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(Erelah's POV)

I was back in my human form and it took all night, but I got some things prepared and the rest planned our for what I want and need to do. It should almost be time for them both to get up and last night it took almost an hour to get (M/N) to sleep. I'll tell her what's going to happen and frankly I think she's getting too much despite her behavior over the years of her life, but I believe if you leave a trail of bread crumbs she'll be more open to learning. When it turned 8 I think my child got more than enough sleep, so i'll go gently wake him up for breakfast and when I made it to his clean room I saw him safely laying down with no dangers in sight and it made me feel happy.


I started by bending down to him and rubbed his little head and his hair was a little greasy, so after breakfast I will need to get him in a bath, but as for his mom, I plan to get her in a bath immediately even if I have to force her.

Erelah-Oh (Y/N), it's time to get up.~

My head pats were slowly waking him up in a pleasant way and his cute little tired eyes opened for me before he stretched a little before sitting up and he looked happy to see me.

(Y/N)-Are you staying as our nanny?!

Erelah-Um... i'll go over it at the family meeting later, but i'll get breakfast for us first. How about you go watch a cartoon while I go wake up your mommy.

(Y/N)-Can I go help you?

Erelah-No sweetie, your mommy might be mad because she got in trouble last night. Just trust me and go watch whatever you want, you've been a good boy lately.~

I got him out of bed and nudged him a little and he went out to the living room to go enjoy himself and now comes the tricky part. I went to the mother's room and I saw her asleep and I could her snores and I just walked up to her and at first I tried the same way to wake her up, but she was a heavy sleeper, so I shook her a little.

Erelah-Come on get up, you're getting in the bath first.

(M/N)-*Groan* Leave me alone. *mumbles*

Erelah-I know you're mad and confused about last night, but this is for the best. Don't make me have to treat you like a child, so i'm giving you until the count of 10 to get up and go take a bath.

(M/N)-And what are you gonna do if I don't?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was watching (F/C) when I started to hear noises from down the hall and Erelah did say my mommy was going to be mad. I wanted to go see, but the I saw something fly in the open window in the living room and was so pretty.


(Y/N)'s mind-A butterfly!

I tried to catch it, but it was too high for me to reach, but I started to chase it around the house while I could hear the bath turn on and my mommy was yelling.


(Timeskip 15 minutes)

(Erelah's POV)

She was tired again from fighting me during her bath and it was like giving a fussy baby a bath and while she was laying there catching her breath, I think it would be a great time to give her, her punishment, so I went out to the living room to go get what I need and I put it on the top shelf, so (Y/N) couldn't get into it. When I got out there I was horrified at the sight of (Y/N) on the counter and leaning over it just an inch away from falling, so I ran and just when he finally slipped I thanked god that he landed in my arms.


Erelah-(Y/N), what were doing?! You could've gotten very hurt!

All he did was point at the ceiling while looking a little sad from me yelling at him because I was just so worried, but when I looked at the ceiling I saw what he was after I felt relieve, but at the same time frustration.


Erelah's mind-What am I gonna do with you?

Erelah-You just wanted the butterfly?


Erelah-*Sigh* I'm sorry, but you can't have it. It might be pretty, but it's very delicate. Even if you touch it's wings as soft as possible you can really hurt it.

I just reached out and beckoned the butterfly to my finger with some magic and it came before I started to walk to the window and let it out while (Y/N) watched it fly away. I can't even get mad at (Y/N) because I know how he is and I didn't go over the rules yet after he barely had any his whole life. I just put him on the couch and gave him a kiss on his head to make him feel better. I was planning on waiting after breakfast to do this family meeting, but it seems like I will be doing it sooner than I thought

Erelah-Just stay here and when I bring your mommy out here in a bit i'll go over some new rules and tell you some other things.


I just went to go get what I came out here for and made sure he didn't see it while I was opening it and got the key and belt out.


With this and me locking up all her sex toys she keeps leaving everywhere, this should be an effective punishment for her, so I was on my way back to the bathroom to put this on her before she could give me another fight about it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just sitting and watching T.V. to wait for Erelah to come back with my mommy and and I wondered what was in the box she opened. I did hear more noises in the back before my mommy and Erelah came back out here and my mommy was looking mad while Erelah had her hand and put her on the couch next to me.


Erelah-Now that you're both here, i'm going to go over a few rules. I'm putting you both on a schedule, so as for bedtime it will be at 8 and 9 on weekends, bath times for both of you are in the morning when you wake up and at night and I will make sure you get one even if I have to do it for you.

She looked at my mommy and she just looked mad at her before looking away.

Erelah-I'm willing to offer later bedtimes to an extent for good behavior or on other occasions, I will prepare all the food at meals times, but this is where things get different... (Y/N) will have balanced meals as per normal, but as for you (M/N), i'll be putting you on a different diet to get you to lose weight. No more soda often, no more eating junk food often, and no more ordering fast food often.

(Y/N)-Does this mean you'll be cooking everything?

Erelah-Indeed it does. Everything you had yesterday will now be had more often now, but no dessert every night. I also remember how much you loved that garlic bread grilled cheese I made for you.~

I remember how good that was and she even used some kind of bread that had lots of wheat and seeds in it that my mommy said looks gross. I hope that will be lunch.

Erelah-Now for behaving. (Y/N), I know you mean well and you just want to play or get food or you're just curious, but no more climbing on the counters and stuff like that please. If you want a snack or drink just tell me.


Erelah-I also have more to say about how things will change and for very good reasons. The 2 of you will be switching rooms.


Erelah-I have good reasons for you both to do this. (Y/N), you need to be watched more carefully to keep you safe, so you'll be sharing with me since i'm moving in.

(Y/N)-You are?!

I felt so happy that she was going to be living with us and we could fun days everyday at home and she won't ever have to go home. My mommy didn't look like she liked and I think it was because she does not like the word "diet" because she always says that diets take away all the good food you love a lot.

Erelah-Yes, but we will have rules. I will get something bigger for you to put your toys in, so we can keep the room clean. As for you, you proven to be unfitting of a bigger space, so not only am I locking up your "toys" I am also putting a timer on your T.V. to turn off at bedtime. Maybe giving you nothing to do will help you go to sleep at better times, but if you want to keep acting like a child then I could always take it and put it in our room until you earn it back.

Mommy-Who the fuck do you think you are?! I paid for that T.V. with my goddamn money!

My mommy says words like that a lot and I know not to say them, but Erelah looked like she did not like it.

Erelah-*Gasp*!... Well, I think you already lost your T.V. and I will not tolerate language like that in this house anymore, especially with your child around! In fact, after breakfast and (Y/N)'s bath I will switch your rooms and you can stay in there for the rest of the day!

Mommy-You're fucking crazy!

Erelah-2 days.

(Y/N)-Mommy, stop!

Mommy-None of you can tell me what to do, I don't care if you do have a set of chicken wings.

Erelah-That brings me to my last announcement.

Soon a very bright light was coming from Erelah and when it went away I saw wings and Erelah looked a little different and it was so cool. She was smiling at me before she pet my head while I was looking at her wings.


Erelah-Stay and watch your shows before breakfast then i'll help you with your bath.~ As for you, don't even think about changing his shows. Be lucky you even get to watch this.

She went into the kitchen with the remote, but I kept on looking at her, but she just put her wings away, but they covered her whole back. She started to cook and I couldn't see what, but I wanted to see her wings again.

(Y/N)'s mind-She's really an angel like in some of my shows.

(Y/N)-Wow. *whisper*

She just looked at me and waved before showing me one of her wings before putting it away and pointed at the T.V., so I turned back to watch my shows, but I can't stop thinking about Erelah being an angel now.

(Timeskip 20 minutes)

Erelah-Alright you 2, breakfast is ready! Come to the table!

I got up and went to the table looking at her wings on her back before I sat down and my mommy had to be called 3 times before she got to the table and used 2 chairs then she put 3 plates on the table. Two of them were the same, but my mommy got something different that I know she won't like.


Erelah-For us, I used a keto style pancake mix and threw in cinnamon and raspberries. For your mom I know she likes guacamole, so for her I made 100% whole grain toast with avocado, egg, and pico de gallo.

Mommy-Why don't I get the good shit you're having?!

Erelah-That mouth can be one and you can stay in your room for 3 days now and I did say I was putting you on a different diet to get you to lose weight. I have more to tell (Y/N), but I will tell him later, but you know why all this came to be. You can eat or not, but you can only expect these types of meals for now on.

My mommy was mad and only hit the table before she left to go to her room and I felt bad for her, but Erelah just rubbed my head and I looked at her.

Erelah-She's fine. How about I tell you everything while we eat. I know you'll love these pancakes I made for us.~

((M/N)'s POV)

I checked my room and I saw she touched and fucked with my shit I don't want anyone touching. I checked my drawer where I keep my vibrators and stuff and they were all gone then I tried to rip this chasity belt off me when I too off my pants, but it won't come off no matter how hard I try.


I just punched my bed and ripped the blankets and sheets off and if she wants to switch rooms she can go fuck herself! I took all the clothes out of my drawers and threw them on the ground and bed.

(M/N)'s mind-THIS!!! IS!!! MY!!! ROOM!!!

(Erelah's POV)

Thankfully I casted that spell on her room from before when I started to hear her have a tantrum during our little story time because if (Y/N) could hear his mother right now, the only thing that will cause him is distress. She can trash her room all she wants and break anything, but all it will take is a few brief moments since I will be using magic and a even longer time out for her. Meanwhile for us we finished eating breakfast and (Y/N) even wanted to try the toast I made for her, but he didn't like the avocado.

Erelah's mind-At least he's trying new foods.

After we ate I took him to the bathroom and turned on the water for his bath and I was about to strip him, but he was doing it himself like he wasn't ashamed at all. His innocents is comforting for me and it's truly a miracle of god he kept it this long despite his mother that he could've easily turned up like.

(Y/N)-Erelah... can my mommy have a second test? She just looks so mad.

Erelah-Oh you're just too sweet... I'm sorry, but I gave her many chances yesterday and everyday before was a chance to change, but she took none. I'm not purposely trying to make her mad, but she earned this all on her own... I'm doing what is best for both of you, so she's just mad that she has rules she doesn't want to follow, but needs.

He looked at his mothers room, but I picked him up and put him in the bath while I sat on the side. I was happy I get to wash him properly since his mother never did and he always did some things wrong and I don't want to take his choice away by force when he just wants to feel a little power to do things, so I thought of something.

Erelah-Hey how about this, i'll let you play with my wing if you let me wash you instead.


I just brought my wing out in front of him and he stared at it in awe before he slowly touched it and let my feathers go through his fingers before he patted them with his wet little hands and it felt and looked adorable. I just giggled for a bit while I got started with his hair and he closed his eyes, but was still playing with my wing. I can probably do this for every bath time to give him a nice distraction. Through out the bath my wing got wet, but now my baby was nice and clean, so I took him out to dry him off and took him to his room to get dressed.

Erelah-Would you like to play your new game or watch cartoons while I switch your rooms.

(Y/N)-... Maybe you don't need to switch. My mommy really likes the big room.

Erelah-Sweetie, I told you I need to watch you better, so we need to share a room and it needs to be the bigger one for 2 people. Now go play in the living room and we'll go somewhere later.

I kissed his head and nudged him a little before I clapped my hands together to focus the light around everything in the room and turn them into matter since it's a creation of god and I learned to store it in light to turn it into a ball of light small enough to fit in my hand.

Erelah's mind-Now the fun part.

I took down my last spell before I went to the master bedroom and it was trashed, but nothing was broken and I saw (M/N) on the ground trying to get up like a turtle on the back if it's shell and can't.


(M/N)-GET OUT!!!

Erelah-Maybe you can stay there for a bit longer.

All she can do is watch as I take her old room she doesn't deserve anymore away and replace it with the things from (Y/N)'s room and i'll get a bed for myself later. After I was done in her I picked her up and she was heavy, but I could carry her all day and when I got her room all done it looked clean and without a T.V. when I put her on her bed.

Erelah-You can stay here with nothing to do for a while. I'll be sure to bring you something to do back after (Y/N) and I come back.

(M/N)-Give me my room back you fuc-!

I just closed the door and casted my spell to lock her in where nobody can hear her scream from her tantrum. I just went to take my own shower and when I got out and dried off I just went to the living room to see my baby watching his show.


I just went to sit next to him and wrapped him in one of my wings and he jumped from surprise, but then I could feel him lean into my wing like he was cuddling. I held him a little tighter and he liked it before I gently guided his head to look at me.

Erelah-We're gonna go out shopping for a little and if you're good and keep me being an angel a secret i'll... buy 3 games, you pick, but they have to be for your age.

(Y/N)-Ok... I saw kids get piggyback rides outside and I never did it with my mommy.

Erelah-Awwww, you want a piggyback ride when we go out?~

(Y/N)-Yes please.

Erelah-So polite... Ok, we'll go after your show is over.~

(Y/N)-Can I stay in your wing?

Erelah-You may.~

I just kissed his head and we were just enjoying the show before we were going out and I knew he loved to cuddle stuffed animals, but I think he likes this better... I might just use his old bed for naps and he can sleep with me tonight.


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