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(Misty's POV)

We were all waiting until it was night time and ready to go over to see our new neighbors and right now we were finishing dinner and our baby did not want to go, but he needs to learn to be good for us. After dinner we all took baths and Faiths got our baby with hers since she finished first. While we were all getting ready Grace and Sophie still didn't want our baby to go over there with us, but since he was still going they were coming over too. By the time it was dark and were all finally ready to go I just picked up our baby and we all went outside to go next door.

(Y/N)-Please, I don't wanna go over! I wanna stay home!

Misty-(Y/N), no. Neighbors will help you learn to be a good boy.

Jessica-I want you to learn how to do that back rub like on T.V.!

Betsy-I just want him to cuddle more.

Misty-He can learn all that from us. We just need help to make him want to learn.

We made it to the door and I knocked on it while holding my baby and soon the door opened and we saw a animal man at the door and his girl was behind him.


Just then the girl pushed him out of the way and her tail was wagging a lot when she got close and I turned my baby away and smelled her a bit before I thought she was good and smelled like flowers.

???-*Gasp* It's a baby human! He's so cute!

???-Careful, no shot yet.

???-Come on, come in! I'm Lucy and this is Tanner!

We all came inside and I never been in this house before and it looks as big as our house and we went to the living room to sit down and Jessica crawled out of our baby's shirt pocket and on his lap and Lucy couldn't stop wagging her tail.

Lucy-What are your names?

Misty-Oh, i'm Misty, this is Sophie, Isabella, Faith, Jessica, Grace, Betsy, and our baby (Y/N). Lenny told us you help humans learn new tricks.

Tanner-Lucy teaches, I do the care taking. Lots of new humans at the lab.

Lucy-Some are scared, but I love the playful ones. I train humans all day, but some do bite or hit.

Misty-We wanted you to help our baby learn. He does not have the shot, but he can still be good.

Lucy-Can I see him?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Misty got closer, but was still holding me to this girl and would not let her take me, so she just looked. She held a finger in front of me and it was so closer it kinda hurt my eyes, so I turned away.

(Y/N)-Stop it!

I felt her scratch behind my head and neck and I just pushed her arm away and looked back to see her smiling.

Lucy-He doesn't bite or get very angry. That's good.

Betsy-Can you teach him tricks?

Lucy-Well... with no shot it might be hard. We can try.

Misty-What can we do right now?

Lucy-My video said to earn trust before anything. Does he like you?

(Y/N)-They were mean and got rid of my mommy! I want her back.

Some of the girls got a little mad when I said that and Grace was about to come up to me, but Tanner got in the middle holding his hands up to her to stop her.

Tanner-Hold on.

Grace-He doesn't get her until he learns to love us more!

Lucy-I see some human babies be more mad without their mommy and daddy. Is there something you can do.

Misty-He will have his old mommy when he learns we're his now mommies and we're in charge.

Lucy-... How about you put them in 2 different cages... rooms? We do this with humans that fight and try to make friends again. Sometimes they were a couple,

The girls just looked at her before they looked at me then Misty gave me to Faith before she took Lucy in the back room with her and Faith just put my head on her shoulder and held me kinda tight. I just wanted my mommy and I don't know why they had to be so mean.

Sophie-Give him to me.

Sophie took me from Faith and put me on her side while she looked me and pointed at me like my mommy did when she got in trouble.

Sophie-Love! Us! More!

I just turned away and didn't want to listen to her and I could hear she was more angry and Tanner tried to talk with them, but they got mad at him and I didn't care what they were saying. I wanted to take all my wishes back and have everything back to normal. Soon Misty and Lucy came in and Lucy looked happy while Misty was serious and took my chin to make me look at her.


Misty-(Y/N), listen. You do what we say and Lucy takes your old mommy to live here. If you're good you can see her next door, but if you're bad, you don't see her... You want to see her?

(Y/N)-... Yes.

Misty-... Sit.

She made Sophie put me down and now everyone was looking at me and I really wanted my mommy, so I just sat down with my legs crossed and they smiled then Lucy whispered in her ear before she walked behind me and lifted my shirt before scratching the middle of my back and my body moved by itself a little and shivered.


Isabella-*Gasp* I wanna do it!

They all scratched my back  and I tried to get away, but one of them grabbed me and pulled me back.


I thought about my mommy and they kept on going until Lucy clapped her hand together and everyone looked at her.

Lucy-I will talk to Lenny tomorrow. You also need things the human babies like and need. A place for him to stay outside, toys, and stay away from white vans.

Betsy-White vans?

Lucy-The video said something about there was no candy and the baby gets hurt. Oh and humans love when I give them this at the lab.

I saw her go to the kitchen and opened the fridge and pulled out something and came in before she held it to me and I saw it was chocolate.


Lucy-Hi there. open.~

I just looked at it and I tried to grab it, but she pulled it away before bringing it back. I knew she wanted me to just bite it and I love chocolate so much, so I did. She just smiled and Grace took it and gave me the rest.

Lucy-I can get you the candy and toys, but the rest is keeping the baby happy and safe. After that they are really quick learners by copying almost everything you do. It's cute.

(Isabella's POV)

We have that thing in the backyard we can put him in sometimes, white vans are bad, and we still keep him safe and loved, so we just need more toys and these candy treats for him. Just then Tanner went in a small closet and pulled out a few CD cases and gave them to Betsy.

Tanner-These are the videos we watched that Lenny gave us to learn how to do what our jobs are. We finished these and you can learn from them to help.

I looked at the cases and I saw things that said things like "Child Care 101, Taming and Bonds. It all had something before a number that said "Vol" and I don't know what it means. We stayed here to talk more about things and I was holding our baby when he was starting to get tired, so I took him home first while the others stayed to watch some videos, but I think I should listen to myself for now...

Isabella's mind-You took care of me and treated me nicely... I just need to treat you the same way.~


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