door open downstairs then soon Harper came in with a huge bottle of whiskey from the cellar and a glass cup and she looked happy.

Harper-Hi baby.~

Garry-What has you in a good mood?

Harper-Oh I just thought we could have a few drinks when the kids go to sleep and right now they're getting ready for bed.

Garry-Well then let's get started.

She poured me a glass and just as I was about to take it I saw that she didn't have 1.

Garry-Aren't you drinking too?

Harper-Don't worry honey, I made this batch for only you.~

She put the glass up to my mouth and poured the whiskey in and it was really strong... just how I like it. I took the glass and she poured me another 1 and I guzzled it down.

(Harper's POV)

I found out how much time it takes for the poison to kill a man and there was no way in hell I was gonna even put up with 'him' that much longer so I have a plan set in motion, all I need to do is get him drunk from this 'special' batch of whiskey for him. After 30 minutes of him drinking he drank 10 glasses before I was sure that he was ready for phase 2.

Harper-Hey baby, you wanna go for a ride?~

Garry-Don't *hic* worry sugar *hic* tits, i'm fine to dr-... drive.

Harper-I know you are so let's go, but don't forget you're bottle.~

Garry-You're the *hic* best gal a... guy could *hic* ask for.

I gave him the bottle and the keys then took him outside to the car where I had everything set up.

(Garry's POV)

We were outside and I love this woman for trusting me to drive right now and she wasn't this fun in yeeeeeaaaaaars. When we got to the car I got in the driver's seat and I saw a white bucket with sme fucking scribbles on it and some mouse.

Garry-Sorry... *hic* baby shotgun is *hic* taken.

Harper-Oh don't worry just go and i'll take good care of the kids and i'm making room for the boy as we speak.

Garry-You're so *hic*thoughtful, I love you.~

Harper-*Giggles* Bye bye Garry.~

I started the car and drove off as she waved me goodbye with a smile on her face and as I was driving I saw all these trees were moving at the side of me so I tried to stay in the middle, but they would move closer to me so I moved away.

Garry-Watch where you're going you fucking jerks!

Soon I made it away from them and went into town and I kept on taking big gulps of the whiskey I had then soon I saw 2 very bright lights so I looked away then I heard a very loud horn before suddenly I was sent flying through glass and now I could barely breath as I started to black out while reaching for my whiskey.

(Harper's POV)

When Garry left I brought out some old scented candles we had and lit them throughout the house so it doesn't smell like a bar anymore and when I crawled into bed it still smelled like 'him' so i'll have to get a new bed soon, but tonight i'm gonna have a peaceful sleep without that lazy ass waking me up to get him something.

Harper's mind-Good riddance.

(Timeskip to morning)

(Eva's POV)

When we woke up I got ready for the day and went to go get my baby sister before that drunk pervert that grabbed my tail tried anything. I got Ellie and changed her then went downstairs for breakfast, but something was different... he wasn't on the couch watching T.V. yet. When I got into the kitchen I saw (Y/N) sitting at the table and mom was cooking some breakfast then Bella came in.

Bella-I never thought I would care to ask this, but where's dad?

Mom-You're dad... stepped out for a bit.

Eva-Stepped out?

He never goes for a walk even if the rest of us goes then all the sudden there was a knock on the door so Bella and I went to go answer it then we saw a man holding a folded flag and now we were beyond confused.

Man-Is this the family of Garry Blackwell?

Just then our mom came behind us.

Mom-Is there a problem sir?

Man-Ma'am can I ask you to step outside.

(Harper's POV)

I wasn't expecting this, but I played long and closed the door leaving the girls inside, but they would still hear this.

Man-I'm sorry to say this, but you're husband committed suicide last night. We found rat poison in the drink he was drinking along with a bucket full of the poison in the seat next to him... I'm sorry for your lose and your husband was in a good position in the U.S. army.

I was shocked about what he just said which could play along with the act, but that wasn't why I was surprised.

Harper's mind-Did Garry's grandpa serve in the army?! That lazy bastard impersonated a soldier!

How low can 1 person person be?! I snapped out of my thought from the man giving me the folded flag and a envelope so I opened it and it was a check for $400,000 along with a letter for an annual income. As happy as I was I pretended to cry as to trick this guy.

Man-I know it must be hard, but he was a good Lieutenant and a good man.

He left and I went inside then stopped my act and saw my daughters staring at me all confused.

Eva-Mom what's going on?

Bella-We all know dad didn't go out for a walk and you always keep the keys away from dad by locking them up.

Eva-And we may not have been around forever, but we know dad was not military let alone a Lieutenant.

My daughters aren't idiots so i'm not surprised they didn't by what I came up with at the top of my head. Bella started to look like she was thinking until she went wide eyed then looked back to me and Eva caught on.

Bella-Mom... did you?

I gave them them the check and letter and they both went wide eyed again.

Mom-Come on girls, at least this way he's good for something and if it makes it even better we're gonna keep (Y/N) since he has nowhere to go.

They both just looked like they had mixed emotions about this then we went into the kitchen and saw that (Y/N) was doing what little of the dishes we had in the sink.

Eva-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-I j-j-just thought that I c-could help a b-bit before I go.

He looked cute and I saw my daughters just staring at him then Eva pulled out her phone and started typing then showed her phone to me with a smile on her face and it said "We never liked dad anyway". I felt a smile curve on my face that my daughters were on board.

Harper-What are you talking about? We're not just gonna let you go back into the woods to fend for yourself.

Eva-So get comfy here.

(Y/N)-You d-don't have-.

Bella-No, not another word you're staying unless you have another place to go that we can take you too.

(Y/N)-... O-Ok i'll st-stay.

Harper-Wonderful so the guest bedroom you slept in last night is now yours and we'll go shopping later for more clothes ok.


I let him finish doing the dishes since he did want to help out which was adorable and made him leagues ahead of Garry. I felt so happy for so many reasons, I have a cute little helper now, I can finally get rid of all that whiskey without someone whining, and now I can have some more me time or time to hang out with my friends. Speaking of which I wonder what they'll think of my new little addition to the family and a huge burden lifted off my shoulders.

Harper's mind-Welcome to your new home (Y/N), we're gonna love having you here.~


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