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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waiting outside the water and everyone was close by and watching me and Celia had me laying on her side while we were waiting for the grim reaper's daughter to come back and make it her mission to make us all feel like we're about to die if we cross her. Nixie and the others were watching from the river and would freak out if I "go out too far" and after I have a few cups worth of water I soon had to go to the bathroom, so I got up.

Kaleen-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-To the bathroom.

Nixie-(Y/N), don't go out too far. Stay where we can see you.

(Y/N)-Yeah, not gonna do that.

Nova-You better not be trying to run away.

(Y/N)-Just so you can hunt me down?

Celia-Ok, ok,... we'll give you 10 minutes before we go check on you.


I just walked off and I called see Celia and the mermaids look worried and I rolled my eyes before I went a good number of trees away.

(Chlemia's POV)

I was following my human's footsteps from underground and stayed as close as the tunnels would let me and when I heard him stop to relief himself I went to a part of the tunnel he walked over and dug up a little to make it hallow enough for him to fall through. We're not really allowed to do this by the rules of my people, but truth be told we break the rules a lot.

Chlemia's mind-All I need to do now is wait for-.



I was caught a little off guard from how fast that was, but I wrapped my coils around him and covered his mouth and didn't let him see me. It scared him and I loved feeling him squirm and wiggle in my grip.

Chlemia-Oh (Y/N), you've been a bad, bad boy.~

I heard him panic some more as I started to take him with me to my favorite hiding spot and even if they do come down here they'll have no idea where to go until they run into some naga or lamia that's hungry. Soon I think I was squeezing too hard because he stopped moving, but I let go in time to where he was still breathing, so I just kept a loose, but sturdy enough grip on him to pull him with me.

Chlemia's mind-You'll be nice and safe tucked away where we're going.~

(Nova's POV)

It just passed the time limit and Celia went to go check on (Y/N) and I did expect him to not be happy and I don't think I ever saw him smile, but in his defense, if I was in his shoes I would be mad or something like that, but at least I would be making the best of it.


I jolted up a bit then Kaleen, Marv, and I sprinted to where we heard the screaming and when we did make it to her we saw a hole in the ground and Celia was pacing and panicking with no idea what to do and Kaleen went up to her.


Kaleen-What happen?!

Celia-He was supposed to be here! Th-The hole is here and now he's gone!


Celia-The hole, it can't be that hard to miss and fall in!


That seemed to snap her out it and stopped pacing then Kaleen grabbed her head to make her have eye contact and stop moving.

Kaleen-Calm down and tell us what happened.

Celia-I-I just came to check on (Y/N) and when I didn't see him and there was this big hole, I looked down to see how dark it was except for the opening and when he wasn't there, I panicked.

I checked the hole and I recognized those carvings and this couldn't not have been some mole or goffer, it could only be a lamia or naga, but their hunting grounds are miles away from here and they don't tunnel all the way out here... Do they?


Nova-It's a tunnel made by a lamia or naga. No blood where he fell, so no chance he was bit or eaten.

Celia-We have to get down there!

Nova-Bad idea, we're too big and even so, it's too dark and cramped, so we'll be easy prey. I say we go to their nest grounds and smoke them out. He's likely being stored and they'll bring him up with them to protect their food sources where we'll be waiting.

Kaleen-We'll need back. I'll head back to the village and meet you all at the nesting grounds.

Nova-Marv, stay here with Celia and wait for our witch with the mermaids. Tell them what you want.

The worried look on Celia was enough to say she was going to do the thing where she just goes into her own little world and shuts down out here, but at least Marv will be around her. With that I just ran to go to the nesting grounds where they had to have taken our human.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My head felt so dizzy and I was just let go and woke up to my nose being tickled by wet grass and when I opened my eyes I saw where I was and then I saw someone I already knew, but didn't like... sadly this was better than waiting for Nisha.


Chlemia-Well good morning my little human. Did you miss me?~


Chlemia-Awww, you missed me.~

I tried to get up, but she used her tail to trip me back on the ground and wrapped me in her tail, but I could breath still this time.

Chlemia-Welcome to my special spot. We get water here sometimes, but that's rare since we normally go to closer rivers and lakes, so it looks like it's just me and you.~

She used the tip of her tail to rub my face and I just turned away and when she squeezed I felt something pushed hard against me in my pocket and remembered the lighter was in there.

Chlemia-Just so you know, i'll be going to get food for you and there's 3 ways out of here. You can go through the hole on the top with almost nothing to climb on to, go deep underwater and into a very strong current to drown, or you can go back into my tunnels and get lost until someone finds you, just hope their not hungry... Anyway, don't go anywhere.~

This smug bitch finally let me go and went into a hole that must be the tunnels and rather I like it or not... she was right. I looked at the water and did see a way out, but it goes deep and if it is to a river, it could be strong enough to keep me under and kill me. I just sat there thinking of something and those tunnels she went in were pitch black, so I couldn't see or even know where I was going and someone could easily find me or I find them. As for the hole on top it curves in with nothing to grab onto really, so that's impossible to do.

(Y/N)-*Sigh*... *groan*.

Voice-Do you give up?~

I knew it was that voice that was fucking with me and I didn't care anymore because even when I got mad and tried to fight again it just leads me back to square one again.

(Y/N)-Leave me alone. What do you even want from me?

Voice-You'll be a wonderful addition to my lovely collection here. Your kind are like little toys or babies to my beautiful creatures. How about you just accept it? *echo*

(Y/N)-Do I have a choice? I know you had something to do with this.

Voice-Not just something... How about this, if you promise to be a good boy... you can join me and be only mine.~

I felt the ground shake a little before I saw roots come out of the ground and form a chair.

Voice-The rarest and new species in my forest I didn't even make... I can take care of you and make it to where you don't have to lift a finger to care for yourself. Just. Be. Mine.~

This raised a lot of flags, but just then I noticed a few things... the voice didn't echo at all and sounded very close.

Voice-Come on little human, what do you say?~

If that chair is made from wood that she controlled or maybe it was the same thing as when she dropped that branch on the car and if she might be very close by... I just reached into my pocket and pulled out the lighter and lit it before I threw it at the wooden chair made from roots and it caught on fire.


Voice-AAHHHH!!! What have you done?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!

The ground started shake a whole lot like an earthquake before I saw a glow and turned to see that the huge tree that was here was starting to catch on fire. More roots came out of the ground and they were on fire and coming for me, so I ran and jumped in the water, so if they do come in the fire would be out. I was grabbed, but easily broke free from the burnt and crispy roots and went deeper in the water still hearing the screams until I had to go back up for air. When I got above water and crawled on the ground I looked at the tree and fire was all over it,... but it was blue. When I put 2 and 2 together I smiled and think made I could finally get out of here now that she was gone...


A huge blue wave came from the tree while a white beam was shot into the sky and I saw it hit something like a barrier and it soon looked like glass falling off piece by piece and becoming nothing, but glitter before it hits the ground and some of the walls in here gave out and made an opening for me to go outside. I saw everything come in the sky come apart and I might not know exactly what happened, but I could tell I could leave with my parents now... Then another thought came to mind... If whatever was keeping everyone here is gone and can most likely make it to towns and cities,,, what are they gonna do?

(Y/N)'s mind-Oooohhhh shit.

(No POV)

Everyone in the forest saw the beam of light and the barrier that they didn't know about keeping them there was gone, their own little pocket world was now joined to the rest of the world. They don't know that, but when they heard a noise they looked up in the sky and it was something they've never seen or heard of before and this was the question on everyone's minds... "What is that thing? Should we follow it?"


Quick announcement. I loved making this book and I plan to make a sequel about all the creatures exploring or trying to conquer or co-exist with the new world. I don't know how I will go about it yet, but here's a few suggestions I have in mind.

1. Make a regular sequel to the book.

2. Make a one-shot book that shows different situations and short stories with each creature.

Let me know what you all think I should do, I hope you loved this book now that for the first and probably last time a yandere will lose in my books, and happy voting for one or the other. SEE YA!!!