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((Y/N)'s POV)

There was holes in the walls in houses, everything was a mess, there was blood and I think real goat heads hanging  with blood falling out. I didn't even anymore tears to cry and so far I think I saw a few people, but only in windows and cracks in the doors and they were running. I found a house and there was smoke coming out of it, so maybe people were there, maybe my mommy and daddy. I kept on going and soon I heard something and it sounded like big scary monster.

It was getting closer when I was getting closer to the house and I was getting really close to the house, but then I saw it starting to catch on fire and burning it down. I stopped to look at the fire thinking something bad happened and my mommy and daddy should be ok since they always know what to do, but then...

I couldn't move before I saw something in the field move out of the tall plants and went to the big door and I was about to scream, but I covered my mouth just  in time and ran away as fast as I could.


I kept on running until I found a cart to hide under and I heard a little bit of screams from far away where that house was, but then I heard footsteps and soon they stopped in front of the cart and I could see a robe.

???-Come out little one. I know you're under there... You're looking for your precious parents, right?

(Y/N)-Huh... H-How-?

???-Just come out.

I crawled out from under the cart and I looked to see it was a short old lady and she was taller than me, but only by a little bit and she looked weird and creepy.


???-Aww, wipe those tears. Your eyes look all puffy from so much crying. I bet they burn a little too.

(Y/N)-... Wh-Who are you?

???-Names can be given later. I can point you the way to dear old daddy. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-... M-My mommy and daddy say don't talk to strangers.

???-Very wise of your parents, but right now would be a good time to accept help from a stranger that isn't trying hurt you.


???-Never mind that little one. You want your papa?... Well, he's right through here.

She walked to a big stone door and put in some kind of stone circle and twisted it until the door opened.

???-You should be able to find your way in now, but you must go alone.

She pushed me a little before she started to walk away and I wanted to follow her to have someone, but she said my daddy was in here, so I had to go. I walked down the path and made it to some kind of building where there was a lever and a door, so I pulled it and it was kinda hard, but the door opened. I walked in some more and saw another door to a very, very, very huge castle and I just knocked on the door.

(Y/N)-Hello... Daddy, are you in here?!

I tried knocking again and I could just feel my arms freezing, so I try opening the doors and they were not locked and it was warm in here, but the doors closed behind me by themselves.


I looked at the picture in here and there was 3 girls and there was something in front of it and is had 3 names on it. It said "Three daughters, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela". I just went through a normal door since the other room looked scary and I got into a hallway and when I got out of it I was in a huge room.


I saw something on a huge door in, so I walked to it and I tried to read it, but then some bugs were flying close to me and I hate bugs when they get close, so i backed up and moved my hands quickly to get them away, but then...

???-Looking for you daddy?~ *laughing*

I turned and saw a whole bunch of bugs flying before 3 girls magically came out from them and surrounded me while still laughing and I backed up to the door and it was locked.


I tried to run past then, but one of them caught me and picked me up and I tried to get free, but they were all laughing at me still, so I just curled up and tried to be heavy to make her let go.

???-How pathetic. It's kinda adorable.

Just then I heard more buzzing and I saw more bugs and the girls were kinda flying and taking me somewhere. We went threw a few doors before she finally put me down and I tried to get up, but one of the other girls knocked me down with her foot by just pushing me.

???-Mother, I bring you fresh prey.

???-You are so kind to me daughters... Well, let's take a look at him.

A very tall lady stood up and I don't think i'm tall enough to go past her knees or maybe I would just be as tall as them. She walked up to me and I crawled back a bit and started to breath faster and cry again, but I still don't have tears.


???-Oh my, you're much too small to be a meal. You're much to small.

???-This child said he was looking for his "daddy".

???-Oh... Is that right Bela?... So you're that stupid man's son, are you?

She bent down, but I think she would still be taller than me then I kinda screamed a little when she put her hand on my head and they all laughed a little.

???-Oh, where are our manners? You simply must know the names of your captors. My name is Alcian Dimitrescu and these are my lovely daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela.

Those were the names from that picture when I first got here. I saw her stand back up and I had to look very high up.

Alcian-Now, what to do with you. You're even too small to be a side dish for us and we have a dinner all ready for us soon.

She was thinking and when I looked at her daughters smiling at me all scary like I whimpered a little and when Alcian heard that she turned back with a smile on her face, but not a good one.

Cassandra-What is it mother?

Alcian-I think I decided at least for now. Man child, stand up.

I was scared, but slowly did what she said and when I did I saw I really don't make it to her knees, but i'm very close. She walked to me and got on her knees and sat on them and she was still way taller the me and she was about to touch me and I backed up to the wall, but she still reached me.

Alcian-Let's how good you are at following orders and entertainment. You can understand for my daughters being forced inside for the whole winter it gets dreadfully boring at times. We'll see how good you are and if you meet our standards then I just might make this a permanent thing.

(Y/N)-... C-C-Can I-?

Alcian-What's your name?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N)... Can I see my daddy?

Alcian-*Chuckles* Crawl... Now.

(Alcian's POV)

This man child did what I said and that timid nature of his was amusing and I should talk to mother Miranda about this later because right now she's in a very bad mood after going after the wrong truck and losing Rose. We just watched as he crawled around and it was entertaining already, so I made a good call. He looked too weak and small to be an effective servant to even poor water from a pitcher for us, letting him lounge around in my home or letting him leave was out of the question, torture wouldn't last long enough for it to be fun, but...

Alcian's mind-I knew it, a small man child does make a good little pet.

I saw Cassandra wear a sadistic smile and was about to pull out her weapon, but I raised my hand to stop her when our new pet here already panicked and fell to his side to scramble away from her.

Alcian-No playing too rough Cassandra. I raised you to act like proper ladies, so you must know how to respect your property.

Cassandra-Yes mother.

She put her weapon away then I reached down to pick him up and I could confidently say he was almost weightless to me. I even saw pictures from Miia's machine thingy with someone having a tiny animal in a bag with it's head sticking out. I didn't care much at first, but I wonder if I have something to try it with. He just curled up while I was still carrying him then I thought about that stupid man thing down in my dungeon and I wonder how he'll react hearing that I have his son... I smiled before I put our new pet down and started to leave by ducking under the door.

Alcian-Play nice you 3 and train him well in my short absence.

Bela/Cassandra/Daniela-Yes mother.

((Y/N)'s POV)

When the tall lady left the 3 of them turned to me and I just went to a corner of the room, but they just smiled. They walked up to me and Cassandra grabbed me and picked me up and the other 2 stood next to her.

Cassandra-What should we do first?~

Bela-How about we see what else he does.~

Daniela-Ohhh, I nipped a man in the ear once a little and he jumped away from me.

Cassandra-Mother said not to play too rough.

Daniela-Not enough to bite it off. look.

She leaned it and bit my ear and it kinda hurt, so I screamed a little and she let go and I jumped a little and covered my ear. They all laughed at me again before Cassandra put me down and pushed me on my hands and knees.

Cassandra-Lets make mother happy by training our man puppy.

This was crazy, so I tried to run, but one of the girls grabbed me and picked me up again.

Bela-Where do you think-?... Are men always this like at this age?

Cassandra-Oh please, we're just used to dragging grown ups. He's bound to feel light to us. Either way we can't let our pet act like that, so I guess it's time for a punishment.~

(Y/N)-N-No please! Wh-Wh-What a-are you gonna do?

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)


We were in one of their rooms and they took my shoes off and were smacking my feet with a stick and it really hurt and they hit it 5 times before they stopped.

Cassandra-Did you learn your lesson about running?

I was crying too much to talk, but I just nodded my head yes then they put me on the ground and it hurt to stand on my felt, so i just got on my hands and knees again.

Daniela-That's a good little pet, now we can finally work on training you.~

The all stood up and surrounded me while smiling and I was still crying, but I think if I don't listen they'll hit my feet again or something else.

Bela-Roll over and don't move no matter what.

I did what she said and when I rolled on my back she used her foot to pulled up my shirt then rubbed my belly with her foot. These girls were mean and I wanted to run, but they'll hurt me again.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy, daddy, somebody help me!


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