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((Y/N)'s POV)

Right now Sumire and Yuri were on the twister mat and I think made it to the 10th turn and they looked like they were about to fall. Ayaka was on the spinner and Yuzu was sitting next to me, but I was on the edge and held my stuffed doggy close and curled up. I don't know if I wanted to play even when I played this game back home, but when Ayaka hit the spinner again I just watched it go around until it landed on.

Ayaka-Yuri, right foot yellow.

I saw her trying to move her foot to the other side of the mat, but I don't think she was going to make it. She was trying really hard, but Sumire just fell on top of her and they both went down, so I think Yuri won because Sumire fell first.

Ayaka-Good game you 2. Now it's Yuzu and (Y/N)'s turn.

(Y/N)-M-Me?... I-.

Ayaka-Don't be shy sweetie, Yuzu won't bite. Your mommy did tell me you liked to play games.

(Y/N)-... Can I just play next round?

Yuzu-Come on!

Yuzu just grabbed and had a little problem picking me up, but she put me on the mat and I left my stuffed doggy on the couch. I had to play now and when I made it to my 4th turn Yuzu was over me, so it was getting hard to move and Yuri was taking pictures of us with a camera and Sumire was cheering on Yuzu, but her voice was so weird because it always sounds like she's bored or something.

Ayaka-Ok (Y/N), left hand green.

I took my hand off blue and I was gonna try flipping over to reach for it like doing the crab walk, but when my arm bumped into Yuzu's chest she kinda freaked out and fell on top off me and she was kinda heavy, so I fell down too.

Yuzu-Ahhh! Watch where you put your hands on girls!

(Y/N)-I-I d-d-didn't... I didn't hit you.

Yuzu just sat on her knees and covered her chest and it was just a little bump, so it didn't hurt her, but now her cheeks were kinda red and looked like she was kinda mad. I was scared of what she might do or if she hates me now and I was about to cry, but held it in then I was grabbed from behind and turned to see Ayaka and she pulled me on her lap and her chest was so soft, warm, and cozy when she pulled me in and rubbed my head and I already started to feel a little better... She also smells really good... It's relaxing.

Ayaka-Now Yuzu, he didn't mean it. He's only 5, so he doesn't even fully understand what he did.

She just moved me a little and scratched the back of my head and it just felt so good and Yuzu just looked away from me and Yuri took another picture of me and Ayaka and Ayaka held up 2 fingers to the camera. The girls played more twister and Ayaka gave me my stuffed doggy while I stayed in her lap then Yuri just took more pictures. After a few games, they finally put it away and Ayaka just put me on the couch, so she can go make dinner and the girls stayed in here with me, but I didn't know what we could do. I think Yuzu really does hate me.


(Yuzu's POV)

We all had to stay in here to keep (Y/N) company and I just hope it was an accident and he was not a perverted kid. I just looked to see that he was curled up with his stuffed animal and trying not to look at us and I just got a book out to read and Sumire isn't very sociable on her own and Yuri just likes to take pictures of him.

(Y/N)-I'm sorry.

I just turned to see him looking at me and he had some kind of puppy eyes while still holding his toy close like it was protecting him.


I'll admit it was cute, but it doesn't mean he's out of the dog house from brushing his arm on my boobs. I don't even think he knows what he's even apologizing for.

Yuzu-What are you sorry for?

(Y/N)-For making you mad... and hating me.

He looked a little sad when he said that and I tried to stay strong to let him know that girls won't tolerate their boobs being touched,... but him snuggling with his toy like that was hard to look away from. I can't let him off the hook that easily or he'll never learn and I wasn't going to let him be a pervert under this roof.

Yuzu-If you're really sorry then do something to prove it.

(Y/N)-... How?

Yuzu-I don't know. Think of something.

I just looked away from him and gave him some time, but soon I felt him lean on me and I jumped from the surprise and just looked at him and the others were just looking at us. I was about to tell him that touching me was the problem, but when he saw the look on my face he just gave me more puppy eyes and it was choosing rather or not to kick a puppy... I just sighed and put my hand on his head and he just rested on me and Sumire just stared at us kinda intensely before she sat on my other side, so I was stuck between them.


Yuzu-What are you doing?

Sumire-I'm taking my spot at your side as your VP.

Yuri just took a few more pictures of us before (Y/N) finally got up and looked like he was going back to his room, but something caught his eye that made him stop. We wondered what he was doing before we saw he was looking at some wax fruit and looked like he wanted one without even knowing it was fake.

Yuri-Um (Y/N), that fruit is not real... Are you hungry?

(Y/N)-Um... a little.

Sumire-Dinner should be ready in a little while. You should stay out here until it's done.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just wanted to go lay down with all my stuffed animals with a snack, but maybe I go ask for a snack from Ayaka, but Yuri just came over and took me back to the couches and I still wanted something to eat.

Yuri-Mind if we talk a bit before dinner. Where did you live before your mom dropped you off?

(Y/N)-Um... California.

Yuzu-Huh, how did your mom know about Ayaka?

(Y/N)-I don't know... I'm just gonna go to my room.

Yuzu-What, are we scary now?

Sumire-Kids his age are usually afraid of being away from home.

Yuri-How about we just go with you and keep you company.

(Y/N)-Um, I just wanted to-.

She just picked me up and the others got up before we went to my room and when we got there Yuri just put me on my bed and I just crawled to my other stuffed animals and curled up. They were all looking at me and Yuri took another picture.

(Y/N)-Can you not take pictures of me anymore, please?

Yuri-Aww, but you look so cute cuddling your toys. Do they have names?

I just shook my head no to her and just then I saw Sumire going into one of my suitcases and soon she pulled out my sleeping bag I took with me and it was the super comfy one.


Her cheeks were kinda red and now Yuri and Yuzu were laughing a bit before they looked at me.

Yuri-Is that a bed? It's so cute.

(Y/N)-It's like a sleeping bag. My mommy said-.

Yuzu-Can we see you lay in it?

(Y/N)-B-But i'm not tired right now.

Sumire just got up and came over to me to pick me up and took me to my sleeping bag and I tried to get out of her arms. I did fall, but I landed on my hands and feet before I tried to go back to my bed, but she stopped me.

Sumire-What's the matter? You like sleeping in this cute sleeping bag, right. It does look comfy and the president wants to see you in it.

(Y/N)-Yuzu's a president?

Yuzu-Student council president and clearly older than you. Since we're all older you have to do what we say, so I want to see how you look in this stuffed animal sleeping bag of yours.

(Y/N)-Well... can we put it to a vote?

Just then all 3 of them raised their hands and I know I just lost.

(Ayaka's POV)

Dinner was almost ready and I was just gonna let it cool for a bit, but I was going to find everyone to have them get ready for dinner. The girls were not in their rooms upstairs, so I checked the only other occupied room we had and when I walked in I saw the girls and (Y/N), but my heart skipped 2 beats when I saw an adorable sight of him snuggling inside a giant stuffed animal sleeping bag. I didn't even know they made things like this.


Ayaka-Oh my, aren't you adorable. That sleeping bag just makes me want to eat you up!~

I got on my knees and to him and he tried to hide his face from us and the girls were enjoying this too, but I just pulled the blanket away a bit to show his face.

Ayaka-Are you hungry sweetie pie? Dinner's ready.~

Just then I heard his little tummy growl and his tried to hide again, but I took him out and held him on my side to take him to the bathroom and helped him wash his hands before we went to the table. When I went to go grab some plates and the food the girls made it to the table and they loved the look of the dinner I made.


Ayaka-I hope you like takoyaki (Y/N). I wanted to do something special for your first dinner here.~

I put 3 on his plate and see how he does with that and he gave it a few sniffs before he thought it smelled good and when he looked around for something he was ignoring his chopsticks until he saw the girls grab theirs. When we all started to eat I saw him having trouble like he didn't know how to use his chopsticks and it was so cute. I just went ahead and grabbed one of his takoyaki from his plate and held it to him.

Ayaka-Open wide for the yum yum train.~

He blushed at that, but he did open his mouth and when I fed him it was actually kinda fun. I could tell he liked it too and it made me so happy I made something he found delicious as it was clearly different for him.

Ayaka-Good boy, let's get you another.~

After I gave him more until he got full I didn't want this feeling to stop,... so I just pulled him off his chair and on my lap while I ate my food.

(Y/N)-A-Ayaka, can I leave the table, please.

Ayaka-No, I have to watch you closely, remember?

I just rubbed and scratched his head while I pulled him into my chest and I felt him relax from my comforting touches.

Yuzu-Do you need to have him on your lap during dinner?!

Ayaka-I don't see a problem with it.

Yuzu-Who told you about social boundaries?!

Ayaka-You did.

Yuzu-So put him back in his seat!

Ayaka-After dinner.

She gets so cute when she's mad and pouty, but I didn't want to put him down just yet. Besides, he looks so cozy on my lap. I don't know this feeling, but it's better than when I take care of the girls or anyone else...

Ayaka's mind-I wonder if this is the feeling of a mother... I like it.~

(Yuri's POV)

I never knew boys could be so cute at this age and I know Sumire won't want these, but I think I can use these to find out his size and make some outfits for him. After dinner Ayako put him down and I think he was going to go to his room while we were looking at him and I think he was embarrassed because het was fed in front of all of us.

Yuri's mind-I wonder what you act like when you think nobody is watching... I just need the right bait.

I thought about it and judging from his stuff we saw he either likes soft things, cute things, or both... maybe a giant teddy bear will get some good reactions.

(Yuzu's POV)

He can be cute all he wants, but Ayaka needs to calm down because putting anyone in between those big boobs of hers is just wrong. He's not even her kid. I thought about it for a bit and wondered if he did like being in between those for perverted reasons...

Yuzu's mind-He needs to be tested!

(Sumire's POV)

Madam president was looking at (Y/N) a lot and I remembered how much she enjoyed watching him lay down in his sleeping bag. It did look cute, but I know her tastes and now he was getting all this attention from her when he just got here and to top it all off, she has some things against most boys.

Sumire's mind-What does he have that she just loves so much... I need help finding out.

Yuri is like a spy around here, so maybe she'll be great at helping me spy and observe him to help me with some research on him.


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