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(Erelah's POV)

Right now we were outside and I was in my human form giving (Y/N) a piggyback ride just like I promised and he was loving it. We were going to find a big enough bed for me first and I will need at least a queen sized for when he sleeps with me and his old bed is going to be used for his naps. I know humans have devised a system to have it brought to your home and put it together for you. When we made it to the store I kept (Y/N) on my back while I started to look and I saw beds were kinda expensive, but the price didn't matter since I should have about a couple thousand.

Erelah-You wanna help me be my little tester?


I walked up to a bed that was called a "Purple Bed" and it did have some purple on it, but I wondered how comfy it was and if it was good for you because I slept on some very uncomfortable beds in the past.


I put (Y/N) on the bed first and laid down with him and this bed was comfy, but I slept on actual clouds before and nothing could top that for me at least. As for (Y/N), he was just snuggling into the mattress and moved into me before he stopped.

Erelah-You like this bed?~


Erelah-Should we get it?~

He nodded his head yes again and I was about to get up and go find someone, but just then I saw a woman come up to us and it looks like she works here, but I could feel that she in a bit trance with us like she was enjoying the sight.

Woman-Hello, is everything going alright?

Erelah-Yes, we were actually looking into buying this bed.

Woman-Well we can get that taken care of... Is this your son?

Erelah-I'm his guardian.

(Y/N)-Yeah, she's an angel!

Woman-*Chuckles* I bet she is. You must be really good with him.

Erelah-Oh, um... thanks.

Woman-Ok, so what's your address?

I gave her all the information she needed and bought a whole room set from what might fit, but I caught her stealing looks not at me, but... at (Y/N) and I was getting a little bit of a feeling, so I focused to feel her spiritually to feel that she was excited and her heartbeat was raised a bit.

Woman-Ok, all done. It should arrive at your home in 4 hours, lucky you.

Erelah-Thank you for the help.

Woman-Also... do you mind if I take a few pictures to show my friends? We just love children.

Erelah-Oh... i'm flattered you think he's adorable, but i'm gonna have to say no.

Woman-... Ok then.

Just then I saw an intent in her eyes before she tapped on her screen a few times before she walked away and when she turned I caught a glimpse of the screen like she was on a camera. I knew she have had to taken a picture despite me saying no and I don't know if she has ill intentions. We still needed a few things somewhere else and I know there are bad people, but good ones are still out here. Next I wanted to go to a store to get some more ingredients for food and some scented candles to help in the house and when we made it to the store I just put (Y/N) in a cart. All he did was play with my hair and look around at the food and stuff and I did get a few sweets, but now it was time for the candles. They did have a few good scents, but I wanted it to smell like something close to heaven to help me feel at home and soon a worker came by and he looked in a very bad mood. (Y/N) was just staring at him and when the man saw this he only sent a glare and it felt like he was threatening him and I just held (Y/N) closer.

Erelah's mind-I can understand if he's in a bad mood here, but does he have to take it out on other people.

I just looked at the candles again and picked "Ocean Breeze, Sweet Summer, and Flower Garden" and just when I was done I heard something a few isles away from us and i covered (Y/N)'s ears and held him close since he got scared by it....



Manager-Sir, you need to leave.

Man-Oh, for fucking shopping?!

Manager-I saw you stuff things in your backpack and pockets. You need to go.

Man-How about I come back with a fucking rifle and show you some real crimes, huh bitch!

I was glad I had (Y/N)'s ears covered because the threats kept on coming as the manager said they were calling the police and now I just want to get out of here in case that bad man does come back. After I paid for everything I just left and had (Y/N) hold my hand, so he can walk and I started to feel nervous when I saw that man still out here yelling at people then he caught sight of us before he started to walk over her and from mad he was he was starting to scare my poor child.


He got closer and my body just reacted and pushed him away and i guess I did it a little too hard because he was sent flying back into a car.

Erelah-Oh... Sorry... Don't come near us again, please.

I just took (Y/N)'s hand and started to walk again and I just looked down to (Y/N) and saw that he was crying a little from that bad and angry man, so I stopped to kneel down to him.


Erelah-Sweetie,... it's ok... You wanna go pick out some games. You deserve them.~

He only nodded his head yes and I think I did see a game store close by and when we got there I was gonna keep myself between him and others as much as possible. He did pick out 3 games and they were (Favorite Rated E Games) and we went to pay for them and I kept (Y/N) behind me while the cashier scanned them and I gave him the money before we left. I just wanted to hurry home and I looked around in case something else might happen and I think I overlooked a few other things around us. Some broken glass was in the street and if a tire popped of something anything could happen and I don't want my baby anywhere near that then I saw a few men look at me with lust in their eyes that would want to take me from (Y/N) for their own desires. I was seeing everything around me instead of my child now and everything was more dangerous than I feared.

Erelah's mind-I know life can be dangerous,... but a child needs to be safe! It might just be too dangerous out here right now!

I picked up the pace a bit and when we made it home and got inside I felt relieved and locked the door before I let go of (Y/N)'s hand.

Erelah-Go play your new games honey.


He did what I said and he already looked happy again despite what just happened and I just went to put the groceries away and I realized my spell was down on the mother's room and it was quiet then I forgot to get her books... I'll get them later and she can just play with some of (Y/N)'s toys or something in a bit if she's learned to behave. When I went in the room to check in here I saw her room was a mess again and she was asleep on the floor with her pants off looking like she tried to get the belt off. I just closed the door and started to think about her attitude lately and even how that's dangerous for (Y/N) if she's so irresponsible and if she can't act like an adult... I can't let her near (Y/N) until I see that she's safe for him to be around...

Erelah's mind-What else is dangerous that I haven't seen before?


Isaiah Weeb

Anyone want to tell her she's dangerous herself?