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(Kanga's POV)

We made it back to my house and the poor dear was still nervous, but I could feel his body become less tense from when I put him in my pouch a while ago. It felt a little better that he was relaxing a little in there, but he was trying to keep his head out even when I could just tell if he curled up just right, he would be hidden in my pouch. When I made it inside I still kept him in my pouch for a couple of reasons such as keeping a close eye on him, I feel like he's safer, and I still love the feeling of him in there. I thought he could be a little hungry, so I hope he likes fruit or maybe i'll put some in oatmeal... I just started to boil some water and got the dry oatmeal out and he was watching me cook for him, but when I felt something I looked down to see him trying to get out, but I just nudged him back in.


Kanga-No sweetie. You need to rest for a while. I'll take you out when your food is ready.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was embarrassing to be in this huge pocket of a kangaroo, but she won't let me out until whatever she makes is done. Just then I accidently slipped deeper in her pocket and tried to get back up, but it was like getting out of a foam pit and I even heard her giggle a little until I got my head out again. She only just pet my head before I just saw she had berries out and was cutting some strawberries into slices.


Kanga-Just relax and your food will be ready soon. I have a feeling you must be hungry.

(Aerith's POV)

I just finished my rounds and the activity was a bit increased today, but nothing we couldn't handle. I ran into Yuffie on the way back and she looked like she didn't even break a sweat today. We saw Merlin having some tea, so (Y/N) must be alone at his home still sleeping hopefully.

Yuffie-Think we can take him out to a café today?

Aerith-Maybe later. He just needs to set down roots for a while until he gets used to it. I still don't know how we're going to tell him we have no idea how to get home and that's not even considering the fact that heartless are there with almost nobody to get rid of them.

Yuffie-Wouldn't that mean his world fell to darkness?

That just made me feel worse about this because she did bring up a good point and it was completely possible. I just wanted to break the truth to him gently, but not it just got a whole lot worse. We made it to Merlin's house and when we did my heart sank when I saw (Y/N) was missing from the bed.

Aerith-(Y/N), (Y/N), where are you?!

Yuffie-Now hold on, maybe he's under the bed hiding or something. I doubt he'll leave with nowhere to go.

Aerith-Can you say that for sure?!

Yuffie-... Search in here and i'll check the city.

She ran off and there wasn't much places to hide and i'll search close by places for him and maybe clues incase something bad happened. I checked what few places that could be hiding places, but when I looked on the bed I saw a book and it looked like that book Merlin was trying to fix and casted a spell on it a few days ago after it was attacked by heartless meaning their was hearts in the book.


I just opened the book and when I did I saw pieces of the pages missing, but not a whole lot. There was a faint glow before I saw something in the book flash... What was that spell Merlin cast on this book?

Aerith's mind-... I need to find Merline!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kanga-Say ahhh.~

Kanga finally let me out of her pocket, but had me in a chair and was feeding me and she really made me feel like a baby. She waved the spoon of oatmeal to me and sometimes made train or airplane noises and it was good, but when I tried to eat by myself she would do it herself not even saying no to me, but she practically did say no.


When I took the bite I felt a little bit like a baby and I had more bites and even if it was good, I just wanted to stop or fed myself. When it was all gone she put the bowl back in the sink before she picked me up and tried to put me back in her pocket, but I moved my feet and didn't let her. She tried again, but I did the same thing and she held me in front of her and she didn't look mad, but she was not happy too.

Kanga-What's wrong?... Don't you like being carried?

(Y/N)-I... I just want to find a way home. I got here by-.

Kanga-Well we can go out and search where I found you, but before we go anywhere you're getting a bath first.


Kanga-No buts. I'll fill up the bath.

She put me in her huge pocket again before she just pulled out a huge bucket and started to fill it with water. I saw baths like this on T.V. before, but I thought nobody really takes a bath in a huge bucket because it was so weird and it would be hard to pour out when it's heavy.

(Aerith's POV)

I was at the café where I found Merlin having some tea and I told him what happened from what I know and showed him the book that I found on the bed. He was interested in this and took a look at it with magic and I was worried when he had a look on his face.

Aerith-What is it?

Merlin-Well, there is an extra heart in this book now and based on what I did, I would say he opened the book and got sucked inside.

Aerith-What?! Bring him out!

Merlin-I can't just pull him out. He needs to get to the portal I will put in.

Aerith-Then send me in! I'll get him out!

Merlin-Alright, but be careful. Heartless attacked this book, so it's a little bit of anyone's guess.

I was ready and he casted something on the book before he opened it to me and I was engulfed in a bright light. I was used to this kind of thing and when the light went away I saw I was in a forest and I wasted no time to get a move on. I know this story and since Pooh is the main character I decided that will be the first place I look.

(Short Timeskip)

(Kanga's POV)

I was out and I had (Y/N) tucked in my pouch and I guess he didn't like the cool breeze on his wet hair to make him feel cold, so now he was hiding in my pouch and it was adorable. I was just rubbing him through my pouch as I was hopping down the trail and I was lost in thought for a while before I remembered why I was out here. I looked around to see if I could find a clue as to where a way that he got here might be or something like that, but it was just the woods as usual. I made it to a hill and when I made it over I saw another human and this one looked like an older girl, possible old enough to be his mother or something like that.


I guess the responsible thing to do will be to go down there, get her attention, and see if she knows (Y/N) enough to take him back home. I would just go back to my home,... my empty home,... alone,... again. When I took one hop closer to her my heart had the feeling that I was missing something again or something like it. I just stayed in place to think about this and the more I thought about it,... it hurts and just then a tear came to my eye.

Kanga's mind-Come on Kanga, he needs to... to...

I soon just turned and hopped away to get away from her before she could see me and (Y/N) didn't see her because he was in my pouch to stay warm still. I'll just go on a different trail somewhere for a nice stroll in the woods before I head back home. I'm a very caring kangaroo and I always had this feeling that I was meant to be a mother, so maybe this was fate and I even thought of the cutest nickname for him.

Kanga's mind-You don't need whoever she was... You're my little Roo now.~


I made it back home and the whole time (Y/N) was completely silent and I was glad he didn't when we were close by to that human, but I wanted to check on him. I just opened my pouch and when I did a small gasp slipped out and my heart skipped a beat from being so happy... He was asleep in my pouch.


I guess his bath and my gentle hopping must've been like rocking him to sleep after a warm bath and if he was comfortable enough to sleep in my pouch, it was proof that he loves me. I caressed his cheek a little and got his hair away from his eye before I closed my pouch again to let him sleep peacefully.

(Aerith's POV)

I spoke to someone named Rabbit a while ago and he didn't know anything about a little boy, but he did say that he had a friend that he thinks always loved kids, but never had one. She might know something or places to look and pointed me in the direction of her house. I was on my way and I had these feelings like I was worried, very irritable, and mad right now, so I just wanted to get (Y/N) and get back home. When I made it to the house which was just another giant tree I just went to the door and knocked on it a little and waited a bit before it opened and I saw who the friend Rabbit was talking about.


Aerith-Hello. Are you Kanga?

Kanga-Um, yes... Who are you?

Aerith-My name is Aerith. Rabbit sent me here because you might be able to help me. I'm looking for a little boy, he's lost somewhere in the woods.

Kanga-Oh dear. I can't say i've seen them, but I was just out not too long ago to many areas and seen no one. If you want, I can give you a map of the area to help you.

Aerith-*Sigh*... I'd love it.

Kanga-Wait right here.

She hopped inside and soon came back with a map, but then I noticed her stomach or porch or whatever moved a bit. I couldn't question it before she gave me the map and had a little smile on her face.

Kanga-I hope you find them safe and sound. Goodbye and good luck.

Just then she closed the door almost like she was in a hurry and this was very suspicious to me... maybe I stay close around here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and was having a heard time moving before I was picked up and taken out only to lay down on Kanga when she so sat on a chair. Her hands were so soft and fluffy when she was rubbing my head and back then when I finally opened my eyes all the way I looked up to see her smiling at me.


Kanga-Morning little Roo.~


Kanga-It's your new little nickname... I always liked the name Roo.~

I tried to get up, but she pulled me back down and kissed my head a few times and moved me up until I touched her chin.

Kanga-I'm sorry I woke you. There was just a bad lady at the door, but I took care of her, so now you can go back to sleep.~

(Y/N)-I thought we were going to look-.

Kanga-I didn't but I didn't find anything and you were asleep, so I called it a day. Now back to sleep you go.

She held me a little tighter and I looked to the side to get comfy and not breath into her neck, but when I did I saw a shadow run across the light of the window.

(Y/N)'s mind-What was that?... A branch?

(Aerith's POV)

I knew there was something weird about how she was acting and seeing her trying to hide (Y/N) from me made my blood boil and I can just break in and take him back by force, but I don't want to scare him like that. I thought of another way to do this and he won't see any conflict at all.

Aerith's mind-You're not keeping him! If anyone if going to care for him it's going to be me!


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