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(Alcian's POV)

Men are so stupid and gullible. I only said his son's name to him and that had him here and he instantly went from holding by a thread to begging and pleading for me to spare his son. I said nothing about harming my pet, but he was so desperate to "protect his son" he helped himself to graveling and kissing my feet. I humored his idea that I would be killing his son if he doesn't behave himself, but it won't change his fate of him being tonight's meal and his son possibly being a pet to me and my daughters permanently. I will give him some credit for not breaking after I broke most of his fingers and toes and putting spikes under his nails.

Man Thing-Please, just let me and my family go. Sh-She just wanted the Winters and... we can help her.

Alcian-You wife tried pleading the same thing, remember. It's up to Mother Miranda and she made up her mind.

Man Thing-Please, just let me talk to her. I can get her to the Winters!

Alcian-Maybe you're misreading between the lines... I will remain Mother Miranda's favorite if Rose doesn't ever come here.~

I stepped on his head and he grunted in pain before I took my foot off him and picked him up by his shirt and he was little heavy, but still easy to hold.

Alcian-I was planning to keep this a surprise, but my daughters and I are in need of a main course and you will be just perfect. As for your son, he's too small to fill any of us up, so I have other plans for him... Quick question, what do you think is better, white and gold or red and gold?

Man Thing-What?

Alcian-I'm have a few servants making a bag big enough for my new pet and I must say... you did raise them to be an obedient and timid little thing, just how I like my prey.

Man Thing-Wait... Do you mean my son?!

Alcian-And what a cute appearance he will soon have in proper clothing in his proper place.

Man Thing-My son. Is not. A pet. FUCK YOU!!!

I tossed him back in his cell and closed, so he's safely locked away until dinner and just headed back upstairs to check on my daughters. I could hear him yelling at me as I was leaving and I did lie about making a bag because I don't carry luggage,... but my servants will be making my pet a cage.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Bela was using me to put her feet on my back and this was a part of "training" and we did so many other things and it was so embarrassing. Cassandra one time told me to kiss her foot, Bela made me curl up on a pillow she threw on the ground like a dog, and Daniela... her worst was holding me and biting my ear, nose, cheek, and neck. I wasn't bleeding, but it still hurt. Soon the door opened and we all looked to see Alcian came in and she looked at me being a foot rest.


Alcian-Are you 3 playing nice? No blood?

Bela-No blood mother. Just some training.

Cassandra-And he only needed to be punished one before he was completely submissive and obedient.

Alcian-Then i'll be taking him from her. Give this letter to the servants and tell them they have until tomorrow to complete it.

Daniela-Yes mother.

She got off me and they got the note from Alcian before they left and I just stood up before Alcian pointed in front of her, so I walked over slowly before she bent down a lot before she picked me up and I went up really high.

Alcian-It's nice to see you're behaving, but now you'll be tested by me.

(Alcian's POV)

I won't be testing based on his ability to take orders from me, even if that will help improve his chances of probably the highest privileges given to a man. I will be testing his ability to make me feel less stressed. I much as I hate to admit it, the Rose and my idiot little brother have been causing me to feel stress lately. I heard the some humans in the village that had pets tended to feel better, but animals such as dog shed and piss and shit all over the place and I won't have that littering my home, so a man child is more tolerable. When we made it to my private chambers I closed my door and I sat on my bed and put him down.

Alcian-Go ahead and entertain me. Do whatever it is you think a good pet would do.

(Y/N)-... I'm... I'm not a pet. *mumbles*

Alcian-Oh,... you're not a pet? Then what are you because I do recall that I made you a pet after you broke into "my" house.

I brought out my nails a bit for him to notice and he shrunk back down and I smiled, but just so he has a more motivation to do what I want him to do.

Alcian-Just so you're aware, you're dangerous close to a "2nd" punishment, but i'm waiting for that answer. Are you a pet... or not.

He was shaking before he went on his hands and knees showing shame and I smiled at this.

Alcian-So glad we got that cleared up. Now,... entertain me.

He started to crawl around and he did find a ball of twin I used to fix tears in my dresses and such, but she played with it. It was kinda cute, but not that much to give him a passing grade, but while he was forcing himself to play more quickly he tripped over himself and fell, so that was more amusing me.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* *coughing*.

Alcian-Hmm, getting tired?

(Y/N)-I... I didn't sleep last night.

Alcian-Well i'm afraid I don't have a proper pet bed set up for you just yet.

He only looked sad and he coughed again and I wonder if the truck Mother Miranda attacked kept him in all night didn't have anything for him to sleep maybe he was thirsty. I went to a water pitcher I keep in my room for when I need some. I just poured him a big cup ang gave it to him before he started to drink it with both hands while still sitting on the ground. I put the pitcher and cup up when he was done with them and he tried to go back to entertaining me, but he was slow and his movements were kinda wobbly sometimes and it was clear as day he was just getting more tired, so I picked him up.

Alcian-Tell me, is this all pets do?

He looked like he was thinking and if this was honestly it then I don't know why people enjoy pets so much when in their instances pets are more clueless a disgusting. This was just a waste of my time and I was about to take him out of here to serve as a snack some other day, but just then he closed his eyes and he body went a little limp, but he was still awake.

Alcian-What are you doing, what is this?

He only yawned again and mumbled something that I could barely understand, but I did make out "friend's dog" and "sleeping together". I thought about it as he tried to open his eyes again then I thought about a common rumor and scratched his head and behind his ear. He did enjoy, but moved away from my touch and that just made it a bit more cute when I got his other ear. Soon I was confused because this felt more relaxing than just resting after a long day and more relieve than slicing something or someone into ribbons in a fit of rage.

Alcian's mind-How is this helping more? I'm not even trying to feel better right now.

He leaned in to my hand where I was scratching him and I kept on going until he leaned into me and my body acted on it's own and leaned back on the wall.

Alcian-*Chuckles* For someone who said they were not a pet, you seem to be good at it.~

I kept on trying to tease him since I find all the men I met hate being not taken as tough, cunning, and bold, but he seemed to either not mind or was too tired to fight me about this. I kept on trying to tease him, but then something happened.

(Y/N)-*Soft snoring*

I felt his breathing change a bit while he was resting his head between my arm and breast to use that as a mattress and pillow. I told myself earlier that he must either always sleep on the ground or in his bed I will get for him, but now... I wanted him to stay right here with me. I scratched his ear a little again and even in his sleep he leaned into it a bit.

Alcian-It was a close call, but you get to be our permanent pet now.~ *whisper*

I twirled my finger in his hair and I just wanted to go down to my dungeons and rub this site in that man's face of how tame he son quickly became, but his yelling would only wake him up and make things complicated. Come to think of it, he must've came with his parents, so I doubt he ate since then and thankfully I have a phone in here too, so I can call and have the chef make something and I only do this for the ones in my dungeon on rare occasions that I save my food for a couple of days or so. I'll let him sleep for a while first.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sleeping until I felt someone poking and scratching my cheek and nose and flopping my ear before I finally opened my eyes a little, but I couldn't keep them open even a tiny bit.

Alcian-Awww, is my pet too tired? *chuckles* Open your mouth.~

She opened my mouth for me before I felt a spoon go in, so I closed my mouth and she pulled it out and I think I know what this is... It's oatmeal with cinnamon and I think some apple chunks. When I opened my eyes I saw Alcian and the oatmeal in her other hand, while she was holding me in her arm.


I was hungry, so I wanted more, but I could feed myself. I also just felt so cozy and warm then saw there was a blanket over me and I was about to talk, but she just fed me another bite and it was good, but I just stretched in her arm.

(Y/N)-I can take the bowl.

Alcian-No you can't. Not unless you plan to eat on the ground with no spoon or hands.


She gave me another bite and I just swallowed after a bit while she got the next bite ready and she kept this up until the bowl was empty.

Alcian-Wow, my man puppy was hungry. I'll be stepping out of my chambers in a bit, but before that happens, it's bath time. Let's get you out of those pajamas, they're dirty and disgusting.

(Alcian's POV)

I took the blanket off him and he curled up a bit more to keep his warmth, but I just took him to the bathroom before I put him down and started to strip him. It was cute watching his useless attempts to fight me off, but pinning him on the ground made him completely helpless more than what he already was to stop me. Next I put him in my made for my size and I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw him trying to climb out, but it was too big and slippery from always being clean and polished for him to get up, so I just turned on the water.

(Y/N)-Please, I can do this myself!

Alcian-Learn your place already. Pet's don't clean themselves... Properly that is, so seeing as you can't get out on your own, you don't have a choice in the matter. Now lay down.

I made him lay down in the bath and he was about to get up before I got my shampoo in his hair and that made him sit still for me. His hair felt disgusting like it wasn't washed properly in days almost like he used little to no shampoo on himself. It was clear he needed me to make sure he was clean and when his bath was down there wasn't a chance in hell he was touching those filthy and scruffy rags again, so I threw them away. He can have clothes made for him or wear some of the clean servant clothes for when they had their sons here.

Alcian-I have something to help you sleep again while we're at my dinner. I just need to make you look somewhat presentable first.


He looked a little confused, but after I dried him off I wrapped him in a smaller spare blanket I had in a chest and wrapped him in it then brushed his hair. Now came the part where he goes back to sleep and I think I got the right amount for something his size to be out cold, but when he saw pick the needle off the tray he got scared and started to squirm and cry.


(Y/N)-N-No, no, no, no, please don't! Anything but that!

Alcian-You're ok, you're just gonna feel a little pinch.

He kept on pleading even more than his stupid father did earlier to me and I liked it better when my pet looked peaceful and thankfully he was just that again after I gave his neck a little prick. He quickly got drowsy before he fell asleep with soft and slow breathing, so I juet bet his head then looked at us in the mirror.


Alcian-Your father is going to see you one last time as my pet. Be sure to give him a show.~

((D/N)'s POV)

I felt so dizzy and the last thing I remember was some creepy woman coming in my cell and hitting me over the head with something. I was coming to with a fucking head ache, but then I noticed something... I was naked, tied up on a table, and heard giggle, so when I looked around I saw these psycho bitches and the tall one was holding my son while he was sleeping in her arms and wrapped in a blanket.


Alcian-Oh how great for you to wake up in time for dinner. Feel free to scream as much as you like, I gave our pet a little "help" to help him sleep considering how tired he was.

(D/N)-Put my son down!

I struggled and an arm free before I reached and grabbed my son by what should be his leg in the blanket, but when I did...

Alcian-*Gasp*... How dare you touch my pet!

Her eyes turned black and red before she dug her fingers into my arm before suddenly they grew as long and sharp as swords that went straight through my arm and I guess the blood kicked off a feeding frenzy because the girls bite into me and started to eat me alive.


(Alcian's POV)

This stupid man's screaming calmed my nerves a little before I remembered something and scratched my pet's head and ears again and when I was collected I started to eat too as his screaming died down. I just had my pet on my lap under the table when I leaned in to get some blood, but during the meal my daughters looked at me.

Cassandra-Mother, what was that thing you did with our new pet.

Alcian-Just something I heard about and it helped more than I thought

Bela-May we try mother. I'll scratch him so hard he'll-.

Alcian-You will do no such thing. I thought I told you to respect our property and our pet will be no different. Be gentle with him.

I passed him to Daniela and she scooted back from the table to hold him up front trying to figure out what to do. This is why I love my daughters more than anything sometimes because they are like newborns again sometimes.

Alcian-Like this.

I got up and went over to bend down and scratch his head firmly, but gentle in front of her to show her how to do it. She copied me and I guess he was kinda awake now no thanks to his... former father, but I was happy to see the she got a little reaction out of him even if it was him stirring a little.

Daniela-What's he doing?

Alcian-It just means that he likes it.~

Bela-I wish to try mother!

Cassandra-I'm the one the brought him to you in the first place!

Alcian-No girls, you will have more than enough time for this, but for now we can't let our dinner go bad.

Bela/Cassandra/Daniela-Yes mother.

I took our pet back with me to my seat before we continued eating and my daughters were hungry as dinner was going fast and he was more bone than flesh now.

Alcian's mind-Don't worry you horrid man thing. I plan to take good care of my pet.~


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