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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was just getting for bed after dinner and I was kinda mad because now I boring and stupid school tomorrow and my mommy and daddy made us stay at our neighbors across the street all day. It was boring because they only have a baby, so I couldn't play that much. Miia even read a story to me and her baby Rose and Ethan said it was kinda creepy... and I think he was right. A whole day with no real games or T.V. and now I have to get up early for school. When I was done brushing my teeth I just looked in the mirror before I went downstairs to see my mommy and daddy.


Mommy-(Y/N), you have to go to bed. You have school in the morning.

(Y/N)-I'm just getting some water.

Daddy-Well hurry up and-... Huh?


Daddy-Outside. I see something like a S.W.A.T. team pull up in front of the Winter's.

My mommy and I went to the window and we did see a few big cars and trucks with men coming out and they had guns.

Daddy-(Y/N), go to your room.

(Y/N)-Why do they have guns? Are they going to kill them?

Mommy-Go to your room!

Daddy-I'll go see what happened when things calm down.

I just left and went to my room upstairs and I had a window to look out there too, so I closed my door and was about to run to my window, but just then...

*Gun Shots*

I ran to my window, but peaked out the corner to make sure nobody sees me and I saw the men going in the Winter's house and now my daddy was going outside. I saw him talk to some of the men before my dad pointed to our house and talked some more. I don't know what was happening, but I got scared when they acted strange then my dad got arrested.


I was scared when he tried to get away, but was pulled to the truck and now more men were coming to our house. I didn't know what to do then soon my mommy came in, closed my door, grabbed me, and we went in my closet to hide.

Mommy-Sweetie, "don't" make a sound. We'll be ok. *whisper*

I kinda screamed when I heard something break downstairs and we heard voices. My mommy held my tighter and covered my mouth to keep my quiet and she looked scared too. Soon we heard my door open, so now they were in my room and I was crying now.

Man#1-This is the BSAA. Make yourselves known... We're not here to hurt you.

He was being a big meanie, so he was lying, but when my closet door opened, he found us and my mommy held me close and tried to talk, but he just grabbed her to pull her out and another man in here grabbed me and pulled me away from my mommy. I was crying and my mommy was screaming at them while they were taking us outside in the cold and taking us into trucks, but then I saw a man walk up to us.


???-You 2 cool it.

Mommy-W-We didn't do anything! You can't arrest us!

???-Ma'am, you're not being arrested.

Mommy-Detained or whatever, you can't treat people like this!

He looked at me still crying and back to my mommy before he took a deep breath.

???-Get them in the transport. We proceed with quarantining them during examinations... Give her back her kid.

The man that had me let me go and I ran to my mommy and she picked me up and turned away from the man holding her, but they put us in a truck with my daddy and I saw one of the men holding rose and putting her in another truck with what I think was Ethan, but I only saw him up to his jacket. My daddy pulled my mommy and me to him for a hug before the doors were closed and soon I stopped crying a little and we were moving.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* A-Are they *hic* go-gonna hurt us?

Daddy-Listen, we're gonna be fine. You just stay close and we'll be ok.

Mommy-(D/N), what the hell do these people want with us?

Daddy-I spoke to them, asked if they were criminals or something because we were at there house all day today, next thing they talk on a radio about us being exposed.

Mommy-Exposed? What are we exposed to?

Daddy-I don't know... We just need to be calm and play by ear.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was just sleeping, but when I felt us hit a bump I woke up and my mommy and daddy were still awake. They wanted me to sleep and it was kinda easy at first, but I just woke up and I already feel wide awake now.

Mommy-Sweetie, go back to sleep.

(Y/N)-... I don't think I can.

Daddy-Let him be honey... We can't sleep either.

I don't know how long this was going to be and I think I would be bored if I wasn't scared and I thought about them putting us in a lab and test on us. I was about to cry again, but my mommy pulled me to her again to help calm me down, but soon.


The truck was shaking a little like something hit us and we had no idea what it was, but then suddenly the truck got hit so hard it flipped over and the doors got ripped open while we were in the air before we hit the ground screaming. Everything was going crazy and my mommy accidently let go of me and I fell out of the doors and outside and I was so scared... I think I was gonna die.

(No POV)

The transport was flipping again and again with the parents and driver inside, but (Y/N) was sent flying out of the truck before he got kinda lucky and landed in some snowy bushes and soft yet cold snow to break his fall a little. While he was flipping over and rolling he couldn't take all this so suddenly and passed out in the snow while someone was going to the truck to look for someone.

(Timeskip 5 minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my whole body kinda hurting and I was so cold and I was in a dark and snowy forest, but I saw a light up the hill and I remembered the truck. I thought about my mommy and daddy then ran up the hill and saw the truck was on it's side, but I looked inside to see that my mommy and daddy were gone.

(Y/N)-Mommy!... Daddy!

I looked around to see if they were close by because they would never leave me because they love me. Just then I heard a phone ring and I looked for it, but I found a dead person by it and I was scared to get close, but maybe I can call for help. I slowly walked to the phone, but it stopped ringing and the phone needed a password, and I can still call the cops, but the cops were so mean last time... My mommy and daddy have to be close and I saw another big jacket in the truck, so I took it, wrapped it around me and looked for anywhere they could go. I saw a path and followed it because my mommy and daddy might've went down it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy, daddy... I want to go home, even if I do have to go to school.

I kept on going down the path and crawled under a fence hoping something was close by, but it was just more scary woods and I felt like something was watching me and when I saw a bush move I panicked and ran into some trees before I saw a small wooden house with a door open, so I closed the door when I got in and saw this place made my room look easy to clean. It was so dark, dirty, and spooky in here, but some had to leave that door open. so maybe my mommy and daddy came here.

(Y/N)-Mommy, daddy!... I'm here!

I smelled so bad in here and I don't know who lives here, but maybe if I find them they can help, but then I heard noises like something was knocked over.

(Y/N)-Hello?... Is someone there?

I walked down some stairs I found since it was the only way to go, but when I did I found a broken picture of some lady or something because it was cracked a lot on the face. I was gonna walk back upstairs, but before I could make it...




I covered my mouth before I could scream and some wood fell down and I tripped over myself and fell back. Soon I heard something like leaving or I hope so, so I went back upstairs and when I did I saw blood on the floor and I was crying a shaking, but that was nothing when I saw a huge hole in the wall that was bigger than me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy, daddy, where are you?!... It's so scary out here!

((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I was in a cell all alone with no idea where I was or how I got here after the crash. I tried calling out to my wife and son, but there was no answer. I tried to break out since the bars looked really old, but soon I her chuckling.

(D/N)-Who's there?!... Come out!

???-... Stupid man thing.~ *chuckling*

I didn't see who just said that, but the voice sounded kinda silky then soon I heard footsteps and could tell whoever it was, they were wearing high heels then I saw who it was and I was shocked how tall she was and I only made it to her ass in height.


???-*Chuckles* I think you'll make a wonder main course later, but for now... i'm going to enjoy breaking you.~

((M/N)'s POV)

I was just now slowly waking up in a room and I tried to move I couldn't and I slowly started to panic. When I was fully awake I saw I was in some kind of room where the walls were made of bricks, there was fake wooden body parts hanging around, I was tied to a table and gagged, but then I heard giggling and looked to see where it came from and I just saw an old looking doll being held by a person.


???-*Giggles* She's awake!~

(M/N)-*Muffled screaming*!

She dropped her doll and it crawled up on the table all by itself and walked on my stomach while it laughed and got closer to my face while I was still screaming for help... then the lights turned off and we were all in the dark now.
