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(Harper's POV)

Yesterday was the the best day I had since I met Garry and it felt so good to be free of him after all this time. I even called my friends who have families of their own and told them mostly everything leaving out the part that I actually killed Garry and 1 of them was said they're gonna be busy for a while because 1 of their kids is sick, but Carly said she wants to meet (Y/N) and she was bringing her family over. I woke up to the best thing of all... no whining from Garry about some bullshit. I got up and started to get ready for when Carly comes over and I saw that my kids were already up and there he was, my new little man of the house. As we were all getting ready for the day and the only 1 needing help was Ellie I was gonna go in the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I got done around the same time as the others we went to the kitchen and something smelled good then I saw plates of food on the table and it looked good along with a bowl of baby food on a high chair.



Bella-Eva it's your turn to help feed Ellie.

Eva-I know.

(Thanatos's POV)

I woke up early and had a cup of coffee before I left my house then I got a call from Brittney so I answered.

Thanatos-Uh hey, what did you call?

Brittney-The girls and I are getting impatient, we 'want' our Kitten and we want him by 'tonight'.

Thanatos-Ok, I think I should have him by then.

Brittney-You better or your colleagues get to hear your dirty secret.

Thanatos-No don't!

Brittney-Come by tonight with or without our Kitten, but for your sake you better hope you do bring him.

She hung up and I just hoped someone called to report to me they found the kid.

(Harper's POV)

(Y/N) looked cute when he was eating just like Ellie was, but cleaner. This was a nice breakfast and when it was over the girls and I cleaned up the plates in the sink then we heard Ellie crying for attention and I was about to handle it, but when I turned around the crying stopped and I saw (Y/N) holding his hand out to Ellie and she was playing with his fingers and it looked so cute.

Harper's mind-My little helper.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door so I went to answer it and when I did I saw my friend and her daughter and husband that I haven't seen in months.


Carly-Hey girl, sorry for your loss.

Harper-I'm doing just fine fine Carly.

Madison-Hi Harper.

Harper-Hey Madison.

Lincoln-So I heard you have a new addition to the house.

Harper-He's in here, come on.

I lead them into the kitchen and I saw (Y/N) holding Ellie who was playing with his face and Eva and Bella were watching. They noticed us and that's when it was time for an introduction for (Y/N).

Harper-(Y/N) this is my friend Carly, her daughter Madison, and her husband Lincoln.



Lincoln-Hey kid.


Carly-*Giggles* He's a little shy.

Bella-Haven't seen you in a while.

Carly-We heard what happened to your father so we came to check on how you were holding up.

Harper-Me and my girls are tough, we're just fine.



(Y/N)-Ellie n-needs a ch-change.

Harper-Let me see her.

I took Ellie from him then I started to go upstairs while everyone was going to the living room. I went into Ellie's room and put her on the changing table and her diaper was just wet so it wasn't that bad, but then I heard the door close and I recognized that scent so I didn't even need to turn around.

Harper-Shouldn't you be downstairs Lincoln?

Lincoln-I thought I come up and give you some company seeing how you could use it now.

Harper-What are you talking about.

Lincoln-What happened to Garry and now there's nobody here to meet your 'needs'.

I turned around to face him and he had a smug look on his face.

Harper-... Excuse me?

(Carly's POV)

I heard voices coming from a baby monitor and I recognize those voices and saw that my husband wasn't in the room.

Lincoln-I did think Garry was a fun guy, but he was stupid sometimes on how he treated you and how that made you unhappy.

Carly's mind-What's he doing?!

Harper-Go back to the others.

Lincoln-Now that's rude and after my very first visit here I hated how Garry would treat you... because I knew I could do better and I think Carly would agree.~

(Harper's POV)

He was walking closer to me and I stood my ground and growled at him which only made him smile.

Lincoln-Carly was always so sweet to me, but I always had a thing for women with a little temper... they just look so cute when they're mad.~

He was right in front of me and I was staring at him dead in the eye then I felt him grab my ass and tail and I gasped before I smacked him.

Harper-My baby is right there sicko!

Lincoln-What's she gonna do? Tell on me. Just relax and let me show you what a real man can do.~

Suddenly the door flew open which made Ellie cry and Carly was crying too holding the baby monitor in her hand.

Carly-We come to my friends house to try to comfort here from her husband committing suicide and you try to seduce her in front of her baby?!


Carly-We've been together for years and you had your eye on Harper too?! Am I not enough for you?! I actually loved you and now I catch you trying to have an affair with my friend behind my back?!

Lincoln-Carly just-.



Carly-I SAID GO!!!

She stormed down the stairs with tears in her eyes and he only sighed before looking at me 1 more time before he left and I watched as he went out the front door with the car keys.

((Y/N)'s POV)

After Carly's argument upstairs she was on the couch crying as Madison tried to comfort her and I wanted to help too so I walked up to her and tapped her arm then she looked at me.

(Y/N)-I'm s-s-sorry for him trying t-to lie to y-you and h-h-hurting your f-f-feelings.

I was about to give her more space, but then she grabbed my arm and gently pulled me to her and I just followed.

Carly-Can I *sniffle* have a hug?

I think a hug might make her feel better so I just nodded my head yes then I was pulled onto the couch and he arm, leg, and tail wrapped around me as I could still hear her crying into me, but it wasn't as bad as it was before.

(Carly's POV)

I felt so hurt, used, and stupid for not noticing it sooner from when he had his eye on Harper while I thought he was happy with me. WE EVEN HAD A CHILD TOGETHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! This boy was just so sweet and I really needed a shoulder to cry on right now and I didn't care that I was crying into a little boy's chest because at least it has a bigger heart than that fucking cheater.

Carly's mind-Was it all just a lie?... How could I be so stupid?

(Madison's POV)

I never saw my mom cry like this before my whole life, even a super sad movie didn't do this to her. I don't know where all of this came from because dad never looked unhappy with mom, they barely fight and always made up after a few moments later when they did, but I know it wasn't gonna happen this time.

Madison's mind-Dad... why?

Harper came back in with Ellie and gave her to Bella before she came over to help (Y/N) and I comfort my mom.

(Harper's POV)

It was ironic that my friend came here to try to comfort me, but here we are where she's the 1 needing comfort and after running everything in my head it all came to this 1 problem.

Harper's mind-Men.

There so little good men out there now and they're so hard to find, but I think I just found a good 'little man'. He was trying to comfort my friend that he barely knows after her husband that she thought she could trust did this to her and my deadbeat husband who took advantage of me all those years and never helped out or grew up got out shined by someone not even half his age. I really wanted to help her right now and I think I know how.

Harper-Kids can you step out for a moment while Carly and I talk?

They did what I said and she let go of (Y/N) so he could leave and I sat her up and wiped her tears.

Carly-What did you wanna say?

Harper-Let's have a little talk about 'good boys' and 'men who took advantage of us'.


Harper-Let me tell you what 'really' happened to Garry and 'why' it happened.


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