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(Yuffie's POV)

Poor kid could not sleep good last night after we even sugar coated the truth for him and I can only imagine how bad he would take it if he learned we got no leads to get him back home. Aerith had a hard time getting him to sleep too and right now we were having some breakfast, nothing fancy, but he just insists that he's not really hungry, but after not eating last night, he must be hungry. I just looked at him and it's like seeing a sad puppy and we know he just wants his mom and dad, but I think this kid just needs to do something to get his mind off things, so maybe a walk and seeing a ninja show off a little for them might brighten his mood a little.

Yuffie-Hey (Y/N), you wanna go out and see the town? Radiant Garden has a few places I think you would like.

He only looked like he was thinking and second guessing himself, so I guess the walking idea might be out the window then I saw Aerith rub his back and he looked at her.

Aerith-How about we just let you relax today. There's more games and stuff we can do. Whatever you want.

(Y/N)-... I don't know.

Merlin-Why not a story later. Nothing like kicking back to relax and listen to a good story.

Aerith-I guess after our rounds around the city I could read him something.

Just then I saw (Y/N)'s eyes get a little droopy and I guess he must be very tired and that makes sense because he didn't sleep that good last night. I just reached for him and leaned him on to me and he didn't fight at all, so I moved him on my lap. He actually had his head where I could easily rest my chin and it was adorable. I rubbed his little belly and all he did was look up to me with a little blush before he got more flustered and looked away and it was kinda hard not to laugh a little at that.

Yuffie-Awww, don't tell me you're embarrassed because a girl gave you some love.~


Aerith-Don't tease him.

Yuffie-I see you smiling.

She tried to deny it, but it was clear as day to me. I actually kinda liked him on my lap because he was just so small and just fit perfectly and I could Aerith might've wanted to do this too.

Yuffie-Here you go.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Yuffie just gave me to Aerith and she was a little surprised and I just wanted to be alone, but I didn't want to be mean while they were just trying to be nice. A few days is feeling like forever right now and I know they need to get the ship fixed, but is there anything they can do to get me home faster.

Aerith-Honey, what do you want to do?

(Y/N)-Well... I wanna watch a movie or something like that.

Merlin-Well that's gonna be a problem. With tensions still high, i'm afraid not much theaters such as plays are happening for a while longer. We do have books though.

Aerith-I can read to you before I have to go for a little bit.


Aerith-But first, you need something.


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

She had things packed up and said we were going to a place to take a bath and Yuffie said she would come too since she wanted a shower. We had towels, shampoo, soap, and extra clothes that would fit me a little, but I was really embarrassed. My mommy always helped me take a bath when she said I always do something wrong and need help taking one. I didn't want to tell them that, but what if they can tell too and it would be worse and when we made it I saw one side for boys and one side for girls.

Yuffie-Alright, see ya in a bit (Y/N).

Aerith-Wait, are we sure he knows how?

Yuffie-Oh come on, i'm pretty positive he should know how to give himself a bath. Am I right?

(Y/N)-Um,... yes.

Yuffie-See. Little man can get this himself. Let's go.

They went to the girls side and I tried to remember everything my mom and dad say about baths and it can't be that hard now. I just went to the boys side and I know how to turn on the water just right and after I got wet I got some shampoo.

(Aerith's POV)

Yuffie and I were just getting ready to get in the shower, but just as we got completely wet.

(Y/N)-AAHHH!!! *sobbing*

I was worried, so I got out to quickly wrap myself in a towel and went to the boys side and thankfully it was empty besides (Y/N) and he was holding his eyes in pain and I saw he still had a bit of suds in his hair, so he must've got soap in his eyes. I thought what he said earlier sounded like a lie, so I just turned off his water and took him with me since he clearly can't do this on his own.


When I made it back in the girls room I saw Yuffie scrubbing her body and she looked over to us then I took my towel off and used it to get the soap out of his eyes while he sat on my lap.


Yuffie-What happened?

Aerith-Poor baby got some soap in his eyes. I'm just gonna help him take a bath, it's clear he can't do it by himself yet.

Yuffie-Heh, lucky him.

I just started to scrub his head and he kept his eyes closed and he didn't even fight me at all, but I could see he was blushing. Like it or not if he's staying here for at least for a while he was going to have to be clean and when I rinsed out his hair he still kept his eyes closed.

Aerith-All the soap's out sweetie. You can open your eyes.

Yuffie-Or are you shy?~

Aerith-Stop teasing him.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked around before he saw us naked and turned back around and it was cute and funny, but it was only because he was little. If it were just any man then he would be getting more than just a slap right now. (Y/N) only looked in front of him and while I was getting his body he just stared at a scrub brush just hanging in front of him before he just pushed it to let is swing and played a little.

Yuffie-Awww, are you acting like a cat or something?~

(Y/N)-N-No, I-... um.

Yuffie-*Chuckles* I'm just messing around. Your fine.

Aerith-Can you lift up your arms? I'm gonna get those armpits of yours.

He did what I said and when I brushed them a little... they shot back down when he giggled and I didn't stop when I was under them and he wiggled in my lap and giggled some more. I couldn't hold back my smile and just wanted to hold him tighter and I think I already did, but I cooled it when I snapped back into reality that I was naked and he wasn't my birth son. When I rinsed off his body I still needed to wash myself, so I put him aside then I got to work on myself. I could hear him and Yuffie splashing little puddles in here for a bit before I heard something.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... *groan*.

Yuffie-... *Gasp*.

I was curious as I was washing my hair out then soon opened my eyes to see (Y/N) trying to sleep and he was leaning on her while she was holding in her excitement probably from how cute it was. I was glad he was finally getting some more sleep at least, but at a bad time... On the other hand, kids his age should take a nap once in a while and we going out on rounds after this and I could read him that story on the way back. Soon he was almost asleep and really tired when we got dried off and dressed and had to carry him back. He wasn't heavy and he looked really comfy on him.

Yuffie-How cute. Well don't hog him all for yourself.~

Aerith-Don't get him going, please. It'll be best for him to nap while we're out.

Yuffie-Fine, but if we're taking turns holding him, I get him during your story time.

I did not have a problem with that and when we made it back I tried to put him down on the bed since everyone was gone already, but he held on to me. I could see the tired look on his face that he was a little scared and it must be because this place is still so new to him.


Aerith-Sweetie, can you let go? We'll be back soon and have a book ready for you. You just need to stay in bed where it's safe.

Yuffie-We saw how tired you were kid. If you fall asleep just think of it as killing a lot more time and getting us back here faster.

He was still unsure, but did let me go and laid in bed and I gave him a little kiss on his head while he closed his eyes to take his nap then we left and there was a part of me that didn't want to leave at all, but I knew I had to if this area was going to stay safe for him.

Aerith's mind-Let's just get this over with. I just need to get back before he wakes which should give me a few hours.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I still felt really tired like my mommy waking me up really early for school then I saw I was all alone in this scary house. I just looked around and saw there was a fire in the weird looking fire place and there was nothing to do... My mommy did make me read story books sometimes and there was a big pile in here, so I got up and went to it. Most of the books looked old and boring with nothing but words and no pictures, but soon I did find on book, but it did look like a cat or something scratched it up.


I just opened the book and there were some pictures and a lot of words still, so I just made up some stuff since the pages were already ripped. I saw a few characters, but one big kangaroo looked like it should be holding a smaller one, but that got torn out.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who would tear up a book like this?

I kept on going until something weird happened... the book started to glow and I know the old guy was a wizard, so I just put the book down and was scared of what it might do. I was about to get up and run outside for help, but the glow turned into a very bright white light and I couldn't see anything. When the light went away I saw I was in a forest and I looked to see if I could find anything to get me back or see the town,... but there was nothing. I don't even have a ship to get me out of here and I tried to think of something to get me out of here, but I don't see anything.

(Y/N)'s mind-No, not again! Where am I? How do I get out here. I need to get back, so I can get home! Somebody help me!

I couldn't stop thinking and my breathing was getting faster until my body felt weak and heavy before I fell to the ground. I was gonna cry, but my breathing wouldn't let me make any noise, so it was just tears. I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried and I thought I was going to die.

(???'s POV)

I was hopping along and I have a feeling I was forgetting something important and it made me feel empty inside. I don't know what because besides my friends I thought I had everything I ever did, so what's missing? I soon heard some strange noise and it kinda sounded like breathing... no wait... CHOKING?!?!?!

???-Hello, whoever you make some more noise somehow if you can!

I tried to find the noise and soon I did find the source and it was a human boy and I don't think they were choking. They were breathing heavy and fast and I think this might be a panic attack for them and with no parents in sight I think I know the issue, so I hopped up to him.


((Y/N)'s POV)

???-You poor thing. You must be scared half to death.

I never heard this voice before, but I tried my hardest to open my eyes and when I did I saw a kangaroo and I saw her from the book, but her hands kinda made her look like a stuffed animal a little.


???-Please don't be afraid... Come on, let's get you someplace more safe. You must've been through a lot.

She just picked me up before she looked at me a little more before she put me in that huge pocket on her belly.

???-How cute, you fit~... My name's Kanga and we can get your name a little later. Let's go.

(Kanga's POV)

I know I just met them but having someone in my pouch that fits perfectly... made me feel complete. I just shook it off and i'll find out more later, but the poor dear needs some TLC right now instead of me prying into his backstory.

Kanga's mind-Hmm... I think staying in my pouch could also help in comfort... for both of us.


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