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(Harper's POV)

Right now I was in the kitchen cleaning while Bella and Eva were watching Ellie and were was my husband you ask. He's where he always is and that's on the couch watching T.V. not helping at all and he's always like that. Seriously I practically raised Bella and Eva by myself and kept up on the house chores at the same time no thanks to 'Garry' and at least I had a bit of help thanks to my daughter, but all he's good for is getting on my nerves. Before I was pregnant with Ellie he said he would help out now and really be a father... what a fucking liar. When I was done I went out to the living room and saw Bella and Eva putting Ellie in a stroller while Garry was just watching T.V. like usual.

Harper-Where are you 2 going?

Eva-Just out for a hike along the trail of the woods.

Bella-We'll be back soon.

Harper-Alright... bye Ellie, be a good girl for your big sisters.~

They left the house which was just a big cabin in the woods that we own thanks to Garry's parents will and his 'disability' gives us a income enough to pay bills and have a bit left over so we pretty much do everything else by hand with what's in the woods and we all know how to hunt... well 3 of us soon to be 4 and you could guess who won't be hunting anytime soon. Before you say "he has a disability so leave him alone" he actually stole his grandpa's disability papers when he passed and forged it in his own name so he could sit on his ass and get money.

Garry-Hey honey, you mind grabbing me a whiskey from the ceiler?

I just sighed and went to go get it.

(Eva's POV)

We were on the trail and Ellie was just babbling gibberish and it actually was a nice day out and honestly we just needed to get away from dad to get out of him trying to get us to do things for him.

Bella-Ever wonder why mom even puts up with dad at this point?

Eva-I honestly don't know or even care to figure it out at this point.

We kept on walking with our baby sister in the stroller until we smelled something then saw someone out in the distance.

Eva-What's anyone doing way out here?

Bella-Only 1 way to find out.

We headed to the person that we saw and the closer we got I started to think that it was a kid and when we got really close to him while he was picking berries from a bush and putting them in a backpack then they heard Ellie's babbling and turned around and we saw that they were a boy and that looked so young.

Bella-What are you doing all the way out here?

He backed away from us and he seemed scared.

Bella-Where are your parents little boy?

???-I'm o-o-out h-here by my-my-myself.

Eva-You're all alone?

???-I d-d-don't have anywhere t-to go.

I wasn't sure on what to do, but we couldn't just leave him out here all alone there's actual animals out here that will kill him if they get the chance.

Bella-Well then you're coming with us until we can figure out what to do with you.

Eva-And I wouldn't eat those berries.


Eva-They're poisonous.

He instantly dropped the berries he was holding and poured the rest out of his bag then we took him with us as we started to head back to the house.

Eva-I'm Eva and this is my twin sister Bella and our baby sister Ellie.

Bella-So what's your name kid?


(Harper's POV)

I just got done cleaning and it would've be nice if 'someone' helped out, but I knew it wasn't gonna happen because he'll just whine and make up some bullshit excuse. I sat down in the arm chair and watched T.V. with him and I saw this stupid smirk on his face.

Garry-You know baby the girls won't be back for a while if you know what I mean.~

Harper-I'm not in the mood.

We haven't done it for at least a month now and I really wasn't in the mood at all the whole time because he's so fucking unbearable now and he has the nerve to ask me after i'm practically a single mother with the amount of help I ever get from him. Soon the door opened so the girls were back.

Eva-Mom can you come here?

I got up and went to them and I was smelling something else then when I got there I saw a little boy with a backpack covered in dirt.

Harper-Who's this?

Bella-His name is (Y/N) and we just found him in the woods.

Harper-Where are your parents?

(Y/N)-I'm a-all al-alone.

I didn't know if I should take him seriously or not, but right now there was something that needed to be done.

Harper-Well you definitely need a shower to get all the dirt off you.

I took his hand and lead him upstairs and my 'husband' saw him.

Garry-Who's the kid?

Harper-Just keep watching T.V. Garry.

We made it to the bathroom and I took his bag and looked inside and I saw that it had clothes in it and out of all the clothes he only had 1 clean outfit left so I just gave it to him.

Harper-Go in there and strip then put the clothes in the hallway and i'll wash them.


He went in the bathroom and closed the door and soon he cracked it and tossed his clothes in the hallway and I picked them up and left as he started to take a shower. When I made it to the laundry room I loaded the clothes in the washer and went to the living room to see Bella holding Ellie and Eva was on her phone and Garry was still just sitting there so I joined them and relaxed.

(Thanatos's POV)

I've been searching the whole god damn town for this kid and haven't found so much as a trace. I don't know what Brittney was thinking because I could get posters up and people could call and turn him in to me. I just gave up for the day and I was gonna head back to Brittney and try to convince her to give me a picture so I can print posters. When I got there I saw some kind of metal poles at the corners of the yard, but I just ignored them and went up to the door and knocked it then soon Taylor opened the door, but she quickly looked displeased.

Taylor-Why are you here, did you find him?

Thanatos-No, but I won't be able to until I can get a picture... I need to put up posters.

Taylor-... Then you better find him soon.


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