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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

My mommy was going to go on super long trip and my old babysitter can't watch me for a whole year, but she said we can talk on the phone and she will come on holidays and my birthday. Right now we were walking and had 2 suitcases for me and I had all 4 of my stuffed animals and my favorite was my doggy. I tried to talk to my mommy about going with her, but she keeps on saying that there will be nothing for me to do and no other kids to play with, but I just wanted her. I was sad that she was leaving me with a friend of hers and when she saw how sad I was she bumped into me a bit, so I looked at her.

Mommy-Hey, my old friend is really nice and said she would love to watch you... You want to see a picture of her?

She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture, but it just made me feel worse that my mommy was leaving. Maybe if she sees i'm not happy she might take me with her.


I felt a little sick to my stomach that I can't go home for a year and have to stay with someone I don't know and my friends don't live here too.

(Y/N)'s mind-I don't want you to leave mommy... I just wanna go home.

(Ayaka's POV)

I had everything all clean and the girls should be at school for a while since they left a few hours ago to attend to the student council here and I forgot to tell them about me watching my friend's son for a while. I can text them during their lunch to let them know a boy will be staying with us and she even provided me with some instructions on how to care for him outside my rules and what likes and hates. He loves cuddling and does it with his stuffed animals whenever he's alone, the dog stuffed is his favorite and refuses to share it, he can be very affectionate when he gets used to living here for a bit, and he really hates spicy food.

Ayaka's mind-He sounds so adorable. I can't wait to met him and go through traditions with him for joining the Sunohara House.

I just waited and read a book until I heard a knock on the door then went to slide it open then I saw my friend smiling at me until I spotted the suit cases and her child was trying to hide behind one while peaking out.


(M/N)-Long time no see Ayaka. Thanks so much for watching my son for the year. I'll be sure to visit.

Ayaka-It's no problem. We have plenty of rooms and always room for one more. He's in good hands.

(M/N)-You wanna wanna say hi (Y/N)?


(M/N)-Aww, he's just a little shy. He'll warm up soon enough.

Ayaka-He's so adorable.~

They came inside and we I saw him stand up completely... he was only a tiny bit taller and it was cute. I had my sister's old room 101 ready for him so he doesn't need to go upstairs. We got him settled in and he set his stuffed animals on his bed how he liked them and I saw his favorite dog.


The rest was a bunny, a cat, and a monkey and when we were done his mom had a little talk with them and it was about how this was for the best and to be good for me. I only just watched and saw how he was getting scared and sad as his mother gave him a hug goodbye. It was kinda sad seeing him trying to cling to his mother as she was leaving even when she promised to come back. After she left all he did was stand there and I just went up to him and picked him up from behind and he jumped a little.

Ayaka-You poor thing. I know it must be scary to watch your mommy go somewhere, but we can have fun here... Oh, that's right, you have to go through our tradition.

(Y/N)-Wh-What's a tradition?

Ayaka-It's when you do something again and again when something happens like putting a tree up on Christmas. In this case, you're new here and it's a tradition for the caretaker to scrub the back of anyone new here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just wanted my mommy to come back and go home already, but right now Ayaka took me into the bathroom with her for this tradition thing and I took showers with my mom before, so I guess this is not different. She just got my clothes off and I looked around to see this bathroom was really big, but kinda weird. The part for the shower was outside of the bath, but there was a drain for the water and I thought if was weird for the 2 to not be together. When she got her clothes off and the water was turned on I turned to her and she had a shampoo bottle in her hands.

Ayaka-Just relax and let me start with that hair.

She took my hand and made me sit on a stool before she sprayed me with water and sat behind me. This was going to be boring since I don't have any bath toys with me because there was no bath to put them in.

Ayaka-Is there something wrong? You don't look happy or relaxed.

(Y/N)-... Can we just do this in the bath? There's nothing for me to do.

Ayaka-After I get you clean then we can soak, but why not just close your eyes and relax? The others liked this when I did it.

I just looked at her for a bit before I did turn back and close my eyes before she got some shampoo and when I felt her hands on my head... it felt like a massage.

(Ayaka's POV)

I felt his body go nearly limp while I was washing his hair and when I rinsed it out he just leaned back a bit. When I was done with his hair I moved to his body and when I made it to his back I rubbed, scratched, and pressed on it and I could feel him lean back into me wanting more.

Ayaka-Oh my, someone's being affectionate already.

That made him open his eyes and sat up straight not leaning into me and looking flustered a bit and I was kinda wishing I didn't say anything. I just kept on going until I rinsed off his body and I got a bath going for us to soak in and I already had a bath today, so I could join him, but the poor thing still looked a little sad while he was splashing a bit then I remembered something.

Ayaka-Aww, you just want to play with your toys?~


Ayaka-Well after our bath we can play some games. We have our board games and we can even play with your toys together. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-... Ok.

Ayaka-You don't need to be so shy... You just need to relax. Your mommy trusted you to me and I don't plan to let someone as cute as you get hurt or be sad and scared on my watch.~

We just sat in the bath water for a bit longer before we got out dried off and went to go get dressed and I helped him before I went to my room to get dressed myself. I thought about what would be a good game for us until the girls get back and while I was thinking of it I just went to his room only to see him cuddling with all four of his stuffed animals and it made my heart skip a beat.


I guess it did make sense because traveling from the US to here, so that must've made this a very long day assuming he didn't sleep last night on the plane ride here.

Ayaka-Awww, mind if I join you?~

I just got on the bed with him before he held his stuffed toy closure and I pulled him into me to stroke and comfort him and it felt nice.

Ayaka-You had a long and rough few days. Maybe you do need a good nap and your mommy did say you were a cuddlier. Do you like this?~

I could tell he was either too tired to try and fight it or if this was just making him falling asleep faster, but after a while he did nuzzle into me a bit when he fell asleep then I looked at the clock to see the girls should be home in 3 hours, so I just pulled out my phone and started to text Yuzu about a boy staying here. When I put my phone down I gave him all my attention and rested.

Ayaka's mind-I wonder if I should give him a little nick name?~


(Yuzu's POV)

I was reading Ayaka's text and I was pretty mad that a boy was going to be staying with us last minute. I don't even know what grade they're in, but they better not be a pervert! Sumire and Yuri were with me and they know how much I hate last minute surprises like this.

Yuzu-Can you believe that she just forgot to tell us this or maybe just agreed to something like this last minute.

Yuri-Don't you think you might be acting a little rash? Ayaka wouldn't just let anyone in if they thought they would cause trouble.

Sumire-Even so, if they're new we can't be certain.

Yuzu-Well I will just have to make sure he doesn't cause trouble or he will be hearing from the student council!

When we made it home we opened the door and when we did we saw Ayaka walking by with a glass of water in her hand.


Ayaka-Oh, welcome home.

Yuzu-Where is this surprise student and he better not be some creep you just let live with us!

Ayaka-Student?... Oh, he's not a student, but he will be staying here for a while.


Ayaka-I'll be glad to let you see him, but please be careful not to wake him up. He's had a rough few days and needs his rest.

I was confused, but was going to lose it if she let a grown man stay here, but soon we went to Nana's old room and when she slowly opened the door we all saw a little boy with stuffed animals sleeping in the bed.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up to voices in the room and they kinda sounded like whispers. I just held on to my doggy a little tighter.


They saw I was awake a little now and they all got a little closer, so I scooted back a bit.

Ayaka-Oh, did we wake you? Sorry, bust since you're up. meet Yuzu, Yuri, and Sumire. Girls this is (Y/N), my old friend's 5 year old son. I agreed to watch him for a year while she's on a business trip.

They all talked a little more and I didn't feel like talking then Ayaka came over to the bed and picked me up.

Ayaka-I think we just need to get to know him. I was going to play some games with him before he decided to take a nap.

Yuzu-We have some homework to do then we can "see" about it.

Yuri-Oh come on, you're being too stubborn again.

Sumire-We'll be done soon enough.

They just left the room and Ayaka just looked at me and smiled before she took me out to the living room and put me on the couch before she got something out and put it on the floor and I knew this game.


(Y/N)'s mind-Twister?


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