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(Moxxie's POV)

I was still trying to wrap my head around all this and was still wondering if what Millie said was true and not made up or exaggerated. I mean, she said she "borrowed" the very rifle made to kill demon royalty, stalked the boss's swingers daughter, shot the husband in the back of the head, tried to take the human kid back after the daughter kidnapped him, came face to face with the wife,... and now we were hired to be body guards and live there 24/7. This all sounds fucking insane and we were even on our way there as we speak.

Moxxie-Millie, what about our old job?

Millie-Oh, don't worry about that...Blitz got turned to stone when I found him.


This is just getting more and more crazy! Right now we were on our way to pick up Loona and I was freaking the fuck out thinking this was a trap from a pissed off demon and it makes since because we're bring the book with us, but Millie keeps on saying to not worry!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the living room with Stella and Octavia and they were having a family meeting, but I don't think I should be in it for 2 reasons. I already know Millie and the others are working here and i'm not a part of their family, but Stella would not let me go.

Stella-We'll be getting our book back as well, but remember, i'm their boss, so my orders will go over yours.

Octavia-And we can't take him to our events because?

Stella-He's too fragile. One regular bullet or being stabbed with any kind of knife could kill him. He will stay protected and hidden when we're not around.

Octavia-I can care for him my damn self mom! Now you're bringing the same demons here to live with us?!

Stella-I don't trust our servants to handle most intruders for shit! When we leave in the morning tomorrow they will be watching him and the rest of the time he will be ours! Get used to it!

Octavia looked very mad and Stella just got up with me and held me like a baby before she left the living room and took me to the garden and to a table before she put me on a chair then sat across from me. She only looked at me and I was nervous from what she might be doing and I have no idea what it is.

Stella-Don't think you won't be trained, so I want you to know some basic commands before you learn more advanced ones and I expect you to know "all" of them. I won't be saying a word in the future, but do body language. We'll start with something easy, so whenever I pat my lap, you're to drop whatever you're doing and come over to climb up on me and sit.

I thought about what she said, but soon she did pat her lap and gave me a look and I was scared about making her mad, so I just got up and slowly went to her before I climbed on her lap which was kinda hard, but I made it.

Stella-We need to work on timing. Let's try it again.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

We did 4 other things and I had to do them over and over again until her phone rang then she hung up before she pointed her finger down at me and that meant stay. She just left and I just stayed at the table in the garden and it did look pretty.


(Y/N)-Huh?... Hello?

(Loona's POV)

We were pulling up and the van was full of our shit we wanted to bring with us and the only one being a worried little bitch about this is Moxxie. We just got out of the van and when we did we saw our new boss come out from the garden area looking down at us.


Millie-Hey boss.

Stella-Yes, yes. Let's start with your first assignment. As you know you're to make sure my new son is to stay away from any danger, so I expect you to wander around today and get to know the grounds you'll be working on and tomorrow will be when you start. Your rooms are on the 2nd floor to be close by to mine and my daughters just 1 floor above you. Any questions?

Moxxie-Um, yes. I-.

Stella-Good. Servants are on their way to get your stuff. Now... my book.

I just looked at Millie for her to get the book, but she just looked at me like she was waiting for something and I just raised an eyebrow.


Loona-Uh, are you going to get the book?

Millie-Huh, you have it.

Loona-You went to the office where we keep it. You have to have grabbed it.

Moxxie-It wasn't there... We thought you had it.

You could guess that our new boss was not happy to hear this and one of us had to have got the book because I checked my place before I left in case Blitz had it in his room or something.

Millie-... Give me a sec.

I went to the van with here and Moxxie just had a nervous smile while we were looking in each other's stuff for the book and so far there was no sign of it.

Loona's mind-Where the hell is it?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

There more noises coming from the bushes and I know if it's here then it has to be a monster, but then I saw a bag thrown out from a bush and when I saw what was in the bag my tummy growled a little.


I just looked at before I got up and slowly walked to the bag of cookies, but when I did I think I saw a fishing string pull it back. I just backed away from it and when I did I only heard laughing before someone jumped out of the bushes and I screamed a bit while falling on my butt. I never saw her before, but she had the same book Blitz and the others have.


???-So yer the little feller that them demons got.~

She sounded like she was a cowgirl or something then she came up to me and grabbed me then I could see her very sharp teeth.

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?

???-Where are mah manners? Names Martha darling. I'm uhh, an old friend of them demons that had you before. You can understand my surprise when I saw them in the same pictures online from that "filthy" red smartass.

Just then she opened the book she had and did something before I saw the woods from the normal world.

Martha-They took everything from me. My taste fer humans, mah home, and mah kin,... so i'll just be taken ya from them.~

I tried getting down and run away from her, but she held me tighter and walked to the portal, but soon...

???-PUT!!! HIM!!! DOWN!!!

We both turned and I saw Keenie flying really fast right at us and she looked very mad before she tackled Martha and we all went through the portal.


We all rolled on the ground a bit before I was finally let go and I was a little hurt, but when I slowly looked to where I heard them I saw Keenie have a crossbow pointed at Martha before it was quickly kicked out of her hands.

Keenie-Filthy demon!

Martha-Pesky little fly!

They kept on fighting and I was going to run into the woods, but it looked dark and scary before I just looked at the portal. Everywhere was bad, but then I saw Martha use her tail to grab Keenie's leg and throw her to the ground and kick her. When she landed in a bush and only moved a bit before Martha grabbed her and threw her to a tree and that made Keenie fall to the ground and couldn't get up.

Martha-Go be a little pansy somewhere else. This is my revenge ticket.

She looked at me and I got up and tried to run, but she caught up to me and scooped me up and held me tight. I tried to get down, but she just reached into her front and back pocket with her free hand and tail before she held a wet washcloth up to me.

Martha-Go tah sleep little one. You and I are gonna have lots of fun real soon.~

I got very dizzy from the weird smell and soon I fell asleep while she was starting to walk somewhere laughing a little.

(Keenie's POV)

I felt light headed and I could see that demon that a didn't see until now walk off with my baby boy into the trees. She might've won the fight, but...

Keenie's mind-Don't think this is over you heathen... I will have my baby.



there will be a continuation or that's all (or I just didn't understand something there)