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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 4

My birthday was 3 days ago and I had so many new toys and right now my dog Misty was outside in the backyard going potty and it takes a bit for her to bury her poop when she goes out into the woods a bit since we live in the hills, so I just hoped on my new toy car outside and started to drive then suddenly Sophie ran to me and hoped in my car with me.


(Y/N)-Hi Sophie.

I just tried to pet her head, but she just started to lick my face and I stopped driving, so I didn't bump into something and her tongue kinda tickles.

(Y/N)-Sophie, stop it!

I tried pushing her away, but my giggling made me weak and she stretched her neck to keep licking my face some more then she stopped when we heard barking and I looked to see it was Misty.


She just bit my shirt and pulled me out of my car and she pushed me with her head back to to house.

(Y/N)-Heeeyy! I wanna play with my car!


She soon just took me to her one of her dog beds outside and pushed me on it and I know what she wants me to do. She laid on her bed and I just sat down and laid my head on top of her and Sophie laid on top of my belly. I knew if I got up Misty would just take me to another one of her beds in the house, but I just need to let her love me for a while then I get to leave and she'll just follow me. We just stayed in her bed outside then later I saw my wild pet since my mommy doesn't let her in the house.



She was hopping over here and I quickly went inside with Misty and Sophie still following me and I went into the fridge to grab a carrot and ran back outside to Isabella and held it out for her then she instantly hopped over to me to take the carrot and I scratched her head to pet her. She loves it when I do this and hopped on to me and pushed me back to fall on my butt and she got on my lap.

(Y/N)-Awww, you like your carrot?~

She only kept on eating and Sophie rubbed herself against me while Misty laid down behind me like a bed, but when my mom came out here I knew she was gonna call me and Isabella doesn't really like her and what made it worse is that my mom was walking up to me and when Isabella saw this she took her carrot and ran back to her hole in the 5th tree deep in the woods.


Mommy-Come on honey, I gotta go to work and you got school online to do. Inside.

(Y/N)-I hate math. Can I skip it today?

Mommy-You can't.

(Y/N)-*Hmph*... Can I just play a little longer?

Mommy-(Y/N), inside and I saw you didn't brush your teeth this morning.


She took my hand and when I got up Misty put her paw on our hands to try and make us let go, but then my mommy picked me up.

Mommy-Misty, down girl! No!

((M/N)'s POV)

I left Misty and Sophie outside and put my son down before I gave him a kiss and sent him off to go brush his teeth before I went to his room and logged him in for school before he came in his room to get on.


(M/N)-Alright sweetie, i'll be back home around 5, you have my number on the fridge, and the house will be locked tight, so no opening the door for anyone.

(Y/N)-Ok. Bye mom.

I just gave him one final kiss before I left and locked the front door behind me to keep him safe before I headed to work.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

I just parked at work and started to head inside to check in and got my lab coat and headed to the lab to get to work on checking the test subjects and we're extremely low since the others are still ongoing a waiting period with our other serums. It was tough times and we're almost done with a new formula mixed with human DNA and experimenting with a chromosome to bond with it. If it works we theorize that we can give humanity an extra boost in speed, agility, strength, and intelligence.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I hated addition with big numbers that go over one hundred and it's because my mom wanted me in some kind of program that helps you learn faster. I can get the work done, but it's just so boring and hard. I finished my work and it said 2 o'clock now, so I left my room to get something to eat then I went to the back door and opened it to let Misty and Sophie in since there were looking at me through the door and I locked it after.


I just had my sandwiches and turned on the T.V. and wanted to sit on the couch, but Misty pulled me to her bed next to the couch and I just let her since she won't stop until I sit on her bed with her. During my show Misty got up and started to lick me, but this time it was my arms and legs and my mommy says it was her trying to give me a tongue bath and my mommy hates it when Misty does this, so I just pushed her away.

(Y/N)-Misty, no. My mommy doesn't want you doing it.

I kept on pushing her and soon she gave up and laid her head back down and looked sad.


I just pet her to help her feel better and she went back to licking my face and I think that was ok, so I let her and Sophie did the same too. I was watching a movie were there was talking animals called "Zootopia" and that got me thinking...

(Y/N)'s mind-I wish I could actually talk Misty, Sophie, and Isabella.

((M/N)'s POV)

My co-workers and I were going to put the finishing touches on today, but then something came up with our few remaining test animals. They got very aggressive with probably a contagious serum we gave other animals and now they're too aggressive to observe properly for this serum and it does work and they're this angry then it could be very dangerous.

Head scientist-Great, we have a new serum and no suitable test animals available for the next week.

Assistant-We can just put it in the cryo chamber.

Head scientist-No, there is more than just Human DNA and chromosomes in this. We put it in there, we risk damaging it and starting the whole batch over again. 30 serums and $500,000 down the drain.

We were at a rock and a hard place and I put a lot of work into this too, so it would be a shame to see it all go to waste. Soon I had an idea and it wasn't probably the best idea, but the best idea I could come up with.

(M/N)-Sir, I have 3 test subjects in mind!

Head scientist-You do?

(M/N)-I have 3 healthy animals at home. I can bring them here.

Head scientist-... Does anyone else know where we can find more subjects?

Nobody else could think of anything at the moment and he looked back at me and is all goes well, I can even be looking at a big promotion. All I need is a cage to trap the rabbit in and if anything goes wrong I can always by the kind of animals for my son and he won't know the difference that much.

Head scientist-When's the soonest you can have them here?

(M/N)-2 of them definitely by tomorrow, but the 3rd could also be tomorrow or on a later date.

Head scientist-I want all 3. Put all the serums except for 3 of them in storage to freeze and keep an eye on them to see if the temperature damages them. (M/N), you go home early and get those subjects ready to be here tomorrow at 10 and not a moment sooner.

(M/N)-Yes sir.

I started to get ready to go home and stop by the containment area to take a trap cage home with me and I always worry about my son going near that rabbit. This serum is supposed to boost human beings or in these case the test subject's body, so it's not like it's gonna do anything else... that we know of.

(M/N)'s mind-Worst case is that I have to get a new cat and dog for my son.


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