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(Thanatos's POV)

When I got the pictures which looked decent enough to put on a poster and seeing a bunch of embarrassing photos I left the house and none of them looked happy with me and they even looked scary. Right now I was putting up posters at places like the park, grocery stores, movie theaters, etc. hoping something might happen so I can just get my 2 billion dollars and get the fuck away from those psychopaths.

Thanatos's mind-Where are you kid?

(Garry's POV)

When the kid came out of the shower Harper had his clothes ready for him and he joined us in the living room to watch T.V. while I was drinking some whiskey that Eva gave me from the ceiler. It was getting a little late now so the kid is gonna be spending the night, but I had something else more important on my mind.

Garry-So honey *hic* what's for dinner?

She was holding Ellie and giving her a bottle while ignoring me so I just used my foot to stroke her tail to get her attention, but she just moved it to the other side of her.

Harper-I'm busy with Ellie, can you just get up and make a sandwich or something?

Garry-But you make *hic* them better than mine... pleeeaaaase.~

Harper-*Grunt* Fine, Bella can you feed your sister.

(Harper's POV)

I gave Ellie to Bella then went to the kitchen irritated that Garry wouldn't get off his lazy drunk ass to make a fucking sandwich. Seriously I bet (Y/N) can survive on his own longer than him and he almost ate berries that would've made him really sick. I swear Garry was like a fucking baby that never grew up and I can't even take care of my actual baby without him asking me to do something for him and I have to get help from my older daughters while they practically do the same damn thing! While I was making the damn sandwich I heard Ellie cry so I quickly wrapped this up and just before I got out there the crying stopped and when I made it out there I saw (Y/N) holding the bottle in Ellie's mouth feeding her and Garry was on the ground with an empty cup next to him.

Harper-What happened?

Bella-Dad flipped over on to the ground and knocked the bottle out of my hand then (Y/N) got it for me.

I was surprised a bit that (Y/N) helped fix my drunk idiot's mistakes, but to Garry I wasn't surprised at all. I had more important things to think about like were low on milk and diapers so I have to out and get some and maybe some scented candles so this place doesn't smell like whiskey.

Harper-Girls I gotta get some more milk and diapers, watch the babies until I get back.

(Y/N)-B-But I th-thought you only h-h-had 1 b-baby.

Harper-I know what I said.

I went to the front door and grabbed the keys and got in the car then started to drive to the store.

(Bella's POV)

Eva got the cup from our drunk dad and took it to the kitchen then came back and Ellie was still drinking her milk and we need to get dad upstairs before he passes out and end up carrying his lazy ass, but Ellie won't be happy if I put her down so I had 1 option left.

Bella-(Y/N) can you help us please?

(Y/N)-With wh-what?

Bella-Just sit down and feed Ellie while we take care of our dad.


Eva-Thank you.

He sat down on the couch and I showed him how to correctly hold Ellie while feeding her and he was doing a good job. Now for the fun part. Eva and I helped my dad up and he was just laughing like a drunk and kept on leaning side to side as we were trying to get him up stairs with falling and soon we made it to mom and dad's room and just put him on the bed. We were just about to leave until he grabbed Eva's tail and she gasped and blushed deeply then she was mad and so was I.

Dad-Why is your hair white? Hahaha, you're not older than me, hahaha!

Eva-Let go you drunk slob!

I quickly pried his hand off then he fell backwards on the bed laughing.

Eva-I fucking hate him!

(Harper's POV)

I was at the store getting milk and diapers then I got a video chat request from Bella so I answered it and saw both of my daughters were mad and in the background I saw (Y/N) watching kinda scared on the couch while he was holding Ellie.

Harper-What is it?

Eva-Dad just grabbed my tail!


Bella-We gave Ellie to (Y/N) to feed her so we could get dad upstairs and when we got him on the bed he grabbed her tail!

Harper-Oh my god, i'll be home in a bit.

I hung up and I was so mad because what he just did to his own daughter was sexual harassment and he did it after his daughters helped his drunk ass while a little boy we just found was taking care of the baby! I felt so mad, but I tried to hide it since I was in a store. I don't know how much more of this I could take and i've been dealing with this shit for years and the only reason I ever started to go out with him is because he used to be some popular guy in high school and he made his move on me. I just wish I never went out with him and I had a way to just make him just go away or make him help out just like '(Y/N)' was already doing. I just paced around a bit so angry hoping for something to happen and then soon the answer came to me out of the corner of my eye so I walked up to it and took the bucket off the bottom shelf and it was 'rat poison'. Memories from years of me being stuck doing all the work while taking care of him flooded my head, years from raising Eva and Bella without help with anything, but from a lie that gave us money and now it was gonna repeat again with more victims, but now... we had more help

Harper's mind-(Y/N)?

He only stayed with us for less than a day and he was feeding and holding Ellie while with years from Garry I never trusted him to hold any of my babies drunk and now 'this' happens.

Harper's mind-What would I really lose?

Looking back now at high school all the girls would do anything Garry would say just so he would go out with them and I thought I was special to him then because he asked me after I did nothing for him... I can see now that it was a mistake to say yes. I snapped out of my memories and took another look at the bucket before I made my decision.

(Timeskip to the register)

I was paying for what I got and the cashier tried to start a conversation with me.

Cashier-Let me guess, you're worried about your baby because there's a little pest running around the house.

Harper-I wouldn't call it a little pest.

Cashier-Oh so it's a big 1, well this should solve all your problems ma'am.

Harper-I'm sure it will.

I bagged the milk and diapers and grabbed the bucket of rat poison from the counter.

Cashier-Well I hope everything gets better for you ma'am.

Harper-Oh believe me... it will.

I walked out to my car and started to drive home with a smile on my face.

Harper-I'll make sure the pest is gone by tomorrow morning, *giggles*.~


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